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The Signpost: 31 January 2024
- News and notes: Wikipedian Osama Khalid celebrated his 30th birthday in jail
- Opinion: Until it happens to you
- Disinformation report: How paid editors squeeze you dry
- Recent research: Croatian takeover was enabled by "lack of bureaucratic openness and rules constraining [admins]"
- Traffic report: DJ, gonna burn this goddamn house right down
- 「News and notes」部分有本地相關內容,關於管理員制度。——BlackShadowG Slava Ukraini! 2024年2月1日 (四) 01:10 (UTC)
見de:Special:Permalink/241469098,題為《Chinesische Wikipedia führt Admins auf Probe und Schiedsgericht ein sowie weitere zh-Meta-Reformen》。
英維的2024年1月31日的《The Signpost》也引用了這篇報道。——BlackShadowG Slava Ukraini! 2024年2月1日 (四) 01:14 (UTC)
- 理論上來說是不是應該能上《維基人》了?--ときさき くるみ 2024年2月2日 (五) 11:36 (UTC)
- 可能等討論出一些結果再上比較好。PS:《維基人》雖然沒宣佈停刊,但上一次出刊已經是兩年前了……——BlackShadowG Slava Ukraini! 2024年2月3日 (六) 02:46 (UTC)
- @Ericliu1912、Peacearth、Kuon.Haku:。--ときさき くるみ 2024年2月3日 (六) 04:41 (UTC)
- 感謝回復,會討論是否在下期收錄。--クオン·千の海を越えて·愛おしき欠片 2024年2月3日 (六) 06:11 (UTC)
- @Ericliu1912、Peacearth、Kuon.Haku:。--ときさき くるみ 2024年2月3日 (六) 04:41 (UTC)
- 可能等討論出一些結果再上比較好。PS:《維基人》雖然沒宣佈停刊,但上一次出刊已經是兩年前了……——BlackShadowG Slava Ukraini! 2024年2月3日 (六) 02:46 (UTC)
見Wikipedia:動態熱門/2023,參考en:Wikipedia:Top 50 Report/2023 daily搞的 --百無一用是書生 (☎) 2024年2月5日 (一) 08:13 (UTC)
- 一些顏色會導致文字不清晰,最好調整一下。——暁月凜奈 (留言) 2024年2月5日 (一) 08:22 (UTC)
- 沿襲的enwiki用色...--百無一用是書生 (☎) 2024年2月5日 (一) 09:20 (UTC)
Wikidata weekly summary #614
- New request for permissions/Bot:
- SamoasambiaBot - Adding coordinate values from fiwiki articles, and 2.) adding location statements based on the coordinates.
- MidleadingBot 5 - Create items for books in National Diet Library (Q477675).
- Closed request for comments:
- Closure reason listed as "Not an RfC discussion":
Moto GP Riders Links, Improve performance of label, description and alias retrieval, Create massive changes in one property for specific categories/properties, Auto analysis and breakdown of links (for social account reference), Separating citations from all Wikipedia articles by using Wikidata, Items for external links - Closure reason listed as "No Consensus":
Remove watchlist summary, Unify GO articles and enzyme articles - Closure reason listed as "Stale":
Potd, Population data model, Handling of data objects for pages in project namespace, Shouldn't there be a feature adding Qualifiers inside Qualifiers?, Auto sorting according to weight assigned, Should we create new properties for beaches, Should previously linked Wikipedia articles be separated?, A meta item namespace (Mxxx) for structured data about Wikidata, Structured path for property definition changes, Improved instructions for translation admin
- Closure reason listed as "Not an RfC discussion":
- Next Linked Data for Libraries LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group call February 6, 2024: Wikimedia user Dnshitobu will discuss Wikidata for Education, the Dagbani NLP project, and the Dagbani Wikimedians User Group/sister communities. In the last part of the meeting, Dnshitobu will lead a discussion of your ideas for Wikidata Affinity Group activities in 2024 using Jamboard. Agenda
- Kick-Off Panel Discussion: Black Histories Wikipedia & Wikidata Edit-a-thon February 6, 17:00 - 18:00 CET. Toronto Metropolitan University. Edit-A-Thon's are also being hosted on Feb. 8th 16:00 CET and Feb. 15th 18:00 CET.
- Wikidata 101 is a clinic, part of the #LoveDataWeek hosted at Toronto Metropolitan University; February 13th 11:00 - 12:30 EST in LIB 387 - Library Collaboratory building.
Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Blogs
- Papers
- Wikidata Challenges in the Semantic Web Community by Andrea Westerinen. This presentation was given at the Data Modelling Days conference.
- Comparative Study on the Approaches of Name Authority Control and Wikidata Identity Management pages 63 - 74 of the Proceedings of the 18th International ISKO Conference (2024). Authored by Chen C. & Yuxuan Z.
