

日期1991年11月[1] – 1992年5月9日[2][3]

人權觀察報導指亞塞拜然軍隊以鄰近的舒沙霍賈雷為基地,使用BM-21火箭炮等武器對斯捷潘納克特進行轟炸。戰爭期間斯捷潘納克特與舒沙的平民區均受到頻繁轟炸,但前者因位處低地,以及亞塞拜然取得蘇聯部署於阿格達姆等地的上萬枚火箭砲等原因,受到的破壞與死傷人數都多於舒沙[9][13][14]美國國會發表聲明譴責亞塞拜然方對納卡地區的封鎖,通過法律禁止美國政府資助亞塞拜然[15],人權組織赫爾辛基觀察英語Helsinki Watch派遣調查小組進入斯捷潘納克特紀錄平民區受到無差別攻擊的情形[9][16]。1992年5月初亞美尼亞軍隊攻佔舒沙英語Capture of Shusha,斯捷潘納克特圍城戰至此告終[1][17]




  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 Witt, Howard. Besieged Armenians Live In Daze. Chicago Tribune. 31 May 1992 [19 June 2013]. (原始內容存檔於13 April 2014). 
  2. ^ Taylor; Francis. The Europa World Yearbook 2004 45th. London: Europa. 2004: 554–555. ISBN 9781857432541. 
  3. ^ Eastern Europe, Russia and Central Asia 3rd. London: Europa Publications Limited. 2002: 130. ISBN 9781857431377. 
  4. ^ Denber, Rachel. Bloodshed in the Caucasus: Indiscriminate Bombing and Shelling by Azerbaijani Forces in Nagorno Karabakh (PDF). Human Rights Watch/Helsinki. July 1993: 11; 5 [2021-10-24]. (原始內容存檔 (PDF)於2017-01-05). 
  5. ^ 5.0 5.1 Human Rights Watch World Report - The Former Soviet Union. Human Rights Watch. [2016-12-04]. (原始內容存檔於2015-02-18). 
  6. ^ Besieged Armenians Live in Daze. 芝加哥論壇報. [2021-03-28]. (原始內容存檔於2020-11-08). 
  7. ^ De Waal, Thomas. Black Garden: Armenia and Azerbaijan Through Peace and War. 2003: 175 [2021-10-24]. ISBN 9780814719459. (原始內容存檔於2021-10-24). 
  8. ^ Denber, Rachel. Bloodshed in the Caucasus: Indiscriminate Bombing and Shelling by Azerbaijani Forces in Nagorno Karabakh (PDF). Human Rights Watch/Helsinki. July 1993: 11; 5 [2016-12-04]. (原始內容存檔 (PDF)於2017-01-05). 
  9. ^ 9.0 9.1 9.2 Bloodshed in the Caucasus: escalation of the armed conflict in Nagorno Karabakh. 1992: 12; 34. 
  10. ^ Human Rights and Democratization in the Newly Independent States of the Former Soviet Union, Volume 4; Volume 85. United States Congress Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe. 1993: 125. 
  11. ^ Azeri jets bomb capital of enclave. The Daily Telegraph. 1992-08-23. 
  12. ^ Bloodshed in the Caucasus: Escalation of the Armed Conflict in Nagorno Karabakh. Human Rights Watch. 1992: 32. ISBN 1-56432-081-2. 
  13. ^ Report of Memorial Human rights center (In Russian). [2012-03-28]. (原始內容存檔於2014-06-22). 
  14. ^ Группа Российских Войск в Закавказье (ГРВЗ 網際網路檔案館存檔,存檔日期2010-06-13.
  15. ^ Freedom Support Act (1992) Section 907: Restrictions on the Assistance to Azerbaijan. Public Law 102-511, Washington DC, 24 Oct. 1992
  16. ^ Denber, Rachel. Bloodshed in the Caucasus: Indiscriminate Bombing and Shelling by Azerbaijani Forces in Nagorno Karabakh (PDF). Human Rights Watch/Helsinki. July 1993: 11 [2016-12-04]. (原始內容存檔 (PDF)於2017-01-05). 
  17. ^ Thomas Ambrosio. Irredentism: ethnic conflict and international politics. : 148.