编辑原始印度-伊朗语辅音音位 唇音 舌冠音 硬腭音 软腭音 喉音 齿音/齿龈音 龈后音 第一 第二 鼻音 *m *n 塞音 清音 *p *t *ĉ *č *k 浊音 *b *d *ĵ *ǰ *g 送气音 *bʰ *dʰ *ĵʰ *ǰʰ *gʰ 擦音 清音 *s *š *H 浊音 (*z) (*ž) 流音 *l *r *r̥ 半元音 *y *w
这些元音之外还有 *H 和 *r̥ 可以充任音节核心。
PIE PII 梵语 原始伊朗语 阿维斯陀语 古波斯语 奴利斯塔尼语 *k̂ *ĉ ś ([ɕ]) *ts s θ ċ ([ts]) / š *ĝ *ĵ j ([ɟ]) *dz z d j ([dz]) / z *ĝʰ *ĵʰ h ([ɦ]) *k/kʷ *č c *č č č č *g/gʷ *ǰ j ([ɟ]) *ǰ ǰ ǰ ǰ / ž *gʰ/gʷʰ *ǰʰ h ([ɦ])
编辑原始印欧语通常被假定为有三个或更多喉音,它们每个都可以出现在音节主音或非音节主音的位置上。在原始印度-伊朗语中,这些喉音被合并为一个音位 /*H/。Beekes 提示了这个 /*H/ 的某些实例在阿维斯陀语中幸存为未写下来的声门塞音。[5]
编辑把原始印度-伊朗语同原始印欧语分离开来的主要音韵变更是元音变换元音 *e, *o, *a 归并为一个单一元音,即原始印度-伊朗语的 *a (参见Brugmann定律)。格拉斯曼定律、Bartholomae定律和Ruki语音定律也都在原始印度-伊朗语中生效。
- 咝音迁移,由两组有关的变更组成。PIE 硬腭音 *k̂ *ĝ *ĝʰ 被提前并塞擦音化,最终导致了 PII *ĉ, *ĵ, *ĵʰ,而 PIE 圆唇软腭音 *kʷ *gʷ *gʷʰ 同软腭音 *k *g *gʰ 合并。[7]
PIE PII 梵语 阿维斯陀语 拉丁语 *k̂m̥tóm *ĉatám śatám satəm centum "hundred" *ĝónu *ĵā́nu jā́nu zānu genu "knee" *ĝʰéi-mn̥ *ĵʰimá- himá- zima- hiems "winter" / "snow" *kʷó- *ká- ká- kō quis "who?, what?" *gʷou- *gau- go gau- bos, bovis "cow" *gʷʰormó- *gʰarmá- gharmá- garəma- formus "heat"
- PIE 音节主音流音 *l̥, *r̥ 合并为 *r̥。[8]
PIE PII 梵语 阿维斯陀语 拉丁语 *wĺ̥kʷo- *wŕ̥ka- *vŕ̥ka- vəhrka- lupus "wolf"
- PIE 音节主音鼻音 *m̥ *n̥ 合并于 *a。[8]
PIE PII 梵语 阿维斯陀语 拉丁语 *k̂m̥tóm *ĉatám śatám satəm centum "hundred" *mn̥tó- *matá matá- mens, mentis "thinking"
- Bartholomae定律: 送气音和随后的清辅音变成了浊塞音 + 浊送气音。此外 dʰ + t > dzdʰ。[9]
PIE PII 梵语 阿维斯陀语 *ubʰto- *ubdʰa- ubdaēna "weaved" / "made of weaved material" *urdʰto- *urdzdʰa- vr̥ddʰá- vrzda- "complete/mature" *augʰ-tá- *augdʰá- *óhate *augda "he said"
PIE PII 梵语 阿维斯陀语 拉丁语 *wers- *warš- varṣman- "summit" *pr̥sto- *pr̥šta- pr̥ṣṭhá- paršta "back" / "backbone" *ǵeus- *ĵauš- joṣati zaošō gustus "taste" *kʷsep- *kšap- (< *ksep) kṣāp xšap "darkness" *wis- *wiš- viṣa- viša- virus "poison" *nisdo- *nižda- nīḍa- nidus "nest"
- 在齿塞音之前,*ĉ 变成 *š 而 *ĵ 变成 *ž。*ĵʰ 还变成 *ž,带有塞音的送气化。[10]
PIE 前PII PII 梵语 阿维斯陀语 拉丁语 *h₂ok̂tṓ *h₂oĉtṓ *aštā́ aṣṭaú ašta octo "eight" *h₃mr̥ĝt- *h₃mr̥ĵd- *mr̥žd- mr̥ḍīká- mərəžḍīka "wiped away" / "pardon" *uĝʰtó- *uĵʰtó- *uždʰá- ūḍhá- "carried"
- 序列 *ĉs 被简化为 *šš。[11]
PIE 前PII PII 梵语 阿维斯陀语 拉丁语 *h₂ék̂s- *h₂éĉs- *ášš- ákṣa- aši- axis "shoulder" / "axle"