- Videos
- Connecting People, Connecting Archives Project (CACP) – Wikidata Workshop (Arabic). Archivists and scholars collaborated to align objectives and methods for the Connecting Archives Connecting People (CACP) Project. The aim of the workshop was to understand biographical data in archives.
- Wikibase SPARQL Demo A live demo of the SPARQL MediaWiki extension during the February 2024 Wikibase Stakeholder Group meetup.
- Podcasts: Between the Brackets, Episode 155 - Alan Ang and Kris Litson discuss Wikidata partnerships and outreach.
- Notebooks
- Mapping of a director's work a tool which explores the narrative locations of works directed by a filmmaker.
- Mapping of a writer's work : a tool which explores the narrative locations of works written by an author.
Tool of the week
- A Query and UI for exploring works of Venezuelan authors, artists, scientists and creators in the Public Domain.
Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Wikidata development goals for 2024 Q1 has been updated: Wikidata:Development plan
Newest properties and property proposals to review
- Newest General datatypes:
- official list URL (URL of a website listing instances of the subject, maintained by the authority on the subject)
- Laws of Malaysia URL (Uniform Resource Locator for laws of Malaysia)
- semantic derivation (links a lexeme sense to a particular sense it is derived from)
- date of application (date of a application/request that lead to a membership in an organisation, an employment or issuance of an identifier)
- Newest External identifiers: VMH ID, protected heritage site in Brussels ID (web version), Euro+Med PlantBase taxon ID, LoverFans ID, DigiListan artist ID, Letterboxd director ID, Letterboxd user ID, Gran Enciclopèdia Catalana ID, Dansk Forfatterleksikon ID, Qantas hotel ID, Veterans Legacy Memorial ID, China Animal Scientific Database dbb ID, National Library of Malaysia OPAC ID, Taiwan Biographical Database ID, IFOPT stop ID, Jinji Koshinjyo ID (1st edition), Jinji Koshinjyo ID (4th edition), Jinji Koshinjyo ID (8th edition), TheTVDB season ID, TheTVDB company ID, TheTVDB award ID, Kialo ID, Internet Dictionary of Polish Surnames ID, Myths on Maps identifier, Plants of Hawaiʻi ID, Kalliope.org author ID, PteridoPortal taxon ID, Wörterbuch zur Verbvalenz sense ID, XWord Info author ID, Bluesky DID, Unified Saudi Occupational Classification, Lobbypedia ID, ru.hayazg.info ID, VD 17 ID
- New General datatypes property proposals to review:
- smells of ()
- moment of onset of sexual maturity (the point in time after which an individual attains the ability to reproduce sexually)
- url namespace (URL prefix behind which values of this property can be found using a search engine)
- ultima verba (last words spoken by a subject)
- Performing organization (organization that received funding to create this entity)
- filial church (church which acts as the less important temple of a parish)
- New External identifier property proposals to review: Identifiant Mémoire des lieux d'un bâtiment, PlaymakerStats.com executive ID, Identifiant du Référentiel national des bâtiments, Dictionary of American Regional English ID, Dictionary of Old English ID, Encyclopedia Mythica ID, Shamela Author ID, Oxford English Dictionary object identifier, Daryab Pashto Glossary ID, Great Plains Herbaria taxon ID, PROSPEROPatches game ID, ORBISPatches game ID, Quake Wiki ID, Hong Kong Cinema ID, Műemlékem.hu identifier, Trakt-Film-ID, Arabic Ontology lexical concept ID, MobiTUKI Swahili-English Dictionary entry, Personen der Moderne Basis person ID, Spesalay Pashto (Dari/Persian Dictionary) ID
You can comment on all open property proposals!
Did you know?
- Query examples:
- Newest database reports: Popular Items without claims (Items with the most links but without statements)
- Showcase Items: Airbus (Q67) - European aircraft manufacturer
- Showcase Lexemes: sala (L578377) - translates to "human" or "charcoal" in Dagbanli
- Wikibase REST API:
- We are finishing the endpoint for adding/replacing a sitelink on an Item for a given wiki (phab:T342987) and have finished the ones for getting and removing a sitelink from an Item (phab:T344039, phab:T344685)
- We have documented the differences in sitelink data structure between Wikibase REST API and Action API responses (phab:T355659)
- We fixed the bug where sitelink data was not including badges even when available (phab:T355293)
- IP masking: We are continuing the work on adapting Wikibase so we don't show IP addresses for non-logged-in users.
- mul: We finished the user testing and will now work on the remaining blockers for the first release.
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
Weekly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Contribute to the showcase Item and Lexeme above.
