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Wikipedia translation of the week: 2019-36
The winner this Translation of the week is Please be bold and help to translation this article! Gladys Kalema-Zikusoka (born 8 January 1970) is a Ugandan veterinarian and founder of Conservation Through Public Health, an organisation dedicated to the coexistence of endangered mountain gorillas, other wildlife, humans, and livestock in Africa. She was Uganda's first wildlife veterinary officer and was the star of the BBC documentary, Gladys the African Vet. In 2009 she won the Whitley Gold Award for her conservation work. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.) About · Nominate/Review · Subscribe/Unsubscribe · Global message delivery 2019年9月2日 (一) 01:16 (UTC) |
- 倡议工作工作组概述:在未来遇到与开放知识相关的公共政策倡议时(例如网路中立性、著作权的开放等),加强与国际社群的对话,甚至要建立一个全球社群“宣言”或“意向书”,来定义哪些公共政策的倡导工作是维基运动所支持、哪些不是。藉以加强社群对于公共政策倡导的参与与成功度。
- 能力建设工作组概述:在未来希望能够建议“能力建设”的新单位,让志工的各种与维基相关的能力(像是组织、募款、维基功能的教学、合作关系的拓展⋯⋯等种种能力)可以跨过语言以及地域现有的鸿沟。
- 社群健康工作组概述:在未来将建立全球统一的维基平台行为准则,阐述维基所有计画所不能容忍的行为(如霸凌、歧视、人肉搜查、未经同意公开隐私)等,提升社群健康多元。
- 多样性工作组概述:在未来要所有的相关组织(例如各地分会、主题式组织、甚至用户组)的领导层级都能够按照多元族群或性别的背景比例来组成理监事或联络人,以最低需要40%男性、40%女性、20%多元族群背景者为组成,若无法达成会有相对应的赏罚机制(例如,若领导比例错,将无法获得维基的补助)
- 合作关系工作组概述:在未来,此工作组认为要打造培训合作关系能力的教学模组、让像是纪录建档、标示正确的捐赠来源方⋯⋯并且建立一个中央基础设施,来让合作关系能够更好的交流。
- 产品与技术工作组概述:在未来,让产品和技术相关的工作能够更加从基金会去中心化的分散出去,这包括了邀请更多社群的技术人员参与、打造“维基技术宣教团”用深入浅出的方式来介绍维基媒体计画上相关的技术内涵;对于使用维基的第三方应用,也要花心力来开发(例如,现在已经有很多像是Google Alexa、苹果Siri等声控助理使用维基数据Wikidata这个计画,来训练自己公司的声控助理产品)未来运动要花更多心力在了解第三方开放之上。
- 资源分配工作组概述:工作组所说的“资源”指财务资源,但也包括员工时间、能力和数据。在未来,需要建立平权的资源分配系统。此工作组理解的平权包含三点——(一)机会(例如利用系统和获得资源)、(二)权力(例如就资源做出决策的能力、改变文化现况的能力)和(三)产出。
- 收入流工作组概述:在未来,增加维基媒体运动财务收入的方式,可以透过“用API要收费”、“品牌授权(把产品标上维基商标贩售后获得权利金)”等方式获取支持维基媒体运动永续运作的经费。
- 角色与责任工作组概述:在未来,要将集中在北营(发达国家)的决策权力分散给更多非英语使用者、让决策机制更贴近社群,并建立一个全球认同的“宪章/章程”来作为未来的维基媒体组织治理基础。
Wikidata weekly summary #380
- Press, articles, blog posts
- Working with Structured Data on Commons: A Status Report, by Lucas Werkmeister
- Citation.js: a format-independent, modular bibliography tool for the browser and command line, article in PeerJ Computer Science (Q27726596) by Lars Willighagen (Q45907528)
- A systematic literature review on Wikidata (paywalled) - Marçal Mora-Cantallops et al.
- GeneDB and Wikidata - Magnus Manske, et al.
