



  • 亚历山大·艾格纳,79岁,奥地利数学家(国防军最高司令部密码部门)。
  • 多萝西·M·T·克劳福德(Dorothy Crawford),77岁,澳大利亚女演员,与她的兄弟赫克托·克劳福德(Hector Crawford)共同创立了克劳馥制作公司(Crawford Productions)。[6]
  • Jim Bagby Jr.,71岁,美国职业棒球大联盟球员(克利夫兰印第安人)。[7]
  • 埃里克·弗雷(Erik Frey),80岁,奥地利电影演员。
  • 吉布里尔·塞赛,79岁,塞拉利昂外交官,塞拉利昂驻埃及大使。[8]
  • 罗伯特·沃茨,65岁,美国艺术家,肺癌。[9]
  • 阿克塞尔·冯·安贝瑟(Axel von Ambesser),78岁,德国剧作家、演员和电影导演。
  • Leroy Brown,37岁,美国职业摔跤手,中风。
  • 弗兰克·伯克(Frank Burke),69岁,美国陆军军官,荣誉勋章获得者。[20]
  • Autry Inman,59岁,美国乡村摇滚音乐家。[21]
  • Myrtle Byram McGraw,89岁,美国心理学家和神经生物学家,肺炎。[22]
  • 哈罗德·罗森(Harold Rosson),93岁,美国电影摄影师(绿野仙踪(The Wizard of Oz)万花嬉春(Singin' in the Rain))。[23]
  • Karni Singh,64岁,比卡内尔的印度大君。[24]
  • 丹·斯普林(Dan Spring),77岁,爱尔兰工党政治家和盖尔足球运动员。[25]
  • 斯特凡·特默森(Stefan Themerson),78岁,波兰儿童文学作家、诗人和小说家。[26]
  • Abdul Haq Akorwi,76岁,巴基斯坦伊斯兰学者。
  • Gaja Alaga,64岁,克罗地亚理论物理学家,专攻核物理学。
  • Sedad Hakkı Eldem,80岁,土耳其建筑师(伊斯坦布尔司法宫)。[27]
  • Vivi Janiss,77岁,美国女演员(万里魅影徘徊的人第一,你哭泣)。
  • 珍妮·鲍尔丁(Janine Balding),澳大利亚谋杀案受害者。[28]
  • G. M. Durrani,68-69岁,印度广播剧艺术家、重播歌手和演员。
  • 莫娜·贝斯特(Mona Best),64岁,卡斯巴哈咖啡俱乐部(Casbah Coffee Club)的英国老板,彼特·贝斯特(Pete Best)的母亲,心脏病发作。
  • Leroy McGuirk,77岁,美国职业摔跤手和推广人。
  • Joaquim Pedro de Andrade,56岁,巴西电影导演和编剧(Macunaíma)。
  • Jaclyn Dowaliby,7岁,美国谋杀案受害者。[29]
  • Jam Ghulam Qadir Khan,68岁,巴基斯坦俾路支省首席部长,心力衰竭。[30]
  • 佛吉尼亚·萨蒂尔,72岁,美国作家和心理治疗师,胰腺癌。[31]
  • 艾伦·比布尔,78岁,美国律师和政治家,内华达州总检察长,美国参议员,呼吸系统疾病。[33]
  • 汉斯·弗雷,66岁,美国圣经学者,中风。[34]
  • Stephen B. Grimes,61岁,英国制作设计师和艺术总监(走出非洲)。
  • 玛格丽特·麦克法兰,83岁,美国儿童心理学家,电视节目罗杰斯先生的邻居顾问,骨髓纤维化。[35]
  • 比尔·米切尔,76岁,美国汽车设计师(通用汽车),心力衰竭。[36]
  • John D. J. Moore,77岁,美国律师和企业高管,美国驻爱尔兰大使,骨癌。[37]
  • 劳里斯·诺斯塔德(Lauris Norstad),81岁,美国陆军和空军上将,心脏骤停。[38]
  • Charlie Palmier,60岁,波多黎各乐队领队,心脏病发作。[39]
  • Mars Ravelo,71岁,菲律宾漫画家和图画小说家,心脏病发作。
  • 许政,92岁,韩国政治家,韩国总统。[59]
  • 凯瑟琳·柯林斯(Kathleen Collins),46岁,美国诗人,电影制片人和民权活动家(Losing Ground),乳腺癌。[60]