- Participate in this week's Lexeme challenge:
- Summarize your WikiProject's ongoing activities in one or two sentences.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
—以上未加入日期時間的留言是於2024年2月8日 (四) 08:14 (UTC)之前加入的。
This Month in GLAM: January 2024
This Month in Education: January 2024
This Month in Education
Volume 13 • Issue 1 • January 2024
- Cross-Continental Wikimedia Activities: A Dialogue between Malaysia and Estonia
- Czech programme SWW in 2023 – how have we managed to engage students
- Extending Updates on Wikipedia in Education – Elbasan, Albania
- Reading Wikipedia in the Classroom Teacher’s guide – now available in Bulgarian language
- Summer students at Auckland Museum
- WikiDunong: EduWiki Initiatives in the Philippines Project
- Wikimedia Armenia's Educational Workshops
- Wikimedia Foundation publishes its first Child Rights Impact Assessment
Wikidata weekly summary #615
- New request for permissions/Bot:
- CJMBot - let users upload a CSV file in a certain format. The data inside is validated and processed, creating new items or updating existing items by adding statements and references.
- MidLeadingBot_5 - create items for books in National Diet Library (Q477675).
- Closed request for comments: Revamping Birth related properties the use of P1545-Series ordinal was recommended.
- Knowledge Graphs and large Language Models (KALLM) workshop in Bangkok, Thailand. Call for Papers (details) has begun (deadline May 10th)
- WMF Community Wishathon is coming next month: March 15th-17th, 2024! Sign up by Wednesday, March 15th.
Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Blogs
- What does it take to become a Spotify artist? - Skoove blog uses Wikidata and other databases to put together an infographic.
- WiLMa Updates, OpenRefine training, Biodiversity, and Librarians (GLAM newsletter)
- Love Data Week - My Kind of Data by Ali Smith. Shared relevant links to learn about data equity and inclusion, disciplinary communities, and creating a kinder world through data.
- Papers
- Paying it forward: Crowdsourcing the harmonisation and linking of taxon names and biodiversity identifiers - with detailed discussion of curation of taxon-related information in Wikidata
- Wikidata for Teaching Biology: Coloration in Felines (Spanish) - a paper that showcases Wikidata as a learning tool for students through the use of properties and statements applied to biological entities can enhance students computational and informational skills, by Marín1 D. & Michán L.
- LIS Journals' Lack of Participation in Wikidata Item Creation by Willey, E. & Radovsky S., Vol. 7 No.1 (2024) of the Knowledge Creation, Dissemination, and Preservation Studies.
- Videos
- GLAM Wiki Conference 2023 - Uruguay
- Wikisource and Wikidata - when 2 cool kids play together. Session given by Bodhisattwa.
- Wikidata + Education + Heritage - hosted by Sailesh Patnaik (WMF) & Nat Hernández Clavijo (WMU)
- Using Wikidata integration on Wikimedia projects to enhance GLAM-Wiki content sharing - hosted by Mike Peel (WMB/WMF volunteer) & João Peschanski (WMB)
- Advancing Drinking Water Justice at the Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP) Conference discusses how Wikidata and Wikibase Cloud can help address differences in data quality (at the 55:00 minute mark)
- Mapping Graiguenamanagh Heritage Trail 2 - shows how to create a Heritage walking trail and add subject:wikidata to plaques to OpenStreetMap
- GLAM Wiki Conference 2023 - Uruguay
- Notebooks
- Au bord de l'eau Mapping Wikidata's items next to a body of water using P206 property.
Tool of the week
- MediaWiki:Gadget-dataDrainer.js - this userscript allows you to delete the data of an item. You can choose what you want to delete: labels and/or descriptions and/or aliases and or sitelinks.
Other Noteworthy Stuff
- There is a new update relative to the experiment with splitting the Wikidata Query Service graph. A project page for the experiment has also been published.
- WMDE is currently conducting a research on Knowledge Equity in Linked Open Data. The goal is to try to better understand how the use of Wikidata, Wikibase Suite, and Wikibase Cloud both support knowledge equity and create barriers to knowledge equity when people are contributing historically and structurally marginalized knowledge and perspectives. If you are interested in participating in this project, please fill out this survey!
Newest properties and property proposals to review
- Newest General datatypes:
- Environmental Performance Index (measure of understanding environmental performance and sustainability for 180 countries)
- age of onset of sexual maturity (the point in time after which an individual attains the ability to reproduce sexually)
- Beta Code (representation of Ancient Greek as ASCII characters)
- phonetic value (phonetic value of signs/characters)
- civil rank (non-military rank of a civil office holder in Russian Empire)
- Newest External identifiers: Dongqiudi.com team ID, Nintendo eShop (Europe) ID, Joseph Smith Papers person ID, Il Nuovo De Mauro ID, Sundance Institute Archive film ID, Sundance Institute Archive event ID, Sundance Institute Archive person ID, notify.moe anime ID, Swetrails POI-ID, UT.no ID, The StoryGraph author ID, X place ID, nixpkgs path, Shamela author ID, PROSPEROPatches game ID, ORBISPatches game ID, Quake Wiki ID
- New General datatypes property proposals to review:
- is invariant under (subject is preserved by this process / function / group of transformation)
- formatter URL for IIIF manifest (URL to generate IIIF manifest from specific ID)
- location information URL (URL of a web page providing information on the locations of stores or other physical locations of a brand or operator)
- SMIRKS (A superset of "reaction SMILES" and a subset of "reaction SMARTS", is a line notation for specifying reaction transforms.)
