English: Graph showing values of the E12 series, which is used to standardize values of resistors and capacitors. The values shown cover two decades of the series, from 1 to 82, and illustrate the exponential nature of the series.
This graph was generated by the Perl program below, which was specially written for the purpose. If changes need to be made, it's probably best to tweak the program and re-run it to get a new version, rather than editing the SVG directly.
use warnings;
use strict;
# The E12 series twice over, the first time divided by 10.
my @VALUES = qw(
1.0 1.2 1.5 1.8 2.2 2.7 3.3 3.9 4.7 5.6 6.8 8.2
10 12 15 18 22 27 33 39 47 56 68 82
# Parameters to set appearance.
my $AXIS_HT = 400;
my $VERT_SCALE = 4.5;
my $BAR_WIDTH = 20;
my $BAR_GAP = 3;
my $MARGIN = 10;
my $img_wd = ($BAR_WIDTH + $BAR_GAP) * @VALUES + $BAR_GAP + 2 * $MARGIN;
my $img_ht = $AXIS_HT + 2 * $MARGIN;
my $margin_right = $img_wd - $MARGIN;
my $margin_bottom = $img_ht - $MARGIN;
my $x = $MARGIN;
my $graph_path = '';
my $text_cmds = '';
for (@VALUES) {
$x += $BAR_GAP;
my $bar_ht = $_ * $VERT_SCALE;
$graph_path .= "M$x,$margin_bottom v-$bar_ht h$BAR_WIDTH v$bar_ht Z\n";
$x += $BAR_WIDTH;
my $bar_top = $img_ht - $bar_ht - $MARGIN + -5;
my $txt_x = $x - 0.5 * $BAR_WIDTH + 4.5;
$text_cmds .= " <text transform='translate($txt_x,$bar_top) rotate(270)'" .
" x='0' y='0' fill='#000' text-anchor='start'>$_</text>\n";
print <<"END";
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<svg version="1.0" width="$img_wd" height="$img_ht"
<linearGradient id="grad" x2="0%" y1="0%" y2="100%">
<stop offset="5%" stop-color="#F00" />
<stop offset="95%" stop-color="#F90" />
<path stroke="#000" stroke-width="1" fill="none"
d="M$MARGIN,$MARGIN V$margin_bottom H$margin_right"/>
<path stroke="#000" stroke-width="0.6" fill="url(#grad)" d="$graph_path"/>
<path stroke="#333" stroke-width="0.6" fill="url(#grad)" d="$graph_path">
{{Information |Description={{en|1=Graph showing values of the E12 series, which is used to standardize values of resistors and capacitors. The values shown cover two decades of the series, from 1 to 82, and illustrates the exponential nature of the serie