




光谱形式 编辑

光波可以用以下光谱量来表征:频率波长 波数 角频率 。它们彼此之间的关系为






其中, 约化普朗克常数 光速

德布罗意关系式 编辑

德布罗意关系式将普朗克关系式推广至物质波路易·德布罗意主张,假若粒子拥有波动性质,则普朗克关系式 应该可以应用于粒子。他假设粒子的波长为[6][7][8]


其中, 是动量。





玻尔频率条件 编辑

玻尔频率条件阐明,当发生电子跃迁时,吸收或发射的光子的频率与涉及到跃迁的两个能级之间的能量差 ,彼此之间的关系为[9]



参考文献 编辑

  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 French & Taylor (1978), pp. 24, 55.
  2. ^ Cohen-Tannoudji, Diu & Laloë (1973/1977), pp. 10–11.
  3. ^ Landsberg (1978), p. 199.
  4. ^ Griffiths, D.J. (1995), pp. 143, 216.
  5. ^ Messiah (1958/1961), p. 72.
  6. ^ 6.0 6.1 Weinberg (1995), p. 3.
  7. ^ Messiah (1958/1961), p. 14.
  8. ^ Cohen-Tannoudji, Diu & Laloë (1973/1977), p. 27.
  9. ^ van der Waerden (1967), p. 5.
  • Cohen-Tannoudji, C., Diu, B., Laloë, F. (1973/1977). Quantum Mechanics, translated from the French by S.R. Hemley, N. Ostrowsky, D. Ostrowsky, second edition, volume 1, Wiley, New York, ISBN 0471164321.
  • French, A.P., Taylor, E.F. (1978). An Introduction to Quantum Physics, Van Nostrand Reinhold, London, ISBN 0-442-30770-5.
  • Griffiths, D.J. (1995). Introduction to Quantum Mechanics, Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River NJ, ISBN 0-13-124405-1.
  • Landsberg, P.T. (1978). Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics, Oxford University Press, Oxford UK, ISBN 0-19-851142-6.
  • Messiah, A. (1958/1961). Quantum Mechanics, volume 1, translated from the French by G.M. Temmer, North-Holland, Amsterdam.
  • van der Waerden, B.L. (1967). Sources of Quantum Mechanics, edited with a historical introduction by B.L. van der Waerden, North-Holland Publishing, Amsterdam.
  • Weinberg, S. (1995). The Quantum Theory of Fields, volume 1, Foundations, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge UK, ISBN 978-0-521-55001-7.