- appeals to (court or other body that hears appeals from subject's decisions)
- in service of (qualifier, which must be used when a person is in the service of a settlement or institution through his position)
- New External identifier property proposals to review: Spesalay Pashto (Dari/Persian Dictionary) ID, government.ru person ID, Kremlin.ru glossary ID, British Listed Buildings Online ID, Parsifal cluster ID, Oskar Schindler Archive agent ID, Souls Grown Deep ID, OHDSI ID, identifiant Trismegistos d'une divinité, Encyclopedia Sindhiana entry, Dictionnaire du Moyen Français (1330-1500) ID, GNM ID, AniSearch anime ID, livechat.me anime ID, NACSIS-CAT library ID, JAHIS Law Database ID, Texas Legislator ID, Company ID number (Slovenia), Weird Gloop article ID, nagrada.srs.kg person ID, who.ca-news.org person ID, literatura.kg person ID, 2nd German Basketball Bundesliga ID
You can comment on all open property proposals!
Did you know?
- Query examples:
- Newest WikiProjects:
- Library and Information Science - this new Wikiproject aims to identify and fill gaps in LIS-related content. If you are interested in the areas of librarianship, information studies, metadata and indexing; then please consider joining!
- Political murders in the Weimar Republic - Collect historic political murders in the Weimar Republic e.g. through historic newspaper articles or scientific articles.
- Newest database reports: Humans with missing claims
- Showcase Items: Cactaceae (Q14560) - family of mostly succulent plants, adapted to dry environments
- Showcase Lexemes: ग़रीब को कौड़ी अशरफ़ी है/غریب کو کوڑی اشرفی ہے (L656971) Hindustani proverb that translates to "a farthing is a pound to one who is poor"
- The new mul language code is now ready for beta testing. You can find out more at Help talk:Default values for labels and aliases.
- The graph split testing for the Wikidata Query Service has started. Please find more details in the "Other Noteworthy Stuff" section above.
- IP Masking: We are continuing the work on adapting Wikibase for the upcoming IP Masking feature, so that IP addresses for non-logged-in users are no longer published.
- Wikibase REST API:
- We finished the route for getting and removing a sitelink from an Item (phab:T344039, phab:T344685) and we continue work on the one for adding/ replacing and modifying a sitelink on an Item (phab:T342987, phab:T342988)
- We now handle of case sensitive statement IDs in GET, PUT, PATCH and DELETE requests as HTTP redirect (phab:T354261)
- We documented the differences in sitelink data structure between Wikibase REST API and Action API responses (phab:T355659)
- We fixed the bug where sitelink data did not include badges (phab:T355293)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
Weekly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Contribute to the showcase Item and Lexeme above.
- Participate in this week's Lexeme challenge:
- Summarize your WikiProject's ongoing activities in one or two sentences.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
The Signpost: 13 February 2024
- News and notes: Wikimedia Russia director declared "foreign agent" by Russian gov; EU prepares to pile on the papers
- Disinformation report: How low can the scammers go?
- Serendipity: Is this guy the same as the one who was a Nazi?
- Traffic report: Griselda, Nikki, Carl, Jannik and two types of football
- Crossword: Our crossword to bear
- Comix: Strongly
(Chinese below.)
The Wikimedia Foundation is looking for a person to support the Wikimedia Foundation as a Product Ambassador for Chinese Wikipedia. This person will work for up to 10–16 hours per week, depending on their availability, to help the Wikimedia Foundation work together with the Chinese Wikimedia community.
- Facilitating conversations on wiki, encouraging the contributors to give feedback on product and design ideas,
- Collecting feedback, and reporting feedback to the teams,
- Watch designated community channels for news, incidents, and requests related to projects or other feedback for the Wikimedia Foundation
- Translating selected pages of the project documentation available on Chinese Wikipedia,
- Identifying groups of contributors on Chinese Wikipedia that might be interested in the features and inviting them to the conversation,
- Taking part in product discussions,
- Helping the Wikimedia Foundation understand how to best engage with the Chinese Wikimedia community.
- Capacity to communicate in English (speak, write and translate wiki pages, attend video calls in English) – but no need to speak perfect English
- Experience with the Chinese Wikimedia community
- Good knowledge of Chinese Wikipedia communication tools and channels
- Ability facilitate discussions
- Ability to handle and summarize feedback
- Familiarity with the variation of Chinese language within the Chinese Wikimedia Community
Specifically we are looking for someone to support the Wikipedia Apps teams and Moderator Tools team as they work to develop features to support patrollers and other editors who handle moderation of Wikimedia wikis, but the Product Ambassador may also support other Wikimedia Foundation initiatives.
Apply with a CV and a link to your Wikimedia user page to johan wikimedia.org
Any questions can be directed to johan wikimedia.org or Johan (WMF) on-wiki.
