

开尔文河(River Kelvin)是位于英国苏格兰的一条河流[1]克莱德河的支流,全长22英里(35千米)。开尔文河流经格拉斯哥市区的众多地区,开尔文格罗夫公园开尔文格罗夫美术馆即得名于开尔文河。开尔文河也一直是褐鳟的栖息地。


参考资料 编辑

History of Banton; William Gracie, 1995 pub. Stratkelvin district council. (Kilsyth Library, local studies)

  1. ^ Robert Murray. Source of the Kelvin (C) Robert Murray :: Geograph Britain and Ireland. [2017-12-03]. (原始内容存档于2021-04-21). 

外部链接 编辑

Friends of the River Kelvin River Kelvin based charity
River Kelvin Angling Association页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) River Kelvin Angling Association
Kelvin Walkway - Glasgow West End页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) Illustrated guide to riverside walk

坐标55°52′53″N 4°17′31″W / 55.8814°N 4.2920°W / 55.8814; -4.2920