用户:It's gonna be awesome/sandbox7
Propose to modify the redirection rules for English words. =)
- 凡英语对应条目中拥有的重定向都应该纳入中文对应条目的重定向。
- 理由:
编辑- There is good chance that reader can't find the correspondent templates in English Wikipedia when they're confused, unless the identical templates in English never get updated whose, however, likelihood is pretty low. =) --It's gonna be awesome!✎Talk♬ 2017年5月30日 (二) 15:49 (UTC)
- Trigger:
- Template:Psychotherapy
- Readers might have high potential of failing to clarify their myth by referring to the English version of the same template as the template either might have been updated or the links in the obsolete Chinese template is marked in red. --It's gonna be awesome!✎Talk♬ 2017年5月30日 (二) 15:57 (UTC)
- Template:Psychotherapy
- *New evidence/finding: Template:神经科学
- *New evidence/finding: Template:神经科学
“ | 他们应对环境未知结果压力能力较差,更有可能将正常情况解释为威胁,将小挫折看成绝望的困难。他们通常是自我意识和害羞,并有可能难以控制冲动和延迟满足。情绪不稳定性与低情商相关,包括情绪调节,动机和人际关系技巧较低 | ” |
——Neuroticism |
It's hard to know the original text of the of [[应对负面刺激|未知结果压力]]。--It's gonna be awesome!✎Talk♬ 2017年6月1日 (四) 08:09 (UTC)
- Template:FOSB_addiction_table
- 在治疗剂量下,生理副作用会因年龄或个人情况而有所不同[1]。心血管方面的副作用包含:迷走-血管反射导致的高血压或是低血压、雷诺氏症(Raynaud's phenomenon)(因小动脉收缩而导致流往手脚的血流减少)、以及心搏过速(tachycardia)。[1][2][3]男性性方面而言,副作用可能包含:勃起障碍,频繁勃起,或是勃起时间过长(prolonged erections)。 [1] 消化方面的副作用可能包含:腹痛、丧失胃口(appetite loss)、反胃(nausea)以及体重降低(weight loss)。[1][4] 其他潜在的副作用包含:视觉模糊(blurred vision)、口干(dry mouth)、磨牙(excessive grinding of the teeth)、流鼻血(nosebleed)、多汗(profuse sweating)、药物性鼻炎(rhinitis medicamentosa,药物导致的鼻塞)、癫痫阈值降低(seizure threshold),以及抽搐(tics)[sources 1]。在一般的治疗剂量下鲜少发生危险副作用[2]。 Transcluded from amphetamine.
- Template:FOSB_addiction_table
- 本科教育
→ (Refer to template:education) - 头晕#.E5.8F.83.E8.A6.8B_See_also : 自主神经 = 自律神经 = ANS
- 新陈代谢 or 代谢体学
编辑- Undergraduate students.
- Postgraduate students/graduates
- Therapists
- Half-professionals
- Amateurs.
- Google Taiwan chooses Chinese websites to top the search result.
编辑- For instance:
Edit history of digestive system neoplasm
编辑- For instance:
Red links persistence
[[自动氧化|autoxidation]] No body would know what's 自动氧化 until they see the English name "autoxidation"
[[模式生物|Animal model]] No body would know what 模式生物 is until they see the English name "Animal model"。
Template:神经科学 - 过敏原
- {{转录因子与细胞内受体}}
- 靶向治疗
Nowadays, the dictionary is more powerful than ever. =)
编辑Avoid 词不达意。
编辑- For instance:template:情绪。
- Education Stage 不应被翻为学历阶段。如果可以翻为学历阶段,那么势必也可翻译为"文凭阶段"吧! (笑)
- Template_talk:Symptoms_concerning_nutrition,_metabolism_and_development --It's gonna be awesome!✎Talk♬ 2017年6月24日 (六) 09:08 (UTC)
- How to distinguish between 幻觉、妄想、抽蓄、抽搐、癫痫、惊厥、昏厥、昏迷、头晕、眩晕、小头晕、and 昏昏欲坠? =) Group them by their English names in my opinion. =) --It's gonna be awesome!✎Talk♬ 2017年7月12日 (三) 15:13 (UTC)
- People have been confused about these for a long time, leading the mistake to had existed for a long time without public/community awareness. =) --It's gonna be awesome!✎Talk♬ 2017年7月12日 (三) 15:36 (UTC)
Prevention of distinct redirection destinations from the same words with simplified/traditional Chinese characters. =)
编辑Prevent wrong automatic translation.
编辑- 中樞神經刺激劑{{tsl|en|cross-sensitization|跨越-敏化作用}}<br /> Psychostimulant [[成瘾|cross-sensitization]]in template:FOSB_addiction_table
- Revision history of "Template:Symptoms concerning nutrition, metabolism and development"
- Edit history for Template:Symptoms_concerning_nutrition,_metabolism_and_development
- Edit history of heat stroke
Prevent the link from wrong re-direction by the robot
编辑- Edit history of Template:ADHD_pharmacotherapies&action=history
- Edit history of Portal:energy
- Edit history of Skeleton
- Amphetamine's side effects on mental
- At normal therapeutic doses, the most common psychological side effects of amphetamine include increased alertness, apprehension, concentration, initiative, self-confidence, and sociability, mood swings (elated mood followed by mildly depressed mood), insomnia or wakefulness, and decreased sense of fatigue.
编辑Other leading Wikipedia
编辑- Portuguese, Spanish, French, Italian Wikipedias are capable of redirecting English names to the right local correct articles. =) --It's gonna be awesome!✎Talk♬ 2017年7月11日 (二) 06:13 (UTC)
编辑- Tablet can be looked up in many dictionaries or not depending on which dictionary you use. So I would like to recommend the community deciding on what dictionary to be the standard or just deleting this rule? : ) --It's gonna be awesome!✎Talk♬ 2017年8月23日 (三) 10:54 (UTC)
- Twitch, OT, heat are alike. --It's gonna be awesome!✎Talk♬ 2017年8月23日 (三) 10:54 (UTC)
Reference (Better layout purpose only)
编辑- ^ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 引用错误:没有为名为
FDA Effects
的参考文献提供内容 - ^ 2.0 2.1 2.2 引用错误:没有为名为
的参考文献提供内容 - ^ 3.0 3.1 Vitiello B. Understanding the risk of using medications for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder with respect to physical growth and cardiovascular function. Child Adolesc. Psychiatr. Clin. N. Am. April 2008, 17 (2): 459–474. PMC 2408826 . PMID 18295156. doi:10.1016/j.chc.2007.11.010.
- ^ Ramey JT, Bailen E, Lockey RF. Rhinitis medicamentosa (PDF). J. Investig. Allergol. Clin. Immunol. 2006, 16 (3): 148–155 [29 April 2015]. PMID 16784007.
Table 2. Decongestants Causing Rhinitis Medicamentosa
– Nasal decongestants:
– Sympathomimetic:
• Amphetamine