為了能夠在我們的軟件開發中與維基媒體社群合作,維基媒體基金會招聘一些兼職的合約工以幫助我們與他們當地的維基媒體社群合作,以便在開發過程中獲得大量回饋。我們現在正在尋找一位於每週約工作 10–16 小時的產品大使,主要幫助我們了解軟件開發對中文維基百科有何用處。
維基媒體基金會正在招聘一位中文維基百科產品大使。受聘者每週將工作最多 10–16 小時,具體取決於他們的空閒時間,以協助維基媒體基金會與維基媒體中文社群合作。
促進維基上的對話,鼓勵貢獻者提供有關產品和設計理念的回饋 收集回饋,並向團隊報告回饋 觀察指定的社群通訊頻道,了解與維基媒體基金會的專案或其他反饋相關的新聞、事件和請求 翻譯中文維基百科上可用專案文件的選定頁面 識別中文維基百科上可能對這些功能感興趣的貢獻者群體,並邀請他們參與對話 參與產品討論 幫助維基媒體基金會了解如何最好地與維基媒體中文社群互動
要求: 具有英語溝通的能力(說、寫和翻譯維基頁面,以及用英語參加視訊通話)——但不需要說完美的英語 中文維基媒體社群的經驗 熟悉中文維基百科交流工具與管道 能夠促進討論 處理和總結回饋的能力 理解並有能力處理維基媒體中文社群中漢語詞彙的差異
請發送您的個人簡歷和維基媒體用戶頁面的連結至johan wikimedia.org申請。
如有任何問題,您可以直接發送電子郵件至 johan wikimedia.org 或維基上的 Johan (WMF) 留言。--Johan (WMF)(留言) 2024年2月14日 (三) 21:02 (UTC)
- 小道消息,願意應徵的人似乎還挺多!感覺長年以來的翻譯問題稍微有點救了。—— Eric Liu 創造は生命(留言・留名・學生會) 2024年2月15日 (四) 15:10 (UTC)
Wikidata weekly summary #617
<translate> Discussions
- Open request for adminship: WT2O_2 - (RfP deadline: February 22, 2024 17:46 UTC)
- Other: Project chat: PI Bot is an interesting conversation about the function of PI Bot in creating Stub articles and evolves into discussing ways of matching articles, categories and templates in sibling projects with their Wikidata items. Contribute to the discussion or even better, use one of the many tools posted and get linking!
</translate> <translate> Events
- Next Linked Data for Libraries LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group call February 20, 2024: In honor of Valentine's Day month, we are bringing back the popular program from last February: What's Your Wikidata Passion? What is your central Wikidata interest right now? It can be a work or personal project, even if you’re just beginning to think about it, or just what you like to edit when you have time. This is a great way to share your ideas, solicit community input and ask questions about resources or tools. This will be an open mic session, completely informal. Please add yourselves to the list on our agenda here if you would like to talk for 5 minutes or so. You can share your screen if you like, but there’s no need for slides. Or just show up and talk on the spur of the moment. This will be a community session where we welcome all to participate! Agenda
- Workshop on Knowledge Graphs and LLMs (KaLLM) at ACL 2024. Submission Deadline: May 10, 2024 at 23:59, UTC -12h, AoE
- Wiki Workshop 2024 ― Research Track Papers - Call for contributions. Submission deadline: April 22, 2024 (23:59 AoE)
</translate> <translate> Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Blogs
- 2023 Year Review by ADDSHORE, a prominent contributor and community member for WBStack and Wikibase.Cloud.
- Wikidata Literary Influencers by Paul Matthews shows step-by-step how to get to an interactive network visualization based on Wikidata data
- Papers: Language models for extracting Wikidata statements and generating Wikipedia content - is a Wikimedia Research proposal to improve Wikidata and English Wikipedia content using machine-learning power of AI and LL Models; by Thang, T.
- Videos
- Kairntech Demo Entity Extraction using Wikidata - is an example of how Wikidata is being used as a knowledge base to populate AI companions and LLM's with relevant content for profit.
- Dancing Digital Project with Rebecca Salzer is a Wikibase instance sharing LOD between itself, video archives and Commons.
- WikiPod AI - try listening to last week's Status Updates with AI-generated speaking, an experiment by Tiago Lubiana.
- Notebooks: TTTTRPG - Timeline Tree of Tabletop Role-Playing Games queried using SPARQL from Wikidata.
</translate> <translate> Tool of the week
- User:Yair rand/DiffLists.js - this userscript changes the appearance of Recent Changes, Watchlist, Contributions, History pages, and Related Changes. It also adds filter options.
- Wikidata Topic Curator (a rewrite of ItemSubjector into a webapp) help wikimedians add relevant topics to items. Based on a given topic QID it fetches articles matching the label, aliases or a custom user-provided term of that QID that is currently missing the main subject property.