  • David Dodd,93岁,美国金融分析师和作家(证券分析),呼吸衰竭。[61]
  • John Elliot,90岁,英国运输和铁路经理(南部铁路公司英国铁路)。
  • Albert E. Jenner Jr.,81岁,美国律师,沃伦委员会助理法律顾问,水门事件法律顾问,神经系统疾病。[62]
  • 大卫·麦克法尔,68岁,苏格兰雕塑家。[63]
  • 穆罕默德·侯赛因·沙赫里亚尔(Mohammad-Hossein Shahriar),82岁,伊朗诗人(Heydar Babaya Salam)。
  • 艾伦·瓦特(Alan Watt),87岁,澳大利亚外交官,外交部部长。[64]
  • P. Shilu Ao,71岁,印度政治家,那加兰邦首席部长。
  • 恩里科·塞鲁利(Enrico Cerulli),90岁,意大利索马里和埃塞俄比亚研究学者,Scioa和Harar州长。
  • 迈克尔·费西尔,82岁,美国编剧和电影制片人。[65]
  • P. A. P. Moran,71岁,澳大利亚统计学家(概率论、人口和进化遗传学),中风。[66]
  • 爱德华·佩斯特尔(Eduard Pestel),74岁,德国工业设计师、经济学家和政治家。[67]
  • Win Maw Oo,16岁,缅甸学生活动家,在8888民主运动中被杀害。[68]
  • 玛莉·科尔文(Mary Colvin),80岁,皇家女子陆军团(Women's Royal Army Corps)的英国主任。
  • 汤姆·霍金斯,61岁,美国作家,可能是旺达·蒂纳斯基信件的作者,谋杀自杀。
  • Arwel Hughes,79岁,威尔士管弦乐指挥和作曲家。[79]
  • 特里洛克·卡普尔,76岁,印度演员。
  • 菲尔·莱斯利(Phil Leslie),79岁,美国喜剧作家,癌症。[80]
  • 莱尔·麦克尤恩(Lyell McEwin),91岁,澳大利亚政治家,南澳大利亚立法委员会主席。[81]
  • bpNichol,43岁,加拿大诗人和作家。[86]
  • James L. Buie,68岁,美国科学家和发明家(晶体管-晶体管逻辑),肺气肿。[87]
  • 比利·卡特,51岁,美国农民,商人和政治家,吉米·卡特的兄弟,胰腺癌。[88]
  • Nipper Pat Daly,75岁,英国拳击手。
  • 弗朗西斯·德萨莱斯(Francis DeSales),76岁,美国演员(《西边的两张面孔》(Two Faces West)、《奥兹和哈丽特历险记》(The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet)),癌症。[89]
  • 安东尼诺·萨埃塔(Antonino Saetta),65岁,意大利地方法官,遇刺身亡。[90]
  • Arthur Võõbus,79岁,爱沙尼亚神学家。[91]




  1. ^ Sullivan, Walter. Luis W. Alvarez, Nobel Physicist Who Explored Atom, Dies at 77. The New York Times. 1988-09-02 [2016-01-23]. ISSN 0362-4331. 
  2. ^ Obituary: Hugh Hunt. The Reading Chronicle. Retrieved 14 Jun 2024.
  3. ^ Gerald Mast, 48, Dies; Wrote Histories of Film. New York Times. Retrieved 22 Jun 2024.
  4. ^ Obit: Robert O. Menaker. Newspapers.com (The Journal News). Retrieved 23 Jun 2024.
  5. ^ Leonor K. Sullivan, 86, Democrat of Missouri. New York Times. Retrieved 11 Jul 2024.
