

海因里希·戈培尔(德语:Heinrich Göbel,英语:Henry Goebel,1818年4月20日—1893年12月20日),后改名亨利·戈培尔(Henry Goebel),生于德国施普林格(Springe),是一名精密机械发明家。1848年,他移居到纽约市直到去世。他于1865年获得美国公民资格。



参考书籍 编辑

  • Hans-Christian Rohde: Die Göbel-Legende – Der Kampf um die Erfindung der Glühlampe. Zu Klampen, Springe 2007, ISBN 978-3-86674-006-8 (German, dissertation, research work on the biography of Henry Goebel, analysis of all documents of the Goebel-Defense available in National Record Administrations of the USA) The author explains his thesis, the Goebel claims were fraudulent.
  • Decisions of the courts concerning the Goebel-Defense published in the Federal Reporter英语Federal Reporter
  • Reports about the Goebel-Defense are available in many issues of The Electrical World and The Electrical Engineer in 1893 and 1894.

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