- Author Disambiguator - is a tool for editing the authors of works recorded in Wikidata, e.g. for finding Wikidata Items for the authors (P50 instead of 'author name string').
</translate> <translate> Newest properties and property proposals to review
- Newest General datatypes:
- has cabinet (value is the advisory committee to the item's head of state)
- ISCED field (mapping of a particular course or curriculum to the International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED))
- appeals to (court or other body that hears appeals from subject's decisions)
- location information URL (URL of a web page providing information on the locations of stores or other physical locations of a brand or operator)
- phonographic copyright (person or organization that holds the phonographic copyright)
- is invariant under (subject is unchanged by this process / function / group of transformation)
- formatter URL for IIIF manifest (URL to generate IIIF manifest from specific ID)
- PyPI trove classifier (standardized classification system for software, used and maintained by the Python Package Index)
- graduation rate (proportion of students who graduate from the institution in the given timeframe)
- normal graduation time (expected or typical duration of an educational program from matriculation to graduation)
- multiplier of normal graduation time (how much longer than "normal" someone took to graduate; used as a qualifier for the "graduation rate (P12469)")
- top scorer (best scorer of a single season of a team sport's competition or the best ever scorer of the history of a competition)
- Newest External identifiers: Anglo-Norman Dictionary entry, TopKar ID, Mindat taxon ID, China Animal Scientific Database taxon ID, Daryab Pashto Glossary ID, Dictionary of American Regional English ID, Dictionary of Old English ID, Encyclopedia Mythica ID, Arabic Ontology lexical concept ID, Great Plains Herbaria taxon ID, FrameNet frame ID, Parsifal cluster ID, Archives départementales de Vaucluse fonds ID, Dictionnaire du Moyen Français (1330-1500) ID, National Buildings Repository identifier, Location Memory building ID, JSTOR Global Plants type specimen ID, EDIT16 catalogue title ID, EDIT16 catalogue place ID, Trismegistos god ID, Universal Spectrum Identifier, Weird Gloop article ID, Kremlin.ru glossary ID
- New General datatypes property proposals to review:
- Hindawi Foundation book ID (A property for IDs of books published by [[Q20397014|Hindawi Foundation]])
- Castradenumber (number for a registred subject in a Castrade)
- latest end date ((qualifier) latest date on which the statement could have ceased to be true (i.e., latest date beyond which the statement could no longer be true))
- anthesis start (time of the year when a plant normally starts flowering)
- leaf morphology (characterization of aspects of the shape of a plant’s leaves)
- New External identifier property proposals to review: Oyez Project ID, GARAE, WhatPub pub ID, Tashrihi Qamos Pashto Glossary ID, Dictionary of Gandhari ID, UCA authority ID, DoblajeVideojuegos dub actor ID, Epigraphic Database Roma ID, European Union trade mark number, GCatholic Episcopal Conference ID, Consortium of Midwest Herbaria taxon ID
</translate> <translate> You can comment on all open property proposals! </translate> <translate>
Did you know?
- Query examples:
- Graph of ancient philosophers master/student relationships
- Properties for UK lakes (contains a report-within-a-report allowing to look at Items having the Property) (source)
- Newest WikiProjects: Looted heritage - aims to use Wikidata to document looted cultural heritage. Its primary focus is on the colonial era, but it also encompasses other relevant historical periods. It's scope includes artworks, sacred items, human remains, and other forms of tangible and intangible artifacts that may be considered a part of a people's heritage.
- WikiProject Highlights: Staedel Museum Wikidata Clean-up The Staedul Museum comprises 24,000+ works of art spanning more than 700 years. They have generously opened up digital surrogates of their collection to the Wikimedia community. This project improves the metadata quality and create Wikidata items for works of art.
- Newest database reports: Genderless people with Facebook ID
- Showcase Items: Varanus komodoensis (Q4504) - species of reptile
- Showcase Lexemes: scala (L683571) - "stairs" in Italian
</translate> <translate> Development
- IP Masking: We added redirect-related parameters to most Wikibase API modules (phab:T357024; an announcement is in the works)
- We migrated Termbox SSR from Node 16 to 18 (phab:T355685)
- We made the (legacy) termbox remember its expanded/collapsed state for anonymous visitors and temporary users (phab:T351976)
- We deployed and backported several security fixes to Wikibase release branches (phab:T345064, phab:T356764)
</translate> <translate> You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer. </translate> <translate> Weekly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Contribute to the showcase Item and Lexeme above.
