

指示病例巴格马蒂省加德满都区英语Kathmandu District
首次爆发地 中华人民共和国湖北省武汉市
COVID-19 Dashboard (MoHP)
Nepal COVID-19 Monitor (NDRRMA)
维基百科不提供医疗服务 医学声明 



受到2019冠状病毒病印度疫情影响,尼泊尔疫情2021年5月初的每日确诊率较4月中旬上升1200%[5]。截至2021年5月8日,尼泊尔卫生和人口部英语Ministry of Health and Population (Nepal)(MoHP)证实全国共有385,890名病例,其中298,765人已康复,3,632人死亡。此次疫情遍及尼泊尔所有的行政区[6]

此次疫情迫使尼泊尔取消了2020年访问尼泊尔英语Visit Nepal 2020旅游活动。由于疫情对尼泊尔旅游业、汇款、制造业、建筑业和贸易产生影响[7],该国的经济将大幅下滑。世界银行表示,此次疫情可能使该国约三分之一的人口处于贫穷门槛以下(即每天花费1.9美元)[8]


  1. ^ Shrestha, Ranish; Shrestha, Sunil; Khanal, Pratik; Kc, Bhuvan. Nepal's first case of COVID-19 and public health response. Journal of Travel Medicine. 2020-05-18, 27 (3): taaa024. ISSN 1195-1982. PMC 7107523 . PMID 32104884. doi:10.1093/jtm/taaa024. One confirmed case in Nepal was a native student, studying in Wuhan, with symptom onset on 3 January 2020. The infected 32-year-old male had returned on 9 January to spend winter holidays in Nepal... On 23 January 2020, the test results came back confirming COVID-19, although the man had been discharged. 
  2. ^ Nepal Reports South Asia's First Confirmed Case Of Deadly Coronavirus. NDTV.com. [2020-05-21]. (原始内容存档于2020-01-24). 
  3. ^ Pradhan, Tika R. Government decides to lift the four-month-long coronavirus lockdown, but with conditions. Kathmandu Post. 2020-07-21 [2020-07-22]. (原始内容存档于2020-07-22). The government has announced an end of the nationwide lockdown that it had imposed starting March 24 to contain the spread of Covid-19. Minister for Finance and Communication Yubaraj Khatiwada, who is also the government spokesperson, told a press briefing that Monday's Cabinet meeting had decided to lift the lockdown effective from Tuesday midnight with a few restrictions such as a ban on large gatherings still in place. 
  4. ^ COVID-19 vaccination drive to commence from Wednesday in Nepal. The Himalayan Times. 2021-01-24 [2021-01-24]. (原始内容存档于2021-02-20). 
  5. ^ 上游新闻. 印度疫情外溢 亚洲多国遭病毒肆虐 尼泊尔感染率增1200%. [2021-05-08]. (原始内容存档于2021-05-12). 
  6. ^ 206 Nepalis die of coronavirus across the globe as of Saturday evening. My Republica. 2020-07-26 [2021-02-12]. (原始内容存档于2020-07-26). 
  7. ^ Govt to carry out impact assessment of coronavirus on economy. The Himalayan Times. 2020-03-06 [2020-03-24]. (原始内容存档于2020-03-31). 
  8. ^ COVID-19 could push nearly one-third of Nepal's population below poverty line: World Bank report. Xinhua News Agency. 2020-07-23 [2020-07-27]. (原始内容存档于2020-07-27).