- Wikidata from a Research Perspective -- A Systematic Mapping Study of Wikidata - Mariam Farda-Sarbas, Claudia Mueller-Birn
- Enriquecimiento de entidades de Wikidata mediante un modelo de descomposición y mapeado de categorías de Wikipedia ("Enrichment of Wikidata entities through a decomposition model and mapping of Wikipedia categories") - Tomás Saorín et al.; text in Spanish
- Tool of the week
- In this new section, you can share your favourite tool with the other Wikidata users. You can add some suggestions here.
- Cocoda is a web application to manage mappings between authority files. It supports editing Wikidata-mappings including GND, Basisklassifikation, Regensburg Classification, Iconclass, and Nomisma. Cocoda can be used like mix'n'match but for more complex mappings.
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- The vision and strategy papers for Wikidata and Wikibase have been published - comments welcome on the talk page
- Follow-up from Wikimania: you can now give input about the language barrier on Wikidata and federating Wikibase instances with Wikidata
- New tool: a Python library to create bots, scripts and tools for lexicographical data by MichaelSchoenitzer
- There is now a new API parameter to add tags on edits summaries
- soweego version 1.1 is on its way, thanks to a WMF Rapid Grant
- Several job offers related to Wikidata were published in the last few weeks:
- Scribe, a Wikimedia Foundation funded software and research project, is looking for a full-stack software engineer
- The Wikimedia Foundation is hiring a software engineer for its Search Platform team, including work on Wikidata Query Service
- Wikimedia Deutschland is looking for a UX designer and a full-stack developer for Wikidata
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: access restriction status, in defining formula
- External identifiers: RPGGeek ID, DIBAVOD ID, Fundación Goya en Aragón ID, AccuRadio artist ID, eSTUDÁNKY ID, LongSwimsDB ID, WTA trail ID, Scribd Item ID, Dove.org work ID, Chinese Engineering Expert Tank ID, Open Science Framework ID, SCTrails trail ID, Laws & Regulations Database of the Republic of China ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: Mediawiki Wiki, Pilze Deutschland ID, Moose Deutschland ID, scope and content, Number of nodes, Performance, use restriction status, Significant number, FCC Product Code, Hardware Version Identification Number, amount cataloged, number of decimal digits, Gregorian calendar, food energy, pronunciation
- External identifiers: YouTube Music channel ID 2, Pandora artist ID 2, The Independent topic ID 2, NÖ Proposal ID, Guia dos Quadrinhos brazilian comic ID, Guia dos Quadrinhos international comic ID, Guia dos Quadrinhos brazilian publishing house ID, Guia dos Quadrinhos international publishing house ID, Guia dos Quadrinhos artist ID, Guia dos Quadrinhos character ID, ScienceOpen author ID, ScienceOpen publication ID, Newspapers.com ID, ESPN.com College Football Player ID, WGA writer ID, WGA project ID, FCC Grantee Code, Spectrum Management System Company Number, Radio Equipment List Certification Number, National Equipment Registration System Supplier Number, Prime Pages ID, New Encyclopedic Dictionary of Czech, Peakbagger climber ID, Naver Music artist ID, Naver Music album ID, Hiking Project area ID, Hiking Project site ID, Slovo i Dilo person ID, playmarkerstats.com team ID, WorldFootball.net team ID, FNL player ID, Peakbagger key col ID, MUBI film ID, MUBI person ID
- Query examples:
- Public art in London by female artists
- People used as examples in Wikidata properties (source)
- Closest capitals of non bordering countries (<200 km) (source)
- Hillforts mapped with their heritage designation/protection status
- YouTubers without a YouTube channel
- Racing automobile drivers who died in a car crash (source)
- Schema examples:
- Newest database reports: papers about Wikipedia
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Adjust label of save button of the Entity Schema and add accesskey for easier editing editor (phab:T230398)
