

奥兰治兄弟会(Orange Order),正式名称忠诚奥兰治机构(Loyal Orange Institution),是一个国际新教兄弟会英语Fraternal order组织,主要在北爱尔兰伍德跃,此外在苏格兰英联邦美国多哥共和国也有伍德动[1][2]。在政治上,奥兰治兄弟会是一个保守派集团[3][4],支持英国联合主义英语Unionism in the United Kingdom阿尔斯特忠诚主义,在2014年苏格兰独立公投中支持反对独立一方[5]

原名Loyal Orange Institution
类型兄弟会英语Fraternal order
爱德华·史蒂文森特英语Edward Stevenson (Orange Order)

参考资料 编辑

  1. ^ Benedetto, Robert; McKim, Donald K. Historical Dictionary of the Reformed Churches. Scarecrow Press. 6 October 2009: 353. ISBN 9780810870239. Most of the organization's lodges are located in Northern Ireland, England, and Scotland, although others can be found throughout the British Commonwealth, including Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Africa. The lodges of every country are independent, but the Orange Order meets in a triennial world council. 
  2. ^ Welcome to the Grand Orange Lodge. Orange Order. [15 May 2013]. (原始内容存档于2014-10-06). We are a Protestant fraternity with members throughout the world. Autonomous Grand Lodges are found in Scotland, England, the United States of America, West Africa, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. 
  3. ^ Unionist Forum statement页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆). Grand Orange Lodge of Ireland. 9 January 2013. Retrieved 12 July 2014.
  4. ^ Twelfth Resolutions 2013页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆). Grand Orange Lodge of Ireland. Retrieved 12 July 2014.
  5. ^ "Scottish independence: Orange Lodge registers to campaign for a 'No' vote"页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆). BBC News. 25 June 2014. Retrieved 12 July 2014.