首席体验官(英文:Chief Experience Officer;缩写:CXO),是企业中一个以完整的用户体验(UX)为主体,并为用户界面(包含消费者市场社群、公司内部与人力资源协调以及投资者协调等)做完整的产品与服务规划策略而负责的主管。[1][2][3][4]



旧时代的观点较分歧,2003年,在互联网的巨大冲击下,像首席体验官这样的头衔如雨后春笋般的涌出。[5] 在2012年的刊物中“首席顾客官英语Chief customer officer”(Chief Customer Officer,30%)、“首席客户官” (Chief Client Officer,15%)都远比“首席体验官”(10%)要来的广为流传,而另外45%则使用其他名称。[6] 2008年,沃顿商学院则称这种角色的扩散现象为企业高管的“头衔膨胀”。[7]2000年,赫曼(Herman)与吉欧拉(Giola)在《未来主义》(The Futurist)文章中也提出警告这种职位头衔的发明所造成的危险副作用。[8]2013年,《纽约时报》讨论这个首席体验官的角色时,提及了这些被麦迪逊大道的公司所创设的一连串非正统与怪诞的名词,主要目的在于标示广告主或广告媒体对市场与媒体现象的快速改变之体认,透过测试并认证的新潮名词而来来去去。[9]




在《UX杂志》的报导中,李斯·休伯特(Lis Hubert)阐述企业采用CXO的目的主要是“在企业高阶主管中有人可以担任策划与长期关注用户角度、企业立场及科技发展全面性考量的角色。[11] 作者克劳蒂亚·费雪(Claudia Fisher)与克莉丝汀·瓦拉斯特(Christine Vallaster)也提出无论是CXO首席营销官(Chief Marketing Officer),都是“一个组织以品牌作为策略发展”的一个好主意。[12]



霍沃德·拉金(Howard Larkin)表示在医疗保健方面,首席体验官必须“对于确保在复杂的传送系统中能持续地在各方面符合基本的病患与人类需求而负责”,也同时被称为“临床体验任务的执行操作”。[13]


  1. ^ Asaravala, Amit. In Search of The Chief Experience. New Architect. February 2001 [13 January 2013]. (原始内容存档于2004年9月7日). [来源可靠?]
  2. ^ LaBanca, Ed. CXO: Chief Experience Officer: Does Your Organization Have One?. TMCnet. 3 April 2006 [13 January 2013]. (原始内容存档于2014-08-09). 
  3. ^ Rayport, Jeffrey F. Who Knows The Customer Best?. InformationWeek. 4 March 2005 [13 January 2013]. 
  4. ^ Shah, Dharmesh. The CEO Should Be The Chief Experience Officer. OnStartups. 15 November 2011 [13 January 2013]. (原始内容存档于2014-08-10). 
  5. ^ Mooney, P. Kelly. The Ten Demandments: Rules to Live By in the Age of the Demanding Customer: Rules to Live By in the Age of the Demanding Customer. McGraw Hill Professional. 2003-08-14 [17 January 2013]. ISBN 9780071427357. 
  6. ^ Manning, Harley; Bodine, Kerry. Outside In: The Power of Putting Customers at the Center of Your Business. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. 2012-08-28: 186– [17 January 2013]. ISBN 9780547913988. 
  7. ^ Coomber, Steve; Woods, Marc. Where Do All the Paperclips Go: ...and 127 other business and career conundrums. John Wiley & Sons. 2008-06-10: 99– [17 January 2013]. ISBN 9781906465001. 
  8. ^ The Futurist. World Future Society. 2000. 
  9. ^ Elliott, Stuart. Wanted: Experience Officer. Some Necessary.. The New York Times. 13 September 2006 [13 January 2013]. (原始内容存档于2014-05-31). 
  10. ^ Indeed Editorial Team. What Is a Chief Experience Officer?. Indeed. [2021-04-02]. (原始内容存档于2022-01-23). 
  11. ^ Hubert, Lis. UX, It's Time to Define CXO. UX Magazine. 28 October 2011 [13 January 2013]. (原始内容存档于2014-08-10). 
  12. ^ Fisher, Claudia; Vallaster, Christine. Connective Branding: Building Brand Equity in a Demanding World. John Wiley & Sons. 2010-04-01: 147– [17 January 2013]. ISBN 9780470740873. 
  13. ^ Larkin, Howard. Chief Experience Officer: Listener-in-chief. Hospitals & Health Networks. 11 Nov 2012 [13 January 2013]. (原始内容存档于2014-02-28).