

容器 (英语:Container) 是一种基础工具[1][2]。泛指任何可以用于容纳其它物品的工具,可以部分或完全封闭,被用于容纳、储存、运输物品[3]。物体可以被放置在容器中,而容器则可以保护内容物。


历史 编辑

人类使用容器的历史至少有十万年,甚至可能有数百万年的历史[4]。第一个容器可能是用于储存食物[4][5] ,这让食物能保存更长的时间,也能便于携带,还能免受其它动物的侵扰。储存食物的容器对人类社会的发展具有重大的意义,这在灵长类动物之中是一种独有的行为.[6]。最早的容器可能是自然界中原有的物体,例如在塔鲁族[7]夏威夷族[8] 的文化中,有使用空心葫芦的案例[9]。在这之后,出现了篮、木器和陶器。


1810年,法国人Philippe de Girard法语Philippe de Girard造访伦敦,他找上英国商人彼得·杜兰英语Peter Durand作为自己的代理人以推销自己的崭新想法——锡罐英语Steel and tin cans[14]。而罐头这个概念是源自法国厨师尼古拉·阿佩尔,阿佩尔之家成为了世界上第一家商业罐头工厂。


现代特色 编辑



容器的类型 编辑


  • - 指口部比腹部窄小、颈长的容器。
  • - 指那些开口较大、一般为近圆筒形的器皿。
  • - 通常是立方体或圆柱体。形状固定。
  • - 以条状物编织而成。
  • - 一种圆柱形的容器。
  • - 柔性材料制成的容器,形状会受内容物而变化。
  • - 通常是指陶制,口小肚大的容器。
  • - 用来盛载食物的容器。
  • - 指一个由盒组成的家俱。
  • - 一种圆柱体但较矮的容器。
  • - 用于装载刀刃的容器。

参考文献 编辑

引用 编辑

  1. ^ David P. Braun, "Pots as Tools", in J. A. Moore and A. S. Keene, eds., Archaeological Hammers and Theories (1983), pp. 108-134.
  2. ^ Karen Gayle Harry, Stephanie Michelle Whittlesey, Trixi Bubemyre, Pots, Potters, And Models: Archaeological Investigations at the SRI Locus of the West Branch Site, Tucson, Arizona (2005), p. 283: "The perspective taken in this chapter is that ceramic containers are tools (Braun 1983) and, as a crucial part of the technological repertoire, can provide considerable information about activity organization, production technology, food-preparation and storage technology, settlement function, and economic organization".
  3. ^ Soroka, W. Illustrated Glossary of Packaging Terms. Institute of Packaging Professionals. 2008: 51. ISBN 1-930268-27-0. 
  4. ^ 4.0 4.1 Clive Gamble, Origins and Revolutions: Human Identity in Earliest Prehistory (2007), p. 204.
  5. ^ David A. Munro, A Place For Everything (1968), p. 92.
  6. ^ Bernard Grant Campbell, Human Evolution: An Introduction to Mans Adaptations (2009), p. 306.
  7. ^ Sameera Maiti, The Tharu: Their Arts and Crafts (2004), p. 178.
  8. ^ Irving Jenkins, The Hawaiian Calabash (1989), p. 5.
  9. ^ Chuck Groth, Exploring Package Design (2005), p. 3.
  10. ^ Lewandowski, Krzysztof. Growth in the Size of Unit Loads and Shipping Containers from Antique to WWI.. Packaging Technology and Science. 2016, 29 (8-9): 451–478 [2017-01-13]. ISSN 1099-1522. (原始内容存档于2016-11-15). 
  11. ^ Perrot and Chipiez, Histoire de l'art, v iii, 734-744
  12. ^ George Rawlinson, History of Phoenicia, 1889, Green Longmans publisher, 583 pages
  13. ^ 13.0 13.1 Warren Belasco, Roger Horowitz, Food Chains: From Farmyard to Shopping Cart, p. 98-99.
  14. ^ Geoghegan, Tom. BBC News – The story of how the tin can nearly wasn't. Bbc.co.uk. 2013-04-21 [2013-06-04]. (原始内容存档于2013-06-06). 
  15. ^ Geoff A. Giles, Design and Technology of Packaging Decoration for the Consumer Market (2000), p. 82: "Container designers also found that shrink sleeves gave them new-found freedom to design containers that until then had been viewed as impossible to decorate".
  16. ^ Anthony F. Buono, Henri Savall, Socio-economic Interventions in Organizations (2007), p. 231.

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