古典传统(英语:classical tradition)是指后古典时期的西方世界对古典希腊-罗马的接受和承袭[2],这种承袭涉及文字图像物质思想制度纪念碑建筑文化仪式习俗宗教等诸多方面[3]哲学政治思想神话是古典传统现存于西方并持续发生影响的典型例子[4]。西方是被认为具有古典传统的许多世界文化之一,其他的包括印度中国犹太伊斯兰传统[5]


对古典传统的研究与古典语言学不同,古典语言学试图恢复“古代文本在其原始语境中所具有的意义”[6]。 古典传统的研究侧重考察后世为揭示希腊-罗马世界的实际所做的努力和“创造性的误解”[7]。古典学家和翻译家查尔斯·马丁代尔(Charles Martindale)将接受古典传统定义为一个“双向的过程,是现在与过去相互对话”[8]


  1. ^ Anthony Grafton, Glenn W. Most, and Salvatore Settis, preface to The Classical Tradition (Harvard University Press, 2010), pp. viii–ix.
  2. ^ Anthony Grafton, Glenn W. Most, and Salvatore Settis, preface to The Classical Tradition (Harvard University Press, 2010), pp. vii–viii.
  3. ^ Grafton, Most, and Settis, preface to The Classical Tradition, p. viii.
  4. ^ Grafton, Most, and Settis, entry on "mythology," in The Classical Tradition, p. 614 et passim.
  5. ^ Grafton, Most, and Settis, preface to The Classical Tradition, p. x.
  6. ^ Craig W. Kallendorf, introduction to A Companion to the Classical Tradition (Blackwell, 2007), p. 2.
  7. ^ Grafton, Most, and Settis, preface to The Classical Tradition, p. vii; Kallendorf, introduction to Companion, p. 2.
  8. ^ Charles Martindale, "Reception," in A Companion to the Classical Tradition (2007), p. 298.