- Get Grafana Datamodel References dashboard back up and running (phab:T214894)
- Fix an issue in EntitySchema tests that caused some CI failures (phab:T231065)
- Localize Wikibase API help links (phab:T231269)
- Support tags parameter on Wikibase APIs that edit entities (phab:T229917)
- Add in Wikidata support for sitelinks to https://nap.wikisource.org (phab:T212886)
- Reading property terms from new store in production now (phab:T225053)
- Adding WDQS lag to maxlag info, to avoid stress on WDQS machines (phab:T221774)
- Implementing the fallback version of the new better edit summary messages on items through API (phab:T224010)
- Fixing the issue of an invisible quality constrain violation indicator (phab:T227866)
- Switching item terms to migration stage of writing to both wb_terms and the new store (phab:T225055)
- Preparing to run migration of item terms (phab:T219123)
- Allowing to access Wikibase entities from multiple (Wikibase) databases (phab:T214557)
- Hiding non-supported languages in old termbox (phab:T227083)
- Work on a new solution to move "Data item" link outside of sidebar toolbox avoiding the cache issues (phab:T66315)
- Bridge: saving the Wikidata edit when submitting (phab:T226999)
- Showing the current Wikidata value in the edit modal (phab:T226997)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
The Signpost: 30 August 2019
- News and notes: Documenting Wikimania and our beginnings
- In focus: Ryan Merkley joins WMF as Chief of Staff
- Discussion report: Meta proposals on partial bans and IP users
- Traffic report: Once upon a time in Greenland with Boris and cornflakes
- News from the WMF: Meet Emna Mizouni, the newly minted 2019 Wikimedian of the Year
- Recent research: Special issue on gender gap and gender bias research
- On the bright side: What's making you happy this month?
划重点:Chinese Wikipedia and the battle against extradition from Hong Kong。--菲菇@维基食用菌协会 2019年9月2日 (一) 01:33 (UTC)
- 这夹带私货得有点离谱了吧。——路过围观的Sakamotosan | 避免做作,免敬 2019年9月2日 (一) 04:01 (UTC)
ORES已部署到最近更改(phab:T225562),帮助文档:mw:Help:New filters for edit review/Quality and Intent Filters。--百無一用是書生 (☎) 2019年9月4日 (三) 02:34 (UTC)
This Month in Education: August 2019
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2019-37
The winner this Translation of the week is Please be bold and help to translation this article! Bats are a food source for humans in the Pacific Rim and Asia. Bats are consumed in various amounts in Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam, Guam, and in other Asian and Pacific Rim countries and cultures. In Guam, Mariana fruit bats (Pteropus mariannus) are considered a delicacy, and a flying fox bat species was made endangered due to being hunted there. In addition to being hunted as a food source for humans, bats are also hunted for their skins. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.) About · Nominate/Review · Subscribe/Unsubscribe · Global message delivery 2019年9月9日 (一) 01:11 (UTC) |
Wikidata weekly summary #381
- Events
- Upcoming: Next Linked Data for Libraries LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group call: References in Wikidata, 10 September. Agenda
- Press, articles, blog posts
- Merging Open Data Sources to Plan Learning Activities for Online Students - Antonio Sarasa Cabezuelo, et al., in: 2019 23rd International Conference Information Visualisation (IV)
- Open-Access Society Publishers in Wikidata by A. Britton
- Tool of the week
- moveClaim allows you to move or copy claims from one item to another. This is especially useful when splitting items, or creating lots of similar items.
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Seventh birthday of Wikidata: you can start thinking about organizing a meetup in your area to celebrate the birthday, or about a present for the community!
- The first draft of the program of the WikidataCon is now available. The content of the three main session rooms will be live-streamed and recorded for people who cannot participate in the conference.
