
威廉·M·“比尔”·格雷(英语:William Mason "Bill" Gray,1929年10月9日—2016年4月16日)是美国科罗拉多州立大学Colorado State University,简称CSU大气科学系的名誉教授。他是用科学预测大西洋飓风季动态的一名杰出先驱[1],同时并使用自己独创的飓风预测法来预测风季而闻名全球。[2]

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  1. ^ Mooney, Chris. Chapter 4: Lay that Matrix Down. Storm World. Harcourt. 2007: 70. ISBN 978-0-15-101287 请检查|isbn=值 (帮助). ...1984...Gray also launched the endeavor that would make him most famous: a seasonal forecasting scheme for the Atlantic basin, which would predict the number of hurricanes and tropical storms months before their actual arrival. ... It's hard to overstate the breakthrough that Gray had achieved with his forecasting scheme. 
  2. ^ 存档副本. [2010-10-15]. (原始内容存档于2014-05-31). 

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