病毒样颗粒(英语:virus-like particle,缩写VLP)是指由病毒衣壳蛋白自组装形成的球形或管状蛋白纳米结构,和完整的病毒相比,由于缺少了病毒基因组,并不具有感染性。[1][2][3][4]


  1. ^ Zeltins A. Construction and characterization of virus-like particles: a review. Molecular Biotechnology. January 2013, 53 (1): 92–107. PMC 7090963 . PMID 23001867. doi:10.1007/s12033-012-9598-4. 
  2. ^ Buonaguro L, Tagliamonte M, Tornesello ML, Buonaguro FM. Developments in virus-like particle-based vaccines for infectious diseases and cancer. Expert Review of Vaccines. November 2011, 10 (11): 1569–83. PMID 22043956. S2CID 25513040. doi:10.1586/erv.11.135. 
  3. ^ NCI Dictionary of Cancer Terms. National Cancer Institute. 2011-02-02 [2019-04-19]. (原始内容存档于2020-08-13) (英语). 
  4. ^ Mohsen MO, Gomes AC, Vogel M, Bachmann MF. Interaction of Viral Capsid-Derived Virus-Like Particles (VLPs) with the Innate Immune System. Vaccines. July 2018, 6 (3): 37. PMC 6161069 . PMID 30004398. doi:10.3390/vaccines6030037 . 