- “第二颚音化”或“颚音定律”: *k *g *gʰ 在前元音 *i, *e 之前发展出硬腭同位异音 *č *ǰ *ǰʰ。[9]
PIE 前PII PII 梵语 阿维斯陀语 *kʷe *ke *ča ca ča "and" *gʷíh₃weti *gíh₃weti *ǰī́wati jī́vati jvaiti "lives" *gʷʰénti *gʰénti *ǰʰánti hánti jainti "slays"
- Brugmann定律: 在开音节中的 *o 加长为 *ō。[12]
PIE 前PII PII 梵语 阿维斯陀语 拉丁语 *deh₃tór-m *deh₃tṓr-m *dātā́ram dātā́ram dātāram dator "giver" (宾格单数)
- 元音 *e *o 合并于 *a。类似的, *ē *ō 合并于 *ā。这有着给予第二硬腭系列 *č *ǰ *ǰʰ 完全音位地位的效果。
PIE PII 梵语 阿维斯陀语 拉丁语 *kʷe *ča (< *če) ca ča "and" *gʷʰormó- *gʰarmá- gharmá- garəma- "heat" *bʰréh₂tēr *bʰrā́tār bhrā́tā brātā frater "brother" *wōkʷs *wākš vāk vāxš vox "voice"
PIE PII 梵语 阿维斯陀语 *ph₂trei *pitrai pitre piθrai "father" (与格单数)
- 跟在一个辅音后并在词尾:
PIE PII 梵语 阿维斯陀语 *-medʰh₂ *-madʰi -mahi -madi (第一人称复数中间语态结尾)
- 原始印欧喉音都合并为一个音位 *H,它可能是声门塞音。这可能与 *e 和 *o 合并入 *a 是同时代的。[15]
PIE PII 梵语 阿维斯陀语 *ph₂tér *pHtā́ pitā́ ptā "father" (主格单数)
- 依据 Lubotsky 定律,*H 在跟随着一个浊不送气塞音和其他辅音的时候消失。[16]
PIE PII 梵语 阿维斯陀语 *bʰeh₂g- *bʰag- ( < *bʰaHg- ) bʰag- baxša "distribute"
编辑从原始印度-伊朗语分离出印度-雅利安语的语音变更是浊咝擦音 *z 的消失。印度-雅利安语中清送气音 ph, th, kh 起源的最普遍接受的说法是它们来自清塞音加上喉音,这是索绪尔在1891年最初提出来的[17]。例如梵语的 tíṣṭhati 来自原始印欧语的 steh₂-。同源于拉丁语的 stō, 古希腊语的 ἵστημι(hístēmi)。
分离出伊朗语的是 PIE 的浊送气音的不送气化。伊朗语的创新是产生了一个擦音系列 f, θ, x,在多数情况下它们演变自在辅音之前位置上的清塞音 p, t, k,但它们还所有位置上对应于印度-雅利安语的清送气塞音 ph, th, kh[18]。在新阿维斯陀语中,浊塞音在词中位置上除了在鼻音和咝擦音之后以外大量擦音化为 β, δ, γ。
- 原始印欧语和原始印度伊朗语的语音对应[19]
PIE OInd/VS Av PIE OInd/VS Av *p > p p *ph̥atēr "father" pitā́ "father" pitar- "father" *b > b b *bel- "strong" bálam "strength" - *bh > bh b *bhréhatēr "brother" bhrā́tār- "brother" brātar- "brother *t > t t *tuhxóm "thou" tuvám "thou" tvəm "thou" *d > d d *doru "wood" dā́ru "wood" dāru- "wood" *dh > dh d *dhohxneha- "grain" dhānā́- "grain" dāna- "grain" *k̂ > ś s *dék̂m̥ "ten" dáśa "ten" dasa "ten" *ĝ > j z *ĝónu "knee" jā́nu "knee" zānu- "knee" *ĝh > h z *ĝhimós "cold" himá- "cold, frost" zəmaka- "winterstorm" *k > k ~ c x ~ č *kruharós "bloody" krūrá- "bloody" xrūra- "bloody" *téket "may he run" - tačat̰ "may he run" *g > g ~ j g ~ ǰ *haéuges- "strength" ójas- "strength" aoǰah "strength" *haugrós "strong" ugrá- "strong" ugra- "strong" *gh > gh ~ h