圣诞灯(英语:Christmas lights),又称仙女灯童话灯(英语:Fairy lights),是庆祝圣诞节而装饰的灯,经常在整个圣诞节期间展出,包括将临期圣诞节浪潮英语Christmastide


这个习俗可以追溯到圣诞树蜡烛装饰的时候,因为基督教象征圣诞灯是世界之光英语Light of the World[1]。另外,因为导致建筑与家庭的风险,欧洲联盟委员会将圣诞灯视为危险装饰品[2]


  1. ^ Felix, Antonia. Christmas in America. Courage Books. 1999 [2017-01-27]. ISBN 9780762405947 (英语). German families brought a small tree into the home at Christmas time as a symbol of the Christ child, and decorated the boughs with cutout paper flowers, bright foil, apples, sweets, and other fancy treats. Another feature of Christmas that took a uniquely American turn in the nineteenth century is the tradition of Christmas lights. Candles were traditionally placed on the Christmas tree to symbolize Jesus as the light of the world. 
  2. ^ Susannah Keogh. WRECK THE HALLS Warning over ‘dangerous’ Christmas fairy lights which can burst into flames. The Irish Sun. 2017-11-18. (原始内容存档于2018年4月24日).