

新加坡马来人,也称巫裔新加坡人马来语Melayu Singapura爪夷文: ملايو سيڠاڤورا) ,为具有马来血统的新加坡公民,于马来西亚马来人的定义相近。虽然马来人早在公元13世纪就居住在现在的新加坡地区,但大多数新加坡的马来人源于印度尼西亚马来西亚。在莱佛士抵达新加坡之前,许多马来人生活在属于柔佛苏丹国的新加坡。大多属新加坡马来人来自马来群岛。截至2020年,新加坡马来人占新加坡全国居民人口的13.5%,为新加坡第二大族裔社群。

Malay Singaporeans
Melayu Singapura
ملايو سيڠاڤورا
占新加坡居民人口的13.5% (2020)[1]
马来人爪哇人Bawanese英语Bawanese马来西亚马来人印尼本地民族英语Native Indonesians菲律宾人南岛民族

新加坡王国历史 编辑

1819年后移居到新加坡的马来人 编辑

莱佛士来到新加坡时,已经有许多的马来人原居民居住在新加坡。[2][3][4] 1824年新加坡第一次人口普查显示,马来人(包括武吉士人)占总人口的60.9%,为10683人。1826年新加坡人口普查显示,共有4,790名马来人,1,242名武吉士人和267名爪哇族人口,总人口为13,750人。

种族社群 人口
1824[5] 1826[4]
欧裔白人 74 87
亚美尼亚人 16 19
本地基督徒 188
阿拉伯人 15 26
马来人 4,580 4,790
武吉士人 1,925 1,242
爪哇人 267
华人 3,317 6,088
印度人 756 1,021
其他 12
全部 10,683 13,750

马来人亚族群 编辑

马来人社群组成(1931-1990) 编辑


马来人亚族群 1931 1947 1957 1970 1980 1990
全部 65,104 113,803 197,059 311,379 351,508 384,338
马来人 57.5% 61.8% 68.8% 86.1% 89.0% 68.3%
爪哇族 24.5% 21.7% 18.3% 7.7% 6.0% 17.2%
巴韦安族(Baweanese) 14.4% 13.5% 11.3% 5.5% 4.1% 11.3%
武吉士人 1.2% 0.6% 0.6% 0.2% 0.1% 0.4%
班加人(Banjar) 0.7% 0.3% 0.2% 0.1% N.A. N.A.

(Reference: Arumainathan 1973, Vol 1:254; Pang, 1984, Appendix m; Sunday Times, 28 June 1992)

宗教 编辑


根据2020年人口普查,新加坡近 99% 的马来人宣称自己是穆斯林,另有 0.4% 的非宗教人口和 0.8% 的其他宗教人口,如下统计数据所示。

宗教 人口
伊斯兰教 442,368 98.8%
基督宗教 2,743 0.6%
无宗教 1,640 0.4%
佛教 447 0.1%
印度教 223 0.1%
其他宗教 326 0.1%


马来人中也存在一个非常小的基督教社区,大约 0.6% 的马来人是基督徒。还有一个小型佛教社区,主要由具有华人和峇峇娘惹血统的马来人组成,甚至还有印度教,主要是具有印度裔(泰米尔人)和Chitty血统的马来人。

文化 编辑


新加坡马来人身份地位 编辑


The Government shall exercise its functions in such manner as to recognise the special position of the Malays, who are the indigenous people of Singapore, and accordingly it shall be the responsibility of the Government to protect, safeguard, support, foster and promote their political, educational, religious, economic, social and cultural interests and the Malay language.



