气态矮星是累积了氢、氦、和其他挥发物的厚重气体壳层,使得其半径介于1.7至3.9地球半径(1.7–3.9 R🜨)之间,有着岩石核心的气态天体。这个名词通常有三种涵义:以金属量为基础分类,也包含岩石类的短周期系外行星像地球这样,半径小于1.71.7 R🜨;和半径大于3.9 R🜨,被称为冰巨星气态巨行星[1]。在太阳系中没有已知的气态矮星,但在其它的行星系统中则很常见。




参考资料 编辑

  1. ^ Three regimes of extrasolar planets inferred from host star metallicities页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆), Buchhave et al.
  2. ^ Feng Tian; Toon, Owen B.; Pavlov, Alexander A.; De Sterck, H. Transonic hydrodynamic escape of hydrogen from extrasolar planetary atmospheres. The Astrophysical Journal. March 10, 2005, 621: 1049–1060. Bibcode:2005ApJ...621.1049T. CiteSeerX . doi:10.1086/427204. 
  3. ^ Mass-radius relationships for exoplanets, Damian C. Swift, Jon Eggert, Damien G. Hicks, Sebastien Hamel, Kyle Caspersen, Eric Schwegler, and Gilbert W. Collins
  4. ^ Earth-mass exoplanet is no Earth twin – Gaseous planet challenges assumption that Earth-mass planets should be rocky. [2016-12-18]. (原始内容存档于2014-01-07). 
  5. ^ *Mass-Radius Relationships for Very Low Mass Gaseous Planets页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆), Konstantin Batygin, David J. Stevenson, 18 Apr 2013

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