- Participate in this week's Lexeme challenge: #128 Languages
- Summarize your WikiProject's ongoing activities in one or two sentences.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
以下是本年1月至2月中旬,基金會及全域社群相關且影響本站社群事項之整理。此整理複製自本人用戶頁 User:SCP-2000/WMF update。
- 2024-02-09:基金會正開發自動反破壞系統「Automoderator」,依據社群自定義規則自動回退破壞。他們亦提供測試樣本,以供大家測試該系統的準確率(並可在討論頁就準確率設定及誤判問題發表看法)。詳細公告見此。
- 2024-02-06:基金會打算推出一個名為「Edit check」的新功能,用來向新用戶指出沒有引註的段落以及提醒他們引用來源。該功能目前尚未推出,且僅在視覺化編輯器及新用戶才能使用。相關討論見此。
- 2024-02-05:基金會更新受保護國家及地區名單,按風險評分來決定完全公開 / 不公開 / 有限度公開來自某些國家和地區的數據(如多少用戶編輯、閱讀頁面),取代過去僅有完全公開或不公開的做法。現時中國大陸以及澳門的數據完全不公開,香港(註:香港的風險評分可能存在變數,正詢問中)和台灣則完全公開。詳見相關公告。
- 2024-01-31:基金會制定全新的兒童保護的全域方針,包括指出何為兒童色情內容、豁免情況,其他涉及兒童的不當行為、社群如何提報及基金會如何處理。另外,基金會為未成年的用戶提供如何在維基媒體平台上保持安全之指引。
- 2024-01-17:全球理事會是一個將取代基金會及其理事會職權,由志願者決策的機構。而運動憲章起草委員會現就全球理事會的職權進行諮詢(Google 表單、元維基討論頁)(註:最後期限為 2/24),探討未來哪些職權將分別由基金會理事會或全球理事會負責。
- 2024-01-04:基金會計劃開發一個全新持續的社群願望清單系統,以改善願望的優先考慮次序、資源分配以及社群與基金會的溝通。而 2 月將不會舉行願望清單,改為處理積壓的願望,直至新系統建立為止。
--SCP-0000(留言) 2024年2月15日 (四) 03:42 (UTC)
- 本站的兒童保護方針及對未成年用戶的建議應該需要就此次兒童保護全域方針更新來修訂。--SCP-0000(留言) 2024年2月15日 (四) 03:46 (UTC)
- 中華人民共和國的風險係數比朝鮮還高……--碟之舞📀💿 2024年2月16日 (五) 09:04 (UTC)
- 比朝鮮/北韓還高(X)是全球最高(O)--MilkyDefer 2024年2月19日 (一) 07:00 (UTC)
- 澳門是連評分都沒有就直接跟中華人民共和國一起納入「完全不公開」一階。--—— Matt Zhuang表示有事按「此」留言 2024年2月20日 (二) 12:59 (UTC)
- 看了一下翻到25%的中文翻譯,「位於維基媒體旗下網站上的材料僅為話題概述用途,內有我們對CSAM的定義。」錯翻了意思。裏面沒有定義CSAM,只是說維基百科僅提供一般資訊性內容,這也是定義CSAM的依據。之後留意英文世界對蘿莉控的意思解讀可能與中日不同,可能需要澄清。(日本性用語一來到英文世界有時會出現這種情況)--S叔 2024年2月20日 (二) 02:54 (UTC)
- 我翻譯的。那句話的英文原意是說,網站上的內容只是話題的概述,不打算深入探究也不打算提供資源。Cookai改成了這個方針的指定參考了網站上的概述,這明顯不對頭。
- 另外,我把最重要的部分翻譯完了。好消息:二次元蘿莉明確了不會被iwin;壞消息:罵人不能問候對方年齡了。--MilkyDefer 2024年2月20日 (二) 10:17 (UTC)
- 簡言而之,把條目寫好夠資訊性及教育性就夠了,不要做多餘的事。--S叔 2024年2月20日 (二) 11:17 (UTC)
如題。個人認為算是比較里程碑式的一刻因此認為有必要開此話題。不過目前差距較小,還需進一步觀察。6年前的本月,本站條目數超過葡萄牙文,如今超越日文,也算是見證本站條目數的穩步增長。--🔨(留言) 2024年2月2日 (五) 11:03 (UTC)
- 點幾下「隨機條目」差距就出來了。數目多沒啥好說的,質量永遠第一。--EvesiestaDie Gedanken sind frei! 2024年2月2日 (五) 11:12 (UTC)
- 誠然不少條目質量確實較低,但這次是成功躋身東亞No.1(東亞+東南亞是No.2),不影響這邊(哪怕是小小的)慶祝一下,對吧。--🔨(留言) 2024年2月2日 (五) 11:26 (UTC)
