国会议员 (英国)
在英国,国会议员(英语:Member of Parliament,缩写:MP),是透过全民直接选举产生的下议院议员,总共650名。每名议员都是在各自的国会选区以领先者当选制当选。《2011年定期国会法》规定除列明情况外,下议院须最少每五年改选一次,所以每名国会议员的每届任期最多亦为五年。
上议院虽然是国会构成的一部分,但该院的议员并不会被称为国会议员,仅为上议院议员(Member of the House of Lords)。
编辑如出现席位空缺,若非大选临近,该选区则需为余下任期举行补选。国会议员是不能以任何原因成功提出请辞的,离任席位的唯一方法是因“担任会接受君主收益的职位”(office of profit under the Crown)而被剥夺出任国会议员的资格,故此产生了现代国会议员的辞职方式。另外,1981年人民代表法规定,任何现任国会议员如被判处一年或以上监禁,将立即离任。2015年罢免国会议员法授权选民,按国会议员的某些轻微违法行为去联署罢免请愿书,如同一国会选区内超过百分之十的选民参与联署该罢免请愿书,该选区席位亦会被腾空。
编辑- ^ House of Commons – Modernisation of the House of Commons – First Report. Parliament of the United Kingdom. [2020-10-08]. (原始内容存档于2020-11-01) (英语).
- ^ Fixing Brexit: How parliament's checks and balances can solve our political crisis. The Independent. 1 March 2019 [2020-10-08]. (原始内容存档于2020-10-12) (英语).
- ^ Gauja, Anika. Political Parties and Elections: Legislating for Representative Democracy. Routledge. 22 April 2016 [2020-10-08]. ISBN 9781317078722. (原始内容存档于2020-08-05) –通过Google Books (英语).
- ^ Commons, Great Britain: Parliament: House of Commons: Select Committee on Modernisation of the House of. Revitalising the Chamber: the role of the back bench Member, first report of session 2006–07, report, together with formal minutes, oral and written evidence. The Stationery Office. 20 June 2007 [2020-10-08]. ISBN 9780215034670. (原始内容存档于2020-08-05) –通过Google Books (英语).
- ^ Dimock, Susan. Classic Readings and Cases in the Philosophy of Law. Routledge. 16 September 2016 [2020-10-08]. ISBN 9781315509631. (原始内容存档于2020-08-11) –通过Google Books (英语).
- ^ Deacon, Michael. Why Churchill would have defended our 'enemies of democracy'. The Telegraph. 3 February 2017 [2020-10-08]. (原始内容存档于2020-11-11) (英语).
- ^ 7.0 7.1 UK Parliamentary general election, Guidance for candidates and agents, Part 1 of 6 – Can you stand for election? (PDF). Electoral Commission. [2020-10-08]. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于2020-11-11) (英语).
- ^ UK Parliamentary general election – Northern Ireland, Guidance for candidates and agents, Part 1 of 6 – Can you stand for election? (PDF). Electoral Commission. [2020-10-08]. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于2020-08-04) (英语).
- ^ Disqualification for membership of the House of Commons (PDF). 13 October 2004 [2020-10-08]. (原始内容 (PDF)存档于2006-03-21) (英语).