- Because of a database switch, Wikidata will be in read-only more on September 10th at 05:00 UTC, for max. 30min (phab:T230762)
- Recent tool: @Wikidatabot, a Telegram bot that allows you to search for something on Wikidata from Telegram
- New game: Wikidata Mall, a Telegram management simulation game where content is generated from Wikidata
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: mobile formatter URL, degree of difficulty, color produced, computer performance, use restriction status, FCC Product Code, Itch.io ID, Gregorian calendar start date
- External identifiers: Identification code for Japanese universities and colleges, Pilze Deutschland ID, Moose Deutschland ID, Guia dos Quadrinhos artist ID, Toons Mag ID, Newspapers.com ID, Transporter Classification Database ID, ESPN.com College Football Player ID, Prime Pages ID, FCC Grantee Code, FNL player ID, Guia dos Quadrinhos brazilian comic ID, Guia dos Quadrinhos brazilian publishing house ID, Guia dos Quadrinhos character ID, Guia dos Quadrinhos comic ID, Guia dos Quadrinhos international publishing house ID, Hiking Project area ID, Hiking Project site ID, National Equipment Registration System Supplier Number, Naver Music album ID, Naver Music artist ID, New Encyclopedic Dictionary of Czech, Pandora artist ID, Peakbagger climber ID, Peakbagger key col ID, playmarkerstats.com team ID, Radio Equipment List Certification Number, Slovo i Dilo person ID, Spectrum Management System Company Number, The Independent topic ID, WGA project ID, WGA writer ID, WorldFootball.net team ID, Bursa Malaysia stock code, CPUID, L-number, Arnet Miner publication ID, NLP ID (record)
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: IP Code, dénivelé cumulé positif, Supports qualifier, climbing route, madhhab, TDV İslam Ansiklopedisi ID
- External identifiers: Auckland Museum ID, Al-Jazeera Topic ID, Highland Historic Environment Record ID, Grammy Awards artist ID, SNK ID, Online PWN Encyclopedia, VAT identification number, TOP500 System ID, ACUF unique ID (UFI), Marine Regions Geographic IDentifier, Downdetector ID, National Wildlife Refuge Trails ID, Behind the voice Actors short ID, Rate Your Music label ID, Labelcode, Maine Trail Finder ID, Aozora Bunko author ID, Aozora Bunko work ID, iHeartRadio podcast ID, iHeartRadio artist ID, WeChat ID
- Query examples:
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Wikidata got a high-resolution logo, thanks to Odder (phab:T230120)
- New monolingual code languages are added, thanks to Jon Harald Søby: TLI (Tlingit), clc (Tsilhqotʹin), alc (Kawésqar), kld (Gamilaraay), peo (Old Persian)
- Fixed a bug in constraint violations indicator that was not showing up sometimes (phab:T227866)
- Make Lua's function mw.wikibase.entityExists return true for redirects (phab:T192462)
- Reviewed and followed up on highlighting statements when using "#P" in URL (phab:T178745)
- Wikidata Bridge: saving the Wikidata edit when submitting (phab:T226999)
- Showing the label for the Property instead of the id (phab:T227759)
- Overcoming a conceptional oversight between mediawiki and standard language codes (phab:T231833)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
This Month in GLAM: August 2019
至2019年9月15日 (日) 13:04 (UTC)共有 9971 文,目前客栈正讨论选用的新 Logo,Ericliu1912 的方案大概率会当选。此外正在筹划万文专页。—Rowingbohe♬ 台州专题 / 编辑调查 2019年9月15日 (日) 13:04 (UTC)
- 《傀儡方针》:将〈被视为滥用多重帐号的行为〉一节“编辑计画页面”部分内容中之“多重帐号”修正为“未公开的多重帐号”。(讨论纪录)
- 《关注度(虚构)指引》:将全文确立为指引(讨论纪录),《关注度指引》相应修订。
- 《签名指引》:对〈外观〉一节进行修订,规范签名中的图像与特殊HTML标签使用限制。(讨论纪录)
- 《重定向指引》:将全文确立为指引(惟〈何时应当删除重定向〉和〈建立非中文重定向页面〉等章节仍为方针)(讨论纪录),之后并因应本地实际情况将〈不应删除的理由〉第七项删除。(讨论纪录)
- 《用户页指引》:禁止在用户页中加入“索引”(__INDEX__)之魔术字。(讨论纪录)
- 居然复活了。--🧧超级王💐同賀大典十三載,共書佳文千萬篇 2019年9月16日 (一) 00:39 (UTC)
Wikidata weekly summary #382
- Events
- Past: Wikidata et Wiktionnaire session at the French-speaking WikiConvention by Pamputt (slides)
- Upcoming: WikidataWednesday in Vienna, September 18th
- Upcoming: Wikidata meetup in Paris, September 20th
- Upcoming: #4 Wikidata tea party/第4回 ウィキデータ茶话会, 20 Sep 2019 in Tokyo, Japan
- Upcoming: Wikibase Workshop/ウィキベースワークショップ, 28 Sep 2019 in Tokyo, Japan
- Press, articles, blog posts
- Wikidata gets wordier, by Christian Lieske and Felix Sasaki on Multilingual
- Non-Parametric Class Completeness Estimators for Collaborative Knowledge Graphs -- The Case of Wikidata - Michael Luggen et al.
