西芒托學院(Accademia del Cimento)是一個早期的科學團體,由伽利略的學生喬瓦尼·阿方索·博雷利與溫琴佐·維維亞尼於1657年在佛羅倫薩創立,並獲得了托斯卡納大公斐迪南二世·德·美第奇與其弟萊奧波爾多·德·美第奇的資助。學院前後共存在十餘年,是歷史上最早的科學團體之一。

西芒托學院十分強調實驗,其座右銘即為「嘗試再嘗試」(Provando e riprovando)。學院在科學實驗的早期發展過程中發揮了重要作用。學院成員嘗試使實驗過程標準化,並利用各種儀器進行科學探索。
編輯- Baldwin, Martha. Isis. Sep 1995, 86 (3): 394–418. doi:10.1086/357237.
- Boschiero, Luciano. Experiment and Natural Philosophy in Seventeenth-Century Tuscany: The History of the Accademia del Cimento. Springer. 2007. ISBN 0-85115-594-4.
- Bruno, Leonard, C. The Landmarks of Science. The Collections of the Library of Congress. 1989. ISBN 0-8160-2137-6.
- Feingold, Mordechai. Marco Beretta , 編. The Accademia del Cimento and its European context. Watson Publishing. 2009. ISBN 0-88135-387-6.
- Henry, John. The Scientific Revolution and the Origins of Modern Science, 3d Edition. Palgrave Macmillan. 2008. ISBN 0-230-57438-6.
- Hunter, Michael. Science and the Shape of Orthodoxy: Intellectual Change in Late Seventeenth-Century Britain. Boydell Press. 1995. ISBN 0-85115-594-4.
- Iliffe, Rob. Marco Beretta , 編. The Accademia del Cimento and its European context. Watson Publishing. 2009. ISBN 0-88135-387-6.
- Meli, Domenico Bertoloni. Marco Beretta , 編. The Accademia del Cimento and its European context. Watson Publishing. 2009. ISBN 0-88135-387-6.
- Middleton, W.E. Knowles. The Experimenters: A Study of The Accademia del Cimento. Baltimore, MD: The Johns Hopkins Press. 1971. ISBN 0-8018-1250-X.
- Ornstein, Martha. The rôle of scientific societies in the seventeenth century. The University of Chicago Press, Chicago, IL. 1913.
- Strano, Giorgio. Marco Beretta , 編. The Accademia del Cimento and its European context. Watson Publishing. 2009. ISBN 0-88135-387-6.