English: Oblique view of interior of Kohlschütter, facing north at a low sun angle, which reveals the detail of the surface features within the crater. The light color at right is the base of the east wall of the crater and the dark field at left is shadow of west crater wall. The central peak is visible as well as part of a wrinkle ridge (dorsum) between the peak and rim.
2016, Original 1972
Apollo 16 Panoramic camera image, rotated and cropped in GIMP. The original image is in the public domain because it is a work of the U.S. Government (NASA).
Immediate source: Arizona State University, Apollo Browse Gallery AS16-P-4730
{{Information |Description = Oblique view of interior of [[Kohlschütter (crater)]], facing north at a low sun angle, which reveals the detail of the surface features within the crater. The light color at right is the base of the east wall of the crat...
This is a virtual print of Apollo Photograph AS16-P-4730 generated by the School of Earth and Space Exploration, Arizona State University. Usage of this image is governed by the Acceptable Use Policy, which can be accessed at http://apollo.sese.asu.edu/ABOUT_SCANS/index.html