

克莱因性取向方格Klein Sexual Orientation Grid,KSOG)是弗里茨·克莱因试图通过拓展金赛量表以测试性取向的一个量表,克莱因性取向方格首次被提出是在1978年他本人的著作《双性恋选项》(The Bisexual Option)[1][2][3][4]。为了回应对金赛量表的批评,克莱因方格只测量了性取向的两个维度。

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  1. ^ Coleman, Edmond J. Integrated Identity for Gay Men and Lesbians: Psychotherapeutic Approaches for Emotional Well-Being. Psychology Press. 1987-09-10: 13– [29 August 2012]. ISBN 9780866566384. (原始内容存档于2020-10-21). 
  2. ^ The Bad Subjects Production Team. Bad Subjects: Political Education for Everyday Life. NYU Press. 1997-11-01: 108– [29 August 2012]. ISBN 9780814757932. (原始内容存档于2020-10-08). 
  3. ^ Bancroft, John. Human Sexuality And It Problems. Elsevier Health Sciences. 2009: 262– [29 August 2012]. ISBN 9780443051616. (原始内容存档于2020-10-08). 
  4. ^ Klein, Fritz; Barry Sepekoff; Timothy J. Wolf. Sexual Orientation:. Journal of Homosexuality. 1985, 11 (1–2): 35–49. ISSN 0091-8369. doi:10.1300/J082v11n01_04.