- 數量不同於質量,en垃圾也沒見少的、宿霧語的還是靠蘿蔔刷物種等上去的。當然門戶和元維基的排位是指按照條目數量(和深度)排位的。另外,好像現在數量還是不相伯仲(因為兩邊的增速都差不多的),差距沒完全拉開,先別半場開香檳。——Sakamotosan路過圍觀 | 避免做作,免敬 2024年2月3日 (六) 07:20 (UTC)
- 誠然不少條目質量確實較低,但這次是成功躋身東亞No.1(東亞+東南亞是No.2),不影響這邊(哪怕是小小的)慶祝一下,對吧。--🔨(留言) 2024年2月2日 (五) 11:26 (UTC)
- 現在中維1,402,246,日維1,402,253,日維又領先了一點點,差距實在不大。我也覺得先不要半場開香檳。——BlackShadowG Slava Ukraini! 2024年2月3日 (六) 09:48 (UTC)
- 我開此話題時已經說了「目前差距較小,還需進一步觀察」,我當然知道現在不相伯仲,但是不要忘了十年前,中文和日文間可是差了14萬啊,現在本站成功趕上,除非到時又要被日文甩開,否則就憑這點,照樣不影響「開香檳」。--🔨(留言) 2024年2月3日 (六) 14:05 (UTC)
- 我認為有一個可能是,ja的條目增長速度變慢了,有可能他們不喜歡寫條目或者不滿意維百的寫作環境而被分散到不同的地方?——Sakamotosan路過圍觀 | 避免做作,免敬 2024年2月4日 (日) 00:26 (UTC)
- 我開此話題時已經說了「目前差距較小,還需進一步觀察」,我當然知道現在不相伯仲,但是不要忘了十年前,中文和日文間可是差了14萬啊,現在本站成功趕上,除非到時又要被日文甩開,否則就憑這點,照樣不影響「開香檳」。--🔨(留言) 2024年2月3日 (六) 14:05 (UTC)
- 這話題可以先暫停了,原本以為今天能夠縮小差距,沒想到那邊又把差距拉大了一些,估計現在這邊過年這段時間都是日文那邊會有些優勢(去年也是2月的時候……),唉……--🔨(留言) 2024年2月5日 (一) 13:09 (UTC)
- @Liu116:在下覺得意義在於,成立二十年來,中文維基第一次,不依靠機械人,在條目數量上,超過了使用人口比自己多的語言(中文大概四五千萬?日本語一億多)--Htmlzycq(留言) 2024年2月9日 (五) 15:39 (UTC)
- 好奇這使用人口怎麼算的……話說,這幾天終於是稍微穩住啦!不過最近看到有人大批量提刪不可移動文物等的列表,還是要繼續觀望。--🔨(留言) 2024年2月10日 (六) 05:22 (UTC)
- 2300萬+700萬,再算上馬新等海外華人一二千萬?這樣打個比方,在沒有使用巨人之力(bot)的情況下,牆外艾爾迪亞人自己擊敗了馬萊人,並和中東國打的有來有回 囧rz……--Htmlzycq(留言) 2024年2月10日 (六) 14:36 (UTC)
- 果然不包括大陸,畢竟早被牆啦。10多年之前本站還有在用機械人刷條目的,日文那邊具體不清楚,不過沒聽說過他們成立以來有用過機械人大量刷條目。--🔨(留言) 2024年2月10日 (六) 14:44 (UTC)
- 2300萬+700萬,再算上馬新等海外華人一二千萬?這樣打個比方,在沒有使用巨人之力(bot)的情況下,牆外艾爾迪亞人自己擊敗了馬萊人,並和中東國打的有來有回 囧rz……--Htmlzycq(留言) 2024年2月10日 (六) 14:36 (UTC)
- 好奇這使用人口怎麼算的……話說,這幾天終於是稍微穩住啦!不過最近看到有人大批量提刪不可移動文物等的列表,還是要繼續觀望。--🔨(留言) 2024年2月10日 (六) 05:22 (UTC)
不可移動文物的列表大量提刪通過後,本站條目數量仍舊維持超過日文的狀態。這次真的要恭喜恭喜恭喜!!!--🔨(留言) 2024年2月19日 (一) 12:48 (UTC)
- 恭喜(不過我只想說中維建立條目最多的用戶在編輯行為上可以跟bot類比)--S叔 2024年2月20日 (二) 05:12 (UTC)
- 正常,每個活躍的維基百科,都會有幾個「人肉機械人」在不停創建小條目。沒有任何冒犯的意思,如果有條件,在下也這樣想干。基本上每日條目增量只取決於這幾位當日是否活躍。--Htmlzycq(留言) 2024年2月22日 (四) 16:30 (UTC)
- 不反對「機械人」「人肉機械人」,前提是這些機械人行為的用戶必須確保其編輯的內容能夠確保其創建的條目是可以收錄的(也就是不會被提刪)、內容準確無誤、且不會給他人帶來維護上的負擔。日文維基百科算是少數幾個不靠機械人也爬到較高排名位置的語言版本,畢竟日本最主流的互聯網百科全書就是維基百科。--#Paris2024Countdown148Days 2024年2月29日 (四) 13:23 (UTC)
- 正常,每個活躍的維基百科,都會有幾個「人肉機械人」在不停創建小條目。沒有任何冒犯的意思,如果有條件,在下也這樣想干。基本上每日條目增量只取決於這幾位當日是否活躍。--Htmlzycq(留言) 2024年2月22日 (四) 16:30 (UTC)