- Tool of the week
- Hauki lets you browse existing Lexemes, add Senses to them, and easily create new Lexemes for common languages and lexical categories.
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- мир (L99999) (peace), мир (100000) (world/earth) and L166666 were created
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: cumulative elevation gain, climbing route
- External identifiers: Lower Austrian Museum ID, Auckland Museum ID, MUBI film ID, MUBI person ID, Al-Jazeera topic ID, Digital Giza ID, Grammy Awards artist ID, Highland Historic Environment Record ID, Online PWN Encyclopedia, Downdetector ID, TOP500 System ID, National Wildlife Refuge Trails ID, Maine Trail Finder ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: Masters Thesis, OFLC classification (New Zealand), worn by, station type, interchange, status, first, last and so on, front and backside
- External identifiers: Archnet Site ID, Trail Finder ID, ExplorePaTrails ID, code DANE, ICD-11, SMHI drainage basin ID, Letteraturaitaliana.net author ID, NMM artist ID, Pathway Ontology ID, Mixer game ID, Vudu video ID
- Query examples:
- Number of times a Wikidata item for Carl von Linnaeus was created
- Picture of species were the author(s) of the first scientific description is in WD and connected to Uppsala University Alvin database
- same query but where we miss a picture in Wikidata
- Twins with different places of birth (source)
- Places in Scottish local government areas (source)
- Libraries in Austria (source)
- Schema examples:
- Newest WikiProjects: Textile arts, Dark
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Started working on two new projects: improving the resource loader module and tainted references
- Wikidata Bridge: save the Wikidata edit when submitting (phab:T226999)
- Show the label for the Property instead of the id (phab:T227759)
- Warn user about blank edit summary on EntitySchema (phab:T230399)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
邱文 著
近期改版后,《求闻》将更专注于短消息报道。站内推送延迟可能提高。欢迎使用telegram(电报)的各位前往 https://t.me/Qiuwen 订阅《求闻》,第一时间阅读简讯!
订阅《求闻》 · 关于《求闻》 · 往期概览 · 《求闻》编译组经 MediaWiki message delivery 发送于 2019年9月14日 (六) 18:35 (UTC)
- “【东京9月6日电】”以常识来说应该是指9月6日有人从东京提供消息,对吧? --ᡠᠵᡠᡳUjui ᡠᠵᡠUju ᠮᠠᠨᡩ᠋ᠠᠨMandan 2019年9月20日 (五) 04:52 (UTC)
- 【xx9月3日电】申诉专员委员会在元维基上创建一个页面“2019 CU Global Procedure on information disclosure”……--john doe 120@霍格华兹膜法学院时间魔法 2019年9月22日 (日) 06:56 (UTC)
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2019-39
The winner this Translation of the week is Please be bold and help to translation this article! The Sand-Covered Church (Danish: Den Tilsandede Kirke, also translated as The Buried Church, and also known as Old Skagen Church) is the name given to a late 14th-century church dedicated to Saint Lawrence of Rome. It was a brick church of considerable size, located 2 kilometres (1.2 mi) southwest of the town centre of Skagen, Denmark. During the last half of the 18th century the church was partially buried by sand from nearby dunes; the congregation had to dig out the entrance each time a service was to be held. The struggle to keep the church free of sand lasted until 1795, when it was abandoned (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.) About · Nominate/Review · Subscribe/Unsubscribe · Global message delivery 2019年9月23日 (一) 01:23 (UTC) |
Wikidata weekly summary #383
- Events
- Upcoming: Wikidata Zurich Training in Zurich on the weekend of November 2-3. There will be presentations and hands-on sessions on editing, querying and coding for Wikidata.