g ~ ǰ *dl̥hxghós "long" dīrghá- "long" darəga- "long" *dlehxghistos "longest" - draǰišta- "longest" *kw > k ~ c k ~ č *kwós "who" káḥ "who" kō "who" *kwe "and" ca "and" ́ča "and" *gw > g ~ j g ~ ǰ *gwou- "cow" gav- "cow" gau- "cow" *gwih3uós "alive" jīvá- "alive" OPer: ǰīva- "living" *gwh > gh ~ h g ~ ǰ *gwhnénti "strike" (pl.) ghnánti "strike" (pl.) - *gwhénti "strikes" hánti "strikes" ǰainti "strikes" *s > s s ~ h *septm̥ "seven" saptá "seven" hapta "seven" *asti "is" asti "is" asti "is" *i̥ > y y *i̥ugóm "yoke" yugam "yoke" yuga- "yoke" *u̥ > v v *u̥éĝheti "drives, rides" váhati "drives" vazaiti "travels" *m > m m *méhatēr "mother" mātár- "mother" mātar- "mother" *n > n n *nos "us" nas "us" nō "us" *n̥ > a a *n̥- "un-" a- "un-" a- "un-" *m̥ > a a *k̂m̥tóm "hundred" satám "hundred" satəm "hundred" *l̥ > r̥ əhr *u̥l̥kwos "wolf" vĺ̥ka- "wolf" vəhrka- "wolf" *r̥ > r̥ ərə *k̂r̥d- "heart" hŕ̥d- "heart" zərəd- "heart" *i > i i *linékwti "leaves" riṇákti "leaves" irinaxti "releases" *e > a a *dék̂m̥ "ten" dáśa "ten" dasa "ten" *ē > ā ā *hanḗr "man" nā "man" nā "man" *a > a a *haéĝeti "drives" ájati "drives" azaiti "drives" *ā > ā ā *méhatēr "mother" mātā́ "mother" mātar- "mother" *o > a ~ ā a ~ ā *ĝómbhos "tooth, peg" jā́mbha- "tooth, tusk" - *ĝónu "knee" jānu "knee" zānu- "knee" *ō > ā ā *dhohxneha- "grain" dhānā́- "grain" dāna- "grain" *u > u u *iugóm "yoke" yugám "yoke" yuga- "yoke" *ū > ū ū *mū́s "mouse" mū́ṣ- "mouse" NPer mūs "mouse" *h1 > ⊘ ⊘ *h1ésti "is" ásti "is" asti "is" *h2 > ⊘ ⊘ *h2r̥tk̂os "bear" r̥kṣa- "bear" arəša- "bear" *h3 > ⊘ ⊘ *h3ókws(i) "eye" ákṣi "eye" aši "eye" *h4 > ⊘ ⊘ *h4órĝhis "testicle" - ərəzi- "testicle"
原始印度-伊朗语 OP, Av OInd/VS *açva ("horse") Av, OP aspa aśva *bhag- OP baj- (bāji; "tribute") bhag- (bhaga) *bhrātr- ("brother") OP brātar bhrātṛ *bhūmī ("earth", "land") OP būmi bhūmī *martja ("mortal, "man") OP martya martya *māsa ("moon") OP māha māsa *vāsara ("early") OP vāhara ("spring") vāsara ("morning") *arta ("truth") Av aša, OP arta ṛta *draugh- ("falsehood") Av druj, OP draug- druh- *sauma "pressed (juice)" Av haoma soma
