
赫伯特·贝亚德·斯沃普(Herbert Bayard Swope Sr,1882年1月5日—1958年6月20日)是美国编辑、记者。斯沃普的大部分职业生涯都在《纽约世界报英语New York World》度过。他是第一个三次获得普利策报道奖英语Pulitzer Prize for Reporting的人[1]。斯沃普还是冷战一词的发明人[2]

Herbert Bayard Swope
奖项普利策报道奖英语Pulitzer Prize for Reporting
亨丽爱塔·斯沃普英语Henrietta Hill Swope(侄女)

参考文献 编辑

  1. ^ Herbert Bayard Swope Biography. [15 January 2018]. (原始内容存档于2021-02-27). Herbert Bayard Swope was called the greatest reporter of his time by Lord Northcliffe of the London Daily Mail. The accolade is all the more impressive when one considers that Swope's illustrious colleagues included 沃尔特·李普曼, Damon Runyon英语Damon Runyon, Heywood Broun英语Heywood Broun, Alexander Woollcott英语Alexander Woollcott, Franklin P. Adams英语Franklin P. Adams, William Henry Chamberlin英语William Henry Chamberlin, Arthur Brisbane英语Arthur Brisbane, and Richard Harding Davis英语Richard Harding Davis. That Swope had a special impact upon journalism in his time is undeniable. He rose rapidly from obscurity to become a journalistic legend 
  2. ^ Safire, William. Islamofascism Anyone?. 纽约时报. [2020-09-04]. (原始内容存档于2020-01-07). 

更多阅读 编辑

  • Kahn, E. J. The World of Swope: A Biography of Herbert Bayard Swope (1965)
  • Lewis, Alfred Allan. Man of the World: Herbert Bayard Swope, a Charmed Life of Pulitzer Prizes, Poker and Politics 1978)

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