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// The Wikipedia Adventure Mission 3
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//automatic api:edit function to send yourself messages
function sendMessage( targetPage, msgPage, linkTo ) {
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        } );

gt.defineTour( {
        name: 'twa3',
        shouldLog: true,
        steps: [ {
                title: '第三關開始!',
                description: '<br><div align="right">[[File:TWA_guide_right_top.png|link=]]</div>蓋亞女郎在〈地球〉條目那兒等着我們呢。<br><br>一起出發吧。<br><br>',
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                        name: '向地球出發*',
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        },  {
                title: '這就是地球了!',
                description: '<br>維基百科條目以百科條目的體例縱覽敘述對象,向讀者介紹關於敘述對象的重要資訊。<br><br>',
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                        url: mw.util.getUrl( 'Wikipedia:TWA/3/Start' ) + '?tour=twa3&step=1'          
                } , {
		        	    name: '去看看',
                        action: 'next',
                } ],
                allowAutomaticOkay: false
        },  {
                title: '看看有沒有地方要修正?',
                description: '<br><div align="left">[[File:TWA_guide_left_top.png|link=]]</div>我留意到條目的一些筆誤,看起來很是礙眼。你找到了多少處?<br><br>',
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                         name: '糾錯',
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                } ],
                allowAutomaticOkay: false				
        },  {
                title: '糾錯',
                description: '<br>找到了五處筆誤嗎?<br><br>第山——<b>第三</b><br>似大——<b>四大</b><br>散個——<b>三個</b> <br>洞植物——<b>動植物</b><br>人累——<b>人類</b>',
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                        url: mw.util.getUrl( 'Special:MyPage/TWA/Earth' ) + '?tour=twa3&step=3'          
                } , {
                	    name: '都找到了',
                        action: 'next',
                } ],

        },  {
                title: '修正筆誤',
                description: '<br>鍛煉一下自己的編輯技能,把這些筆誤修正好吧。按「編輯」。<br><br>',
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        },  {
                title: '五項修訂',
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                } , {
                	    name: '已修正',
                        action: 'next',
                        } ],
                allowAutomaticOkay: false

},  {
                title: '寫下編輯摘要和儲存',
                description: '<br>給大家知道你「修正了五處筆誤。」<br><br>準備好了以後,就<b>儲存</b>。',
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} , {
                title: '放膽改正!',
                description: '獲得新工具:  <b>校對員獎章</b><center>[[File:TWA badge 4.png|250px|link=]]</center><br>哇⋯⋯現在全世界都能夠看到由你改善的新版本了!這挺酷的喔!<br><br>繼續完成幾項修訂吧。就把文章開頭「<b>地球</b>」這個詞加粗吧。<br><br>這樣讀者就能迅速把目光移向條目的敘述對象了。按「編輯」。<br><br>',
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} , {
                title: '加粗!',
                description: '<br><div align="right">[[File:TWA_guide_right_top.png|link=]]</div>和之前一樣,要加粗,就要把文中第一個「地球」加亮,然後按下編輯工具列的B字。<br><br>', 
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	            	    name: '已加粗',
                        action: 'next',
                        } ],
                allowAutomaticOkay: false

} , {
                title: '寫下編輯摘要和儲存',
                description: '<br>給大家知道你「把字詞加粗。」<br><br>準備好了以後,就<b>儲存</b>。',
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                buttons: postEditButtons

} , {
                title: '哇哦⋯⋯好興奮欸!',
                description: '<br><div align="left">[[File:TWA_guide_left_top.png|link=]]</div>你已經開始掌握這些技能了。看來你會善用這些技能,好好編輯。<br><br>嘿,您又收到一則新留言了...<br><br>',
                onShow: gt.parseDescription,
                overlay: false,
                closeOnClickOutside: false,
                allowAutomaticOkay: false,
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                        url: mw.util.getUrl( 'Special:MyPage/TWA/Earth' ) + '?tour=twa3&step=10&action=edit'          
                } , {
                        name: '查看你的新訊息*',
                        onclick: function()  {  if(!mw.config.get('wgUserName')){  alert( "請登入。" );   return;   } sendMessage( 'User talk:' + mw.config.get( 'wgUserName' ) + '/TWA', 'Wikipedia:TWA/MyTalk/3a' , mw.util.getUrl( 'Special:MyTalk/TWA' ) + '?tour=twa3&step=12'); }
                } ],
} , {
                title: '新內容...',
                description: '<br><div align="left">[[File:TWA_guide_left_top.png|link=]]</div>來看看有甚麼新內容吧<br><br>',
                onShow: gt.parseDescription,
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                        url: mw.util.getUrl( 'Special:MyPage/TWA/Earth' ) + '?tour=twa3&step=11'          
                } , {
                        name: '查看新內容*',
                        onclick: function()  {  if(!mw.config.get('wgUserName')){  alert( "請登入。" );   return;   } sendMessage( 'User:' + mw.config.get( 'wgUserName' ), 'Wikipedia:TWA/Badge/4template2' , mw.util.getUrl( 'Wikipedia:TWA/3/End' ) + '?tour=twa3&step=13'); } 
                } ],
                allowAutomaticOkay: false

 } , {
                title: '第三關完成!',
                description: '<br>[[File:Wesnothmusic.ogg (short).ogg]]<br><b>踏上第四關⋯⋯</b>',
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                overlay: false,
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	            	    name: '恭喜自己!',
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