  6. ^ Dorothy Muriel Crawford (1911–1988). Australian Dictionary of Biography. Retrieved 2 Jun 2024.
  7. ^ Jim Bagby #17. MLB.com. Retrieved 24 Sep 2024.
  8. ^ Sesay, al-Hajj Shaikh Jibril (known as Shaikh Gibril Sesay). Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. Retrieved 7 Jul 2024.
  9. ^ Robert Watts, Artist And 'Fluxus' Figure, Dies of Cancer at 65. New York Times. Retrieved 15 Jul 2024.
  10. ^ Backbeat Gold: Johnny B Great and the first single released by a Coventry pop group. Coventry Telegraph. Retrieved 10 Jun 2024.
  11. ^ Wolfgang Saxon. Ferit Melen, Ex-Turkish Premier And Defense Minister, Dies at 82 . The New York Times. 4 September 1988: 1 44 [3 April 2024]. 
  12. ^ Ewing Young Mitchell, 77. L.A. Times. Retrieved 25 Jun 2024.
  13. ^ Sas, Ferenc. National Football Teams. Retrieved 12 Jul 2024.
  14. ^ Bibi Torriani. Olympedia. Retrieved 12 Jul 2024.
  15. ^ Joseph Ceravolo, 54, A Prize-Winning Poet. New York Times. Retrieved 31 May 2024.
  16. ^ Leonard George Holden Huxley 1902-1988. Australian Academy of Science. Retrieved 14 Jun 2024.
  17. ^ C. Gerald Fraser. Lawrence Brown Is Dead at 81; Was Trombonist With Ellington . The New York Times. 9 September 1988: D 18 [3 April 2024]. (原始内容存档于2024-04-03). 
  18. ^ Gert Frobe, an Actor, Dies at 75. The New York Times. Associated Press. 6 September 1988 [July 18, 2020]. (原始内容存档于2020-03-16). 
  19. ^ Boris Smyslovsky, 91;. L.A. Times. Retrieved 8 Jul 2024.
  20. ^ Medal of Honor Monday: Army 1st Lt. Francis Burke. U.S. Department of Defense. Retrieved 30 May 2024.
  21. ^ Obituary for Autry Inman. tennessean.newspapers.com. Retrieved 14 Jun 2024.
  22. ^ Myrtle B. McGraw (1899–1988).. American Psychological Association. Retrieved 22 Jun 2024.
  23. ^ Harold G. Rosson, 93, 'Oz' Cinematographer . The New York Times. 9 September 1988: D 18 [3 April 2024]. 
  24. ^ Karni Singh. Olympedia. Retrieved 7 Jul 2024.
  25. ^ Spring, Daniel. Dictionary of Irish Biography. Retrieved 9 Jul 2024.
  26. ^ Stefan Themerson Obituary Thursday September 8 1988. Newspapers.com (The Guardian). Retrieved 12 Jul 2024.
  27. ^ Eldem, Sedad Hakki. encyclopedia.com (death year only). Retrieved 6 Jun 2024.
  28. ^ Nine words that stunned Australia: The brutal murder of Janine Balding. NZ Herald. Retrieved 26 May 2024.
  29. ^ David Dowaliby. National Registry of Exonerations. Retrieved 5 Jun 2024.
  30. ^ Pakistan Affairs. 1988. 
  31. ^ Virginia M. Satir, 72, Therapist for Families . The New York Times. 12 September 1988: B 4 [3 April 2024]. 
  32. ^ John Malam. Hargreaves, (Charles) Roger . 《牛津国家人物传记大辞典》 线上版. Dictionary of National Biography. 2004 [9 May 2011]. ISBN 978-0-19-861412-8. doi:10.1093/ref:odnb/76335.  需要订阅或英国公共图书馆会员资格
  33. ^ Alfonso A. Narvaez. Former Senator Alan Bible, 78; Nevadan Was Advocate of Parks . The New York Times. 14 September 1988: B 7 [3 April 2024]. 
