马其顿战役(法语:Front de Macédoine)也称萨洛尼卡战役Expédition de Salonique)是第一次世界大战一个军事战区,由法国为首协约国在1915年秋试图援助塞尔维亚时所建立的,但远征军来的时间过晚且兵力不足。

第一次世界大战巴尔干战役 (第一次世界大战)的一部分

结果 协约国胜利
 沙俄 (1916–1917)
德意志帝国 奥古斯特·冯·马肯森
德意志帝国 奥托·冯·贝洛
德意志帝国 弗里德里希·冯·斯科尔茨
奥斯曼帝国 阿布都克里姆
法兰西第三共和国 路易·弗朗谢·德斯佩雷
法兰西第三共和国 莫里斯·萨拉伊
法兰西第三共和国 阿道夫·吉约马
塞尔维亚王国 (近代) 佩塔尔·博约维奇
塞尔维亚王国 (近代) 吉沃因·米希奇
希腊 帕纳吉奥蒂斯·加加利迪斯
大不列颠及爱尔兰联合王国 布莱恩·马洪
约 600,000人
约 717,000人
法兰西第三共和国 70,000人死亡或失踪,以及未知受伤或被俘[1]
塞尔维亚王国 (近代) 约40,000人伤亡或被俘[注 1]
大不列颠及爱尔兰联合王国 26,207人伤亡或被俘[5]
意大利王国 10,538人伤亡或被俘[6][7]
俄罗斯帝国 未知

最终法军成功建立了稳定的战线,而马其顿战役大多时间都处于僵持阶段。但于1918年9月,由法国将军路易·弗朗谢·德斯佩雷发动的大规模攻势,导致了保加利亚的投降和同盟国 (第一次世界大战)南部战线的崩溃。

文字注释 编辑

  1. ^ Total Serbian military casualties in World War I numbered approximately 481,000, including 278,000 dead from all causes (including POWs),[2] 133,000 wounded, and 70,000 living POWs.[3] Of these 481,000, some 434,000 were suffered in the earlier Serbian campaign. Most of the rest were taken on the Macedonian front following the evacuation of the Serbian Army.

注脚 编辑

  1. ^ Reporters - Reporters: How the Salonica Front led to victory in WWI. 9 November 2018 [2021-12-29]. (原始内容存档于2021-12-29). 
  2. ^ Urlanis, Boris. Wars and Population. Moscow. 1971: 66, 79, 83, 85, 160, 171, 268. 
  3. ^ Statistics of the Military Effort of the British Empire During the Great War 1914–1920. The War Office. : 353. 
  4. ^ "Military Casualties-World War-Estimated" Statistics Branch, GS, War Department, 25 February 1924; cited in World War I: People, Politics, and Power, published by Britannica Educational Publishing (2010) Page 219. "Total casualties for Greece were 27,000 (killed and died 5,000; wounded 21,000; prisoners and missing 1,000)"
  5. ^ T. J. Mitchell and G.M. Smith. "Medical Services: Casualties and Medical Statistics of the Great War." From the "Official History of the Great War". Pages 190-191. Breakdown: 2,797 killed, 1,299 died of wounds, 3,744 died of disease, 2,778 missing/captured, 16,888 wounded (minus DOW), 116,190 evacuated sick (34,726 to UK, 81,428 elsewhere) an unknown proportion of whom returned to duty later. A total of 481,262 were hospitalized for sickness overall.
  6. ^ Ministero della Difesa: L’Esercito italiano nella Grande Guerra (1915-1918), vol. VII: Le operazioni fuori del territorio nazionale: Albania, Macedonia, Medio Oriente, t. 3° bis: documenti, Rome 1981, Parte Prima, doc. 77, p. 173 and Parte Seconda, doc. 78, p. 351; Mortara, La salute pubblica in Italia 1925, p. 37.
  7. ^ Losses are given as follows for 1916 to 1918. Macedonia: 8,324, including 2,971 dead or missing and 5,353 injured. Albania: 2,214 including 298 dead, 1,069 wounded, and 847 missing.

参考资料 编辑

  • Esposito, V. The West Point Atlas of American Wars, Vol II. Westport, Cn: Praeger. 1959. OCLC 311479559. 
  • Falls, C. Military Operations Macedonia: From the Outbreak of War to the Spring of 1917. History of the Great War Based on Official Documents by Direction of the Historical Section of the Committee of Imperial Defence I IWM and Battery Press 1996. London: HMSO. 1933. ISBN 0-89839-242-X. 
  • Falls, C. Military Operations Macedonia: From the Spring of 1917 to the End of the War. History of the Great War Based on Official Documents by Direction of the Historical Section of the Committee of Imperial Defence II IWM and Battery Press 1996. Nashville, TN: HMSO. 1935. ISBN 0-89839-243-8. 
  • Hall, R. Balkan Breakthrough: The Battle of Dobro Pole 1918. Bloomington, In: Indiana University Press. 2010. ISBN 0-253-35452-8. 
  • Palmer, A. The Gardeners of Salonika, The Macedonian Campaign 1915–1918. London: Andre Deutsch. 1965. ISBN 0-23395-748-0. 
  • Parker, C. Return to Salonika. London: Cassell. 1964. OCLC 450429. 
  • Wakefield, A.; Moody, S. Under the Devil's Eye: Britain's Forgotten Army at Salonika 1915–1918. London: History Press. 2004. ISBN 0-7509-3537-5. 

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