编辑- ^ Peter Bellwood; Immanuel Ness. The Global Prehistory of Human Migration. John Wiley & Sons. 10 November 2014 [2019-01-16]. ISBN 978-1-118-97059-1. (原始内容存档于2020-07-28).
- ^ Burrow, pp. 78-79
- ^ Ramat, Anna Giacalone. The Indo-European Languages illustrated. London ; New York: Routledge,. 1998.: 134 [2009-03-04]. ISBN 041506449X. (原始内容存档于2020-01-02).
- ^ Cardona, George; Dhanesh Jain. The Indo-Aryan Languages. London ; New York: Routledge. 2003: 24 [2009-03-04]. ISBN 0700711309. (原始内容存档于2020-01-07).
- ^ Beekes (1988), p. 50
- ^ Beekes, p. 55
- ^ Burrow, pp. 74-75
- ^ 8.0 8.1 8.2 Fortson, p. 182
- ^ 9.0 9.1 Fortson, p. 181
- ^ Burrow, p. 91
- ^ Burrow, pp. 92-94
- ^ Fortson, p. 183
- ^ Beekes, pp, 85-86
- ^ Lubotsky, p. 53
- ^ get ref
- ^ Beekes, pp. 88-89
- ^ Proto-Indo-European Phonology, Winfred P. Lehmann. [2009-07-13]. (原始内容存档于2010-04-27).
- ^ Ramat, Anna Giacalone. The Indo-European Languages illustrated. London ; New York: Routledge,. 1998.: 131–132 [2009-03-04]. ISBN 041506449X. (原始内容存档于2020-01-02).
- ^ "Indo-Iranian Languages." Encyclopedia of Indo-European Culture. Ed. J.P. Mallory and D.Q. Adams. Chicago: Fitzroy Dearborn, 1997. pp. 305.
编辑- Beekes, Robert Stephen Paul. A Grammar of Gatha-Avestan. Leiden; New York: Brill. 1988 [2009-03-05]. ISBN 9004083324. (原始内容存档于2020-01-06).
- Burrow, T. The Sanskrit Language 1st Indian. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass. 2001 [2009-03-05]. ISBN 8120817672. (原始内容存档于2014-07-05).
- Fortson, Benjamin W. Indo-European Language and Culture: An Introduction illustrated. Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishing. 2004 [2009-03-05]. ISBN 1405103167. (原始内容存档于2014-01-01).
- Lubotsky, A. M. The System of Nominal Accentuation in Sanskrit and Proto-Indo-European. Leiden; New York: Brill. 1988 [2009-03-05]. ISBN 9004088350. (原始内容存档于2020-01-16).
- Alexander Lubotsky, "The Indo-Iranian substratum" in Early Contacts between Uralic and Indo-European, ed. Carpelan et al., Helsinki (2001).
- Asko Parpola, "The formation of the Aryan branch of Indo-European", in Blench and Spriggs (eds), Archaeology and Language III, London and New York (1999).