  34. ^ Hans W. Frei, 66; Theologian Studied Biblical Narrative. New York Times. Retrieved 9 Jun 2024.
  35. ^ Overlooked No More: Margaret McFarland, Mentor to Mister Rogers. New York Times. Retrieved 22 Jun 2024.
  36. ^ William L. Mitchell, Auto Executive, 76. New York Times. Retrieved 25 Jun 2024.
  37. ^ Glenn Fowler. John D. J. Moore, an Executive And a Former Envoy, Dies at 77 . The New York Times. 13 September 1988: D 26 [3 April 2024]. 
  38. ^ Eric Pace. Lauris Norstad Dies at 81; Former NATO Commander . The New York Times. 14 September 1988: B 7 [3 April 2024]. 
  39. ^ Jon Pareles. Charlie Palmieri, 60, Salsa Pianist And Leader in Jazz-Latin Fusion . The New York Times. 13 September 1988: D 26 [3 April 2024]. 
  40. ^ Julian Banzon. Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines. Retrieved 28 May 2024.
  41. ^ Gerd Hornberger. Olympedia.com. Retrieved 13 Jun 2024.
  42. ^ Young, Peter. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. Retrieved 17 Jul 2024.
  43. ^ Sir Donald Albery Is Dead at 74; Influential British Stage Director . The New York Times. 17 September 1988: 1 34 [3 April 2024]. 
  44. ^ Rev. William Edward Cousins, 86, Retired Archbishop of Milwaukee. New York Times. Retrieved 2 Jun 2024.
  45. ^ "Sir Frank Francis – Obituary", The Times, 16 September 1988, p. 20
  46. ^ Henry C. Wallich, 74, Dies; Served on Federal Reserve. New York Times. Retrieved 14 Jul 2024.
  47. ^ Abortion Law Blamed in Death. Chicago Tribune. Retrieved 28 May 2024.
  48. ^ Max Loehr, 84, a Leading Scholar in Oriental Art. New York Times. Retrieved 21 Jun 2024.
  49. ^ Richard Paul Lohse. https://www.tate.org.uk/. Retrieved 21 Jun 2024.
  50. ^ Dick Pym. England Football Online. Retrieved 3 Jul 2024.
  51. ^ Ramon Subejano, 83; Hero of World War II. New York Times. Retrieved 11 Jul 2024.
  52. ^ Bob Trice. MLB.com. Retrieved 13 Jul 2024.
  53. ^ Sir John Biggs-Davison. UK Parliament. Retrieved 29 May 2024.
  54. ^ Craig Wolff. Walter P. Chrysler Jr., a Collector Of Modern Art and Artifacts, 79 . The New York Times. 19 September 1988: B 10 [3 April 2024]. 
  55. ^ Beulah M. Donald, 67, Klan Foe. New York Times. Retrieved 5 Jun 2024.
  56. ^ Hilde Gueden; Star With Vienna Opera. L.A. Times. Retrieved 10 Jun 2024.
  57. ^ Rowena Kostellow, 88; Taught Design at Pratt. New York Times. Retrieved 3 Jul 2024.
  58. ^ 1988 09 (Sep) 23 Obit. Helena Kalokuokamaile Wilcox-Salazar-Machado-Elua. Newspapers.com (Honolulu Star-Bulletin). Retrieved 16 Jul 2024.
  59. ^ Ho Chong, Korean Politician, 92 . The New York Times. 20 September 1988: D 29 [3 April 2024]. 
  60. ^ Kathleen Collins, a Film Maker, Dies at 46 . The New York Times. 24 September 1988: 1 33 [3 April 2024]. 
  61. ^ David Dodd, 93, Dies; Professor of Business. New York Times. Retrieved 5 Jun 2024.
  62. ^ Albert E. Jenner, 81, A Watergate Counsel. New York Times. Retrieved 15 Jun 2024.
  63. ^ David McFall RA. University of Glasgow. Retrieved 22 Jun 2024.
  64. ^ Death of Sir Alan Watt. Trove (Canberra Times). Retrieved 16 Jul 2024.