- Upcoming: Wikidata Zurich Hackathon in Zurich on the weekend of November 23-24.
- Upcoming: Wikidata as a hub for the Linked Data cloud - tutorial (full day) at Dublin Core Metadata Initiative 2019 conference, Seoul, on September 25.
- Past: OpenStreetMap and Wikidata - Awesome Together during State of the Map 2019 (slides of part one)
- Press, articles, blog posts
- Wikidata ist für alle (Bibliotheken) offen. Presentation at 34. Austrian Librarian conference 2019 (Q67368932), September 11th. (in German)
- Opening up the linked data world of Wikidata to new editors, by Will Kent (WikiEdu)
- Tool of the week
- Namescript fills in labels, descriptions and aliases of items about names, making it easier to create such items (you only need to provide a few statements).
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Structured Data on Commons: Please help to build a basic data model for describing Wikimedia Commons file with structured data! Your help is welcome to solve different modeling challenges, including how to model dates, sources and authors. You can also look at current Wikimedia Commons infobox templates and discuss how the information in wikitext can be translated to structured data.
- Structured Data on Commons: the team is going to develop computer-aided tagging for depicts statements on Commons. You can read the project page and participate on the talk page.
- Your comments on the vision and strategy papers are still welcome on the associated talk page.
- WikidataCon Award 2019: you can nominate your favorite Wikidata or Wikibase project or tool! 🏆 Participation open until October 7th
- Wikidata passed 8B triples on the 19th September (grafana)
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: IP Code, number of decimal digits, OFLC classification, amount cataloged, Hardware Version Identification Number
- External identifiers: Aozora Bunko author ID, Aozora Bunko work ID, Rate Your Music label ID, TDV İslam Ansiklopedisi ID, iHeartRadio artist ID, Behind The Voice Actors short ID, ExplorePaTrails ID, Labelcode, Trail Finder ID, Marine Regions Geographic IDentifier (MRGID), Archnet site ID, iHeartRadio podcast ID, DANE code, MobyGames genre ID, ICD-11 ID, Letteraturaitaliana.net author ID, NMM artist ID, Pathway Ontology ID, Vudu video ID, Mixer game ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: Peer review location, fineness, regnal ordinal, Wikinews coverage, educational stage, faculty, Kivid.info ID, Fossiilid.info ID, CITES Appendix, Content descriptor
- External identifiers: Wi-Fi Certification ID, GCF Reference, Rivals.com ID, sixpackfilmdata, Dirección General de Bibliotecas ID, Elitefootball player ID, The Wind Power ID, IGNrando ID, ISSN-L, Skiddle artist ID, Juno Download album ID, See Tickets artist ID, Ticketmaster artist ID
- Query examples:
- Newest WikiProjects: Q68235346
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Wikidata Bridge: add an edit tag parameter when saving (phab:T227003)
- Adapt buttons' texts to UI language (phab:T228259)
- More work on setting up the technical background to work on tainted references
- More work on reducing the resources needed to load pages
- Create a dependency graph of existing RessourceLoader modules (phab:T232728)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Structured Data - blogs posted in Wikimedia Space
There are two separate blog entries for Structured Data on Commons posted to Wikimedia Space that are of interest:
- Working with Structured Data on Commons: A Status Report, by Lucas Werkmeister, discusses some ways that editors can work with structured data. Topics include tools that have been written or modified for structured data, in addition to future plans for tools and querying services.
