

阿达马瓦区(英语:Adamawa Region、法语:Région de l'Adamaoua)是喀麦隆的一个,首府恩冈代雷,2008年以前称阿达马瓦省。阿达马瓦区南接中部区东部区,北接北部区,西南与西北区西部区相邻,西与尼日利亚接壤,东与中非共和国毗连。

国家 喀麦隆
首府 恩冈代雷
面积 63,701 km²(24,595 mi²
人口 1,131,978(2013)
人口密度 18 /km² (47 /mi²)(8th)
Governor Kildadi Taguieke Boukar[1]
Location of Adamawa within Cameroon


参考文献 编辑

  1. ^ 存档副本. [2018-10-06]. (原始内容存档于2017-11-13). 
  • Fanso, V.G. (1989) Cameroon History for Secondary Schools and Colleges, Vol. 1: From Prehistoric Times to the Nineteenth Century. Hong Kong: Macmillan Education Ltd, 1989.
  • Neba, Aaron, Ph.D. (1999) Modern Geography of the Republic of Cameroon, 3rd ed. Bamenda: Neba Publishers.
  • Ngoh, Victor Julius (1996) History of Cameroon Since 1800. Limbé: Presbook, 1996.

坐标7°19′17″N 13°35′02″E / 7.3214°N 13.5839°E / 7.3214; 13.5839