郝林莱医院铁路(英语:Hellingly Hospital Railway)是英国一条由东萨可瑟斯郡拥有和运营的轻便铁路,以前曾向位于哈尔希姆附近的郝莱医院精神科医院运送乘客及煤炭燃料。伦敦-布莱顿-南部海滨铁路网的喀克库支线设有郝林莱站。
编辑- ^ 郡政府在给医院定名时,为迎合人们不断变化的观念及基于精神科医疗的术语因素,医院曾几易其名。众所周知,新医院开幕前是郡属的精神科医院;1903年,新医院开幕后,改名为“东萨可瑟斯郡救助所”;1919年6月28日,被定为“东萨可瑟斯郡精神科医院”;在1948年的国有化进程中,又被定为“健康服务所”,其精神科医院的正式名称也为人们所淡化;1990年,医院主体建筑停用时,人们一直称其为“郝林莱医院”。由于“郝林莱医院”一直作为医院之名存在(半官方化的员工刊物也这么称呼),通向医院的铁路线从一开始就被称作“郝林莱医院铁路”(原文:Reflecting changing attitudes to, and terminology within, the field of psychiatric medicine, the hospital went through multiple renamings in its lifetime. Known as the County Lunatic Asylum prior to opening, it was opened in 1903 as the East Sussex County Asylum. On 28 June 1919 it was renamed the East Sussex Mental Hospital. Following the nationalisation of the health service in 1948, the formal name gradually declined in usage, and by the time of the closure of the main hospital building in 1990 it was always referred to as Hellingly Hospital. The name "Hellingly Hospital" was used informally (and in semi-official material such as staff publications) throughout the existence of the hospital, and the railway line was known as the "Hellingly Hospital Railway" from the outset.)
- ^ 《救助站变成了公寓大楼》(参考原文:英国“阿格斯网站”,刊登日期:2007年2月7日;本文编辑参考日期:2008年6月20日(Former asylum to be converted to flats. The Argus. 7 February 2007.[永久失效链接] Retrieved on 20 June 2008)
- ^ 《哈丁》(1989)(Harding 1989,第4页 )