威廉·亨利·珀金爵士,FRS(英语:Sir William Henry Perkin,1838年3月12日—1907年7月14日),英国化学家。他在18岁发现了首个苯胺染料——苯胺紫


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  • Brightman, R. Perkin and the Dyestuffs Industry in Britain. Nature. 1956, 177 (4514): 805–856. Bibcode:1956Natur.177..815B. doi:10.1038/177815a0. 
  • Holme, I. Sir William Henry Perkin: a review of his life, work and legacy. Coloration Technology. 2006, 122 (5): 235–251. doi:10.1111/j.1478-4408.2006.00041.x. 
  • Garfield, Simon, Mauve: How One Man Invented a Colour that Changed the World, ISBN 0-393-02005-3 (2000).
  • Travis, Anthony S. "Perkin, Sir William Henry (1838–1907)" in the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, edited C. Matthew et al. Oxford University Press: 2004. ISBN 0-19-861411-X.
  • Farrell, Jerome, "The Master Leatherseller who Changed the World" in The Leathersellers' Review 2005–06, pp. 12–14

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