- Structured Data on Commons - A Blog Series, written by me, is a five-part posting that covers the basics of the software and features that were built to make structured data happen. The series is meant to be friendly to those who may have some knowledge of Commons, but may not know much about the structured data project.
【北京9月25日电】“当红女人”(Women in Red)计划说,2014年10月英文维基百科的传记条目中只有15.53%是记述女性的;但自2015年7月成立以来,“当红女人”计划成功帮助将英文维基百科传记条目的性别比例拉平到2019年9月23日最新统计数据显示的18.04%,一定程度上地弥平维基百科上的性别差距。
【北京9月14日电】用户“Catherine Laurence”在距离自己的管理员选举结束不到1天时宣布退选。退选时,该用户有27票支持、9票反对,还需要再多9张支持票才能当选。行政员已经正式宣布关闭此次选举。
【北京9月20日电】印地语维基文库获准立项为独立域名的正式子计划,正式脱离维基孵育场,建立了 hi.wikisource.org 的子域名。目前项目搬迁工作还在进行中。
近期改版后,《求闻》将更专注于短消息报道。站内推送延迟可能提高。欢迎使用telegram(电报)的各位前往 https://t.me/Qiuwen 订阅《求闻》,第一时间阅读简讯!
订阅《求闻》 · 关于《求闻》 · 往期概览 · 《求闻》编译组经 MediaWiki message delivery 发送于 2019年9月25日 (三) 17:10 (UTC)
- 又在夹带私货--百無一用是書生 (☎) 2019年9月26日 (四) 03:24 (UTC)
Books & Bytes – Issue 35, July – August 2019
Books & Bytes
Issue 35, July – August 2019
- Wikimania
- We're building something great, but..
- Wikimedia and Libraries User Group update
- A Wikibrarian's story
- Bytes in brief
On behalf of The Wikipedia Library team --MediaWiki message delivery(讨论) 2019年9月27日 (五) 06:58 (UTC)
请关注即将于9月30日至10月30日进行的一项社群咨询,其主题为部分及临时基金会行动(Partial and temporary office actions)。详情请参阅相关的元维基页面。--Tiger-(留言) 2019年9月28日 (六) 00:46 (UTC)
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2019-40
The winner this Translation of the week is Please be bold and help to translation this article! The penal system in China is mostly composed of an administrative detention system and a judicial incarceration system. As of mid 2015, it is reported prisoners held in prisons managed by Ministry of Justice is 1,649,804, result in a population rate of 118 per 100,000. Detainees in Ministry of Public Security facilities is 650,000 as of 2009, which combined would result in a population rate of 164 per 100,000. China also retained the use of death penalty with the approval right reserved to the Supreme People's Court, and have a system of death penalty with reprieve where the sentence is suspended unless the convicted commit another major crime within two years while detained. There are discussion urging increased use of community correction, and debate are ongoing to have Ministry of Justice oversee administrative detainees as well to prevent police from having too much power. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.) About · Nominate/Review · Subscribe/Unsubscribe · Global message delivery 2019年9月30日 (一) 01:01 (UTC) |
The Signpost: 30 September 2019
- From the editors: Where do we go from here?
- Special report: Post-Framgate wrapup
- Traffic report: Varied and intriguing entries, less Luck, and some retreads
- News from the WMF: How the Wikimedia Foundation is making efforts to go green
- Recent research: Wikipedia's role in assessing credibility of news sources; using wikis against procrastination; OpenSym 2019 report
- On the bright side: What's making you happy this month?
Wikidata weekly summary #384
- Discussions
- Open request for adminship: Catherine Laurence
- Events
- Past: Using Wikidata to Provide Visibility to Women in STEM during Dublin Core 2019
- Upcoming: WikiCon, meeting of the German speaking Community from 4th to 6th of October 2019 in Wuppertal (Germany)
- Upcoming: #5 Wikidata tea party/第5回 ウィキデータ茶话会, 18 Oct 2019 in Tokyo, Japan
- Upcoming: Wikidata Zurich Training in Zurich on the weekend of November 2-3. There will be presentations and hands-on sessions on editing, querying and coding for Wikidata.