  65. ^ Michael Fessier, Writer, 82 . The New York Times. 25 September 1988: 1 44 [3 April 2024]. 
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  67. ^ Eduard Pestel (1914–1988): a Pioneer in Social Indicators, World Systems Modeling, Industrial Design, Politics and Public Policy. Springer. Retrieved 1 Jul 2024.
  68. ^ Democracy helps fulfill long-dead Myanmar teen’s last wish. Associated Press. Retrieved 16 Jul 2024.
  69. ^ Susan Heller Anderson. Roy Kinnear Is Dead At 54 After Falling From Horse in Film . The New York Times. 23 September 1988: B 6 [3 April 2024]. 
  70. ^ Author Julia O’Faolain has died, aged 88. The Irish Times. Retrieved 30 Jun 2024.
  71. ^ Walter Reckless. Britannica. Retrieved 3 Jul 2024.
  72. ^ Sam Woodyard Dies; Jazz Drummer Was 63 . The New York Times. 23 September 1988: B 6 [3 April 2024]. 
  73. ^ Ex-Rep. Glenn Davis, 73, Dies. New York Times. Retrieved 4 Jun 2024.
  74. ^ Douglas C. McGill. Robert Gwathmey, 85, an Artist Of Social Passions and Style, Dies . The New York Times. 22 September 1988: B 11 [3 April 2024]. 
  75. ^ Andrew L. Yarrow. Henry Koster, 83, Director of 'Harvey' And 'Bishop's Wife' . The New York Times. 27 September 1988: B 12 [3 April 2024]. 
  76. ^ Christine Norden, 63, Stage and Film Actress . The New York Times. 22 September 1988: B 11 [3 April 2024]. 
  77. ^ Death anniversary of Urdu poet Rais Amrohvi observed. Radio Pakistan. Retrieved 25 May 2024.
  78. ^ Maximilien Cardinal de Fürstenberg. catholic-hierarchy.org. Retrieved 9 Jun 2024.
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  83. ^ Basil de Ferranti; Parliamentarian, 58. New York Times. Retrieved 4 Jun 2024.
  84. ^ Nancy Hale, Fiction Writer, Is Dead at 80. New York Times. Retrieved 12 Jun 2024.
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  86. ^ bpNichol. The Canadian Encyclopedia. Retrieved 30 May 2024.
  87. ^ bpNichol. The Canadian Encyclopedia. Retrieved 30 May 2024.
  88. ^ James L. Buie, 68; Scientist, Inventor. L.A. Times. Retrieved 30 May 2024.
  89. ^ Robert D. Hershey Jr. Billy Carter Dies of Cancer at 51; Troubled Brother of a President . The New York Times. 26 September 1988: B 8 [3 April 2024]. 
  90. ^ Sicilian Judge and Son Shot to Death in Suspected Mafia Ambush. L.A. Times. Retrieved 4 Jul 2024.
  91. ^ Rev. Arthur Voobus, 79, Ex-theology Professor. Chicago Tribune. Retrieved 14 Jul 2024.
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  93. ^ Paul Cowan, Village Voice Writer And Author of 5 Books, Dies at 48. New York Times. Retrieved 2 Jun 2024.
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  106. ^ Frank Caplan, 77, Toy Developer. New York Times. Retrieved 31 May 2024.
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  108. ^ Charles R. Jonas, Former House Member, 83. New York Times. Retrieved 15 Jun 2024.
  109. ^ Eric Pace. Charles Addams Dead at 76; Found Humor in the Macabre . The New York Times. 30 September 1988: A 1 [11 October 2009]. (原始内容存档于2019-05-11). 
  110. ^ John S. Wilson. Barney Josephson, Owner of Cafe Society Jazz Club, Is Dead at 86 . The New York Times. 30 September 1988: B 9 [3 April 2024]. (原始内容存档于2024-04-03). 
  111. ^ Movie Tough Guy, Comedian Chick Chandler. L.A. Times. Retrieved 31 May 2024.
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