
博多码也被称作国际电报字母第1号(英语:International Telegraph Alphabet No. 1,ITA1),目前已不再使用。
编辑1899年,美国人Donald Murray发明了类似于标准打字机的电报输入设备。这就是“电传打字机”(teletype/teleprinter)。这使得只要是会用传统打字机的普通人,就可以用接入电报网路的电传打字机直接交流。Murray发明的电传打字机的输出是穿孔纸带。穿孔纸带可以由电报机自动发报。字符在穿孔纸带上的编码还是采取了博多提出的5比特、双字符集的办法。但根据字符出现频率而改进了编码方案,使得高频率字符只需要尽可能少的纸带打孔,而低频率字符就需要在纸带上打孔较多。例如,字母T仅需要打1个孔来表示;而字母Q需要打4个孔来表示。
编辑Murray的这套编码于1930年代被CCITT标准化为国际电报字母表第2号(the International Telegraph Alphabet No. 2,ITA2),一直使用到1963年被7比特的ASCII码取代。
Pattern of impulses 1=mark 0=space |
字母集 | 数字标点符号集 | |
大端序 | 小端序 | ||
00000 | 00000 | Null | Null |
00100 | 00100 | Space | Space |
10111 | 11101 | Q | 1 |
10011 | 11001 | W | 2 |
00001 | 10000 | E | 3 |
01010 | 01010 | R | 4 |
10000 | 00001 | T | 5 |
10101 | 10101 | Y | 6 |
00111 | 11100 | U | 7 |
00110 | 01100 | I | 8 |
11000 | 00011 | O | 9 |
10110 | 01101 | P | 0 |
00011 | 11000 | A | – |
00101 | 10100 | S | Bell |
01001 | 10010 | D | $ |
01101 | 10110 | F | ! |
11010 | 01011 | G | & |
10100 | 00101 | H | # |
01011 | 11010 | J | ' |
01111 | 11110 | K | ( |
10010 | 01001 | L | ) |
10001 | 10001 | Z | " |
11101 | 10111 | X | / |
01110 | 01110 | C | : |
11110 | 01111 | V | ; |
11001 | 10011 | B | ? |
01100 | 00110 | N | , |
11100 | 00111 | M | . |
01000 | 00010 | Carriage return | Carriage return |
00010 | 01000 | Line feed | Line feed |
11011 | 11011 | Shift to figures | |
11111 | 11111 | Shift to letters |
ITA2是5比特编码,包括字母集("letter shift",LTRS)与数字标点符号集两个字符集("figure shift",FIGS)。在FIGS字符(码位为1B)后的字符都在数字标点符号集中解读,直到遇到LTRS字符(码位为1F)。LTRS字符后的字符都在字母集中解读,直到遇到FIGS字符为止。
- 拉丁字母表
- 西里尔字母表的大部分
- 少量西里尔字母与阿拉伯数字
编辑- ^ 1.0 1.1 1.2 Fischer, Eric N. The Evolution of Character Codes, 1874–1968. 2000-06-20 [2020-12-20]. ark:/13960/t07x23w8s.
[...] In 1872, [Baudot] started research toward a telegraph system that would allow multiple operators to transmit simultaneously over a single wire and, as the transmissions were received, would print them in ordinary alphabetic characters on a strip of paper. He received a patent for such a system on June 17, 1874. [...] Instead of a variable delay followed by a single-unit pulse, Baudot's system used a uniform six time units to transmit each character. [...] his early telegraph probably used the six-unit code [...] that he attributes to Davy in an 1877 article. [...] in 1876 Baudot redesigned his equipment to use a five-unit code. Punctuation and digits were still sometimes needed, though, so he adopted from Hughes the use of two special letter space and figure space characters that would cause the printer to shift between cases at the same time as it advanced the paper without printing. The five-unit code he began using at this time [...] was structured to suit his keyboard [...], which controlled two units of each character with switches operated by the left hand and the other three units with the right hand. [...]
[1][2] - ^ 2.0 2.1 H. A. Emmons. Printer Systems. Wire & Radio Communications. 1 May 1916, 34: 209 [2022-02-16]. (原始内容存档于2022-02-16).
- ^ Baudot, Jean-Maurice-Émile. Système de télégraphie rapide. Archives Institut National de la Propriété Industrielle (INPI). June 1874. Patent Brevet 103,898. (原始内容存档于2017-12-16) (法语).
- ^ dataIP Limited. The "Baudot" Code. [9 October 2010]. (原始内容存档于2010年8月26日)