- Upcoming: Wikidata Zurich Hackathon in Zurich on the weekend of November 23-24.
- Press, articles, blog posts
- Scottish witches in the press and on TV
- Some witchy history and a very smart woman in data science
- Spoken Conversational Search for General Knowledge - Lina Maria Rojas-Barahona, et al.
- GeneDB and Wikidata, by Magnus Manske
- Tool of the week
- This Recent changes tool allows to get a list of unpatrolled Wikidata changes with enhanced filters that are more adapted to Wikidata than the standard Recent Changes page. Available actions include mass patroling and easier revert interface.
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- The state library of Berlin is using Wikidata to display a map of pictures from their architecture journals: Berlin um 1900 - eine fotografische Zeitreise
- Edit summaries coming from the wbeditentity API (for example from the mobile termbox) will be improved from October 2nd (announcement, ticket)
- You can nominate your favourite Wikidata and Wikibase projects for the WikidataCon Award until October 7th
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: regnal ordinal, peer review URL
- External identifiers: GCF Reference, Wi-Fi Certification ID, Rivals.com ID, sixpackfilmdata film ID, sixpackfilmdata person ID, Dirección General de Bibliotecas ID, Elitefootball player ID, The Wind Power farm ID, IGNrando' ID, Fossiilid.info ID, Kivid.info ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: bus, mwnf, Maximum number of playable characters, FIDAL team ID, candidate name string, IP range start, code (image), name in hiero markup, disputed by, name (image), style of karate
- External identifiers: NTS Radio artist ID, Gazetteer for Scotland ID, Gazetteer for Scotland person ID, FootballFacts.ru team ID, FootballDatabase.eu team ID, GENUKI ID, DC Books author ID, LaPreferente.com player ID, Ukrainian Premier League player ID, UEFA team ID, UEFA coach ID, Naver Encyclopedia ID, FAIMER school ID, China Martyrs ID, JournalBase ID, PCEngine Catalog Project ID, PubPeer article ID, memoriademadrid publication ID, doujinshi.org author ID, Beatport label ID, Knesset Law Id, caves.4at.info ID, ADL Hate Symbols Database ID, Amazon Music album ID 2, Qobuz album ID, Plus Music album ID, eska.pl release ID, iHeartRadio album ID, Three Decks people ID, Diccionari de la Literatura Catalana ID, Empik e-book or album ID, identificador GENavarra, Oricon News artist ID, Turkish Football Federation Match ID, Turkish Football Federation Team ID, Turkish Football Federation Referee ID, Turkish Football Federation Stadium ID, Fortuna liga player ID
- Deleted properties: P5130 (island of location)
- Query examples:
- Civil parishes of Scotland, revealed through their listed buildings (source)
- Scottish civil parishes by county and present-day council area (source)
- Federated SPARQL query from the Swedish National Archive TORA project to Wikidata
- Librairies in Africa (source)
- Most recently dissolved enterprises that were over 200 years old (source)
- Newest WikiProjects: Red pandas
- Newest properties:
- Development
- More work done on removing some resource loader modules in order to speed up the load of pages
- Wikidata Bridge: add an edit tag parameter when saving (phab:T227003)
- Adapt buttons' texts to UI language (phab:T228259)
- research regarding permissions/protection (phab:T231209)
- More preparation work for improving references
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
The consultation on partial and temporary Foundation bans just started
- 建议在需要禁制的情况下,部分及临时基金会禁制应该如何使用(例如:在所有计画上,或仅在子计画上);
- 提出在需要禁制时,理想情况下应如何实行部分及临时基金会禁制的想法;和/或
- 提议对现有基金会行动方针的部分及临时禁制部分进行更改。