著名的新加坡马来人 编辑

参见 编辑

参考文献 编辑

引用 编辑

  1. ^ Census of Population 2020 Statistical Release 1: Demographic Characteristics, Education, Language and Religion (PDF). Department of Statistics, Ministry of Trade & Industry, Republic of Singapore. 2021 [2023-11-30]. ISBN 978-981-18-1381-8. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于2022-06-11). 
  2. ^ Archived copy. [2011-08-11]. (原始内容存档于2012-10-19). 
  3. ^ Vasil, R K. Governing Singapore: democracy and national development. Allen & Unwin. 2000: 96. ISBN 978-1-86508-211-0. 
  4. ^ 4.0 4.1 引证错误:没有为名为census 1826的参考文献提供内容
  5. ^ First Census of Singapore is Taken. History SG. [2017-08-19]. (原始内容存档于2019-05-23). 

延伸阅读 编辑

  • Dr Syed Farid Alatas, Keadaan Sosiologi Masyarakat Melayu, Occasional Paper Series Paper No.5-97, Association of Muslim Professionals Singapore, 1997
  • Dr Syed Hussein Alatas, Prof Khoo Kay Kim & Kwa Chong Guan, Malays/Muslims and the History of Singapore, Occasional Paper Series Paper No.1-98, Centre for Research on Islamic & Malay Affairs, Association of Muslim Professionals Singapore, 1997
  • Brown, C.C, Sejarah Melayu or Malay Annals: a translation of Raffles MS 18, Journal of the Malayan Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, Volume 25, No. 2 & 3, 1952
  • Chia Jeannette Hwee Hwee, A History of Javanese and Baweanese of Singapore, Department of History, Thesis for the BA of Arts and Social Sciences, 1993
  • Djamour, Judith Malay Kinship and Marriage in Singapore, London: Athlone Press, 1965
  • Gibson-Hill, C. A., 'he Orang Laut Of The Singapore River and the Sampan Panjang, Singapore: Malayan Branch, Royal Asiatic Society, 1952.
  • Hadijah Rahmat, Kilat Senja: Sejarah Sosial dan Budaya Kampung-Kampung di Singapura, H S Yang Publishing Pte Ltd, Singapore, 2005.
  • Haffidz A. Hamid, Mohd Azhar Khalid, Mohd Alami Musa & Yusof Sulaiman, Factors Affecting Malays/Muslim Pupils' Performance in Education, Occasional Paper Series Paper No.1-95, Centre for Research on Islamic & Malay Affairs, Association of Muslim Professionals Singapore, 1995
  • Dr Khoo Kay Kim, Elinah Abdullah, Wan Meng Hao (ed.), Malays/Muslims in Singapore: Selected Readings in History 1819–1965, Centre for Research on Islamic & Malay Affairs, Association of Muslim Professionals Singapore, 2006
  • Li Tania, Malays in Singapore: Culture, Community and Ideology, Oxford University Press, Singapore, 1989
  • Lily Zubaidah Rahim, The Singapore Dilemma: The Political and Educational Marginality of the Malay Community, Oxford University Press, New York, 1998
  • Mohamed Pitchay Gani Bin Mohamed Abdul Aziz, Leksikon: Direktori Penulis Melayu Singapura Pasca 1965, Angkatan Sasterawan '50, Singapore, 2005.
  • Pang Keng Fong, The Malay Royals of Singapore, Department of Sociology, Thesis for the BA of Social Science, 1984
  • Parliamentary Debates of Singapore, Sultan Hussain Ordinance/Kampong Glam Conservation, Volume 57(7), Tuesday 12 March 1991
  • Perkins, Jane, Kampong Glam: Spirit of a Community, Singapore', Times Publishing, 1984
  • Tengku Mahmud vs. Tengku Ali, Straits Settlements Laws Report 1897 (Vol. 5)
  • Tham Seong Chee, Malay Family Structure: Change and Opportunity with reference to Singapore, Seminar Paper No. 13, Academic Session 1993/94, Department of Malay Studies, National University of Singapore
  • Zarinah Binte Ali, The Istana at Kampong Gelam: From Royal Ground to National Heritage, Department of Southeast Asian Studies Programme, Thesis for the BA of Arts, 2001/2002

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