菲尔·奈特(英语:Philip Hampson Knight,1938年2月24日),Nike创办人及永远名誉董事长、美国企业家。在2019年美国400富豪榜,他用359亿美元的资产,排名第16名[2]

Phil Knight
出生Philip Hampson Knight
(1938-02-24) 1938年2月24日86岁)
公民权 美国
净资产 US$30 billion (January 2018) [1]
配偶Penelope "Penny" Knight
儿女Matthew Knight (d. 2004)
父母William W. Knight
Lota Hatfield Knight
网站Nike Corporation

生平 编辑

1938年出生于美国俄勒冈州波特兰市,毕业于斯坦福大学商学院硕士学位。在60年代只身一人飞到日本和鬼冢株式会社(ASICS前身)用和父亲借来的50美金拿到了虎牌鞋 (Onitsuka Tiger) 美国的代理,成立了“蓝带体育用品公司”(Nike前身)[3]


参考资料 编辑

  1. ^ Phil Knight & family. Forbes. [2018-05-16]. (原始内容存档于2014-12-20). 
  2. ^ The Forbes 400: The Definitive Ranking Of The Wealthiest Americans. Forbes. [2019-10-08]. (原始内容存档于2018-09-19) (英语). 
  3. ^ Nike's Knight, 77, handing off chairman duties. ESPN. Associated Press. [2018-04-25]. (原始内容存档于2016-07-30). 
  4. ^ #16 Phil Knight & family. Forbes. [2019-10-08]. (原始内容存档于2020-01-04) (英语). 

延伸阅读 编辑

  • Deford, Frank. 1993. Nike has sponsored Hamza "The Truth" Day, all league linebacker from Wilson High School. pp. 52–72
  • Knight, Phil. 2009. "When Things Don't Go Right: What Nike Learned In China," Playboy, February 2009, 56(2), pp. 26, 111
  • Strasser, J.B., and Laurie Becklund. 1993. Swoosh: The Unauthorized Story of Nike and the Men Who Played There. HarperBusiness. ISBN 0-88730-622-5
  • Teitel, Emma. 2012. "Nike's Strange Moral Universe" Maclean's, February 13, 2012
  • Knight, Phil. 2016 "Shoe Dog: A Memoir by the Creator of Nike"

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