玛丽·特蕾西·麦卡锡(1912年6月21日 - 1989年10月25日)是一位美国小说家、评论家和政治活动家。 [1]麦卡锡于1949年和1959年两次获得古根海姆奖。 [2]她也是美国艺术暨文学学会[3]和罗马美国学院的成员。 [4] 1973年,她被评为美国文理科学院院士。 [5] 麦卡锡拥有巴德学院、鲍登学院、科尔比学院、史密斯学院、雪城大学、缅因大学、阿伯丁大学和赫尔大学的荣誉学位。[6]

编辑- ^ Mary McCarthy, 77, Is Dead; Novelist, Memoirist and Critic. The New York Times. October 29, 1989 [2008-07-07].
Mary McCarthy, one of America's pre-eminent women of letters, died of cancer yesterday at New York Hospital. She was 77 years old and lived in Castine, Maine, and Paris.
- ^ Mary McCarthy. John Simon Guggenheim Foundation.
- ^ Academy Members. American Academy of Arts and Letters.
- ^ Fellows – Affiliated Fellows – Residents 1970–1989. American Academy in Rome. [January 16, 2017]. (原始内容存档于January 18, 2017).
- ^ Book of Members, 1780–2010: Chapter M (PDF). American Academy of Arts and Sciences. [July 25, 2014].
- ^ Mary McCarthy: A Biographical Sketch at Vassar College Library
- ^ 2 Novelists Tell of Visit to Hanoi; Mary McCarthy Found Foe Confident of Winning. The New York Times. [2023-02-25] (英语).
- ^ Leckie, Robert. The Wars of America. Castle Books. 1992.
- ^ Liukkonen, Petri. Mary McCarthy. Books and Writers (kirjasto.sci.fi). Finland: Kuusankoski Public Library. (原始内容存档于December 9, 2004).