模块:Adjacent stations/KLRT
- 此模块是用于颜色用途,不适用于前任继任车站用途,请根据各运营商使用对的adjacent模板***
This template can be used to call the color of Klang Valley Rail Transit lines in and around Kuala Lumpur. The following are included in this template.
In order to call a line's color, the code {{rcr|KLRT|line}}
is used (where line is replaced by the actual line number or color). Note that this template is not case sensitive: i.e. {{rcr|KLRT|Red}}
produces the same result as {{rcr|KLRT|red}}
路线 | 代码 | 颜色 | 十六进制颜色 | 图标 |
芙蓉线 | 1 或 blue 或 Seremban 或 KB 或 KC |
1964b7 |
1 | |
巴生港线 | 2 或 red 或 Port Klang 或 KA 或 KD |
dc241f |
2 | |
安邦线 | 3 或 orange 或 LRT1 或 Ampang 或 AG |
fe8e10 |
3 | |
大城堡线 | 4 或 maroon 或 Sri Petaling 或 SP |
721422 |
4 | |
格拉那再也线 | 5 或 ruby 或 LRT2 或 Kelana Jaya 或 KJ |
e0115f |
5 | |
吉隆坡机场快线 | 6 或 purple 或 Klia Express 或 KE |
8c238f |
6 | |
吉隆坡机场支线 | 7 或 teal 或 Klia Transit 或 KT |
33a8b5 |
7 | |
吉隆坡单轨列车 | 8 或 lightgreen 或 Monorail 或 MR |
7dba00 |
8 | |
加影线 | 9 或 green 或 MRT1 或 Kajang 或 KG |
11753a |
9 | |
天空花园线 | 10 或 brown 或 Skypark 或 KS |
e47443 |
10 | |
莎阿南线 | 11 或 skyblue 或 LRT3 或 Shah Alam 或 SA |
59b8e6 |
11 | |
布城线 | 12 或 yellow 或 MRT2 或 Putrajaya 或 PY |
faca05 |
12 | |
环状线 | 13 或 MRT3 或 CC |
635FAA |
13 | |
布城单轨或电车 | 14 或 olive 或 PM |
808000 |
14 | |
双威BRT | 21 或 darkgreen 或 B1 或 Sunway 或 SB |
1e4d2b |
B1 | |
联邦BRT | 22 或 violet 或 B2 或 Federal 或 FB |
4b0082 |
B2 |
Colors were obtained from the Greater KL / Klang Valley Integrated Transit Map at www.spad.gov.my: Suruhanjaya Pengangkutan Awam Darat (Land Public Transport Commission).
local colors = {
["1"] = "1964b7",
["2"] = "dc241f",
["3"] = "fe8e10",
["4"] = "721422",
["5"] = "e0115f",
["6"] = "8c238f",
["7"] = "33a8b5",
["8"] = "7dba00",
["9"] = "11753a",
["10"] = "e47443",
["11"] = "59b8e6",
["12"] = "faca05",
["13"] = "635FAA",
["14"] = "808000",
["21"] = "1e4d2b",
["22"] = "4b0082"
local icon = "[[%s|<span style=\"display: inline-block; vertical-align: middle; "
.. "position: relative; border-radius: 3.3px; height: 20px; width: 22px; "
.. "line-height: 100%%; background: #%s; text-align: center; font-weight: bold; "
.. "font-size: 5px;\"><span style=\"position: absolute; top: 6.67px; left: 2px; "
.. "border: 1.67px solid white; border-radius: 10%%; height: 8.33px; width: 15px; "
.. "color: black; background: white; text-align: center; line-height: 8.89px; "
.. "font-weight: bold; font-size: 11.11px;%s\";>%s</span></span>]]"
local x = "%1站 (吉隆坡)"
local s = "%1站 (雪兰莪)"
local p = {
["system title"] = "[[File:Rapid KL Logo.svg|70px|link=Rapid KL]]",
["system icon"] = "",
["lines"] = {
["_default"] = {
["title"] = "[[%1线]]",
["color"] = "000000"
-- 已开通
["芙蓉"] = {
["title"] = "[[芙蓉线]]",
["color"] = colors["1"],
["icon"] = string.format(icon, "芙蓉线", colors["1"], "", "1"),
["left terminus"] = "?",
["right terminus"] = "?",
["巴生港"] = {
["title"] = "[[巴生港线]]",
["color"] = colors["2"],
["icon"] = string.format(icon, "巴生港线", colors["2"], "", "2"),
["left terminus"] = "?",
["right terminus"] = "?",
["安邦"] = {
["title"] = "[[安邦线]]",
["color"] = colors["3"],
["icon"] = string.format(icon, "安邦线", colors["3"], "", "3"),
["left terminus"] = "?",
["right terminus"] = "?",
["大城堡"] = {
["title"] = "[[大城堡线]]",
["color"] = colors["4"],
["icon"] = string.format(icon, "大城堡线", colors["4"], "", "4"),
["left terminus"] = "?",
["right terminus"] = "?",
["格拉那再也"] = {
["title"] = "[[格拉那再也线]]",
["color"] = colors["5"],
["icon"] = string.format(icon, "格拉那再也线", colors["5"], "", "5"),
["left terminus"] = "?",
["right terminus"] = "?",
["机场快线"] = {
["title"] = "[[吉隆坡机场快线]]",
["color"] = colors["6"],
["icon"] = string.format(icon, "吉隆坡机场快线", colors["6"], "", "6"),
["left terminus"] = "?",
["right terminus"] = "?",
["机场支线"] = {
["title"] = "[[吉隆坡机场支线]]",
["color"] = colors["7"],
["icon"] = string.format(icon, "吉隆坡机场支线", colors["7"], "", "7"),
["left terminus"] = "?",
["right terminus"] = "?",
["单轨列车"] = {
["title"] = "[[吉隆坡单轨列车]]",
["color"] = colors["8"],
["icon"] = string.format(icon, "吉隆坡单轨列车", colors["8"], "", "8"),
["left terminus"] = "?",
["right terminus"] = "?",
["加影"] = {
["title"] = "[[加影线]]",
["color"] = colors["9"],
["icon"] = string.format(icon, "加影线", colors["9"], "", "9"),
["left terminus"] = "?",
["right terminus"] = "?",
["天空花园"] = {
["title"] = "[[天空花园线]]",
["color"] = colors["10"],
["icon"] = string.format(icon, "天空花园线", colors["10"], "", "10"),
["left terminus"] = "?",
["right terminus"] = "?",
["布城"] = {
["title"] = "[[布城线]]",
["color"] = colors["12"],
["icon"] = string.format(icon, "布城线", colors["12"], "", "12"),
["left terminus"] = "?",
["right terminus"] = "?",
["双威BRT"] = {
["title"] = "[[双威线|双威BRT]]",
["color"] = colors["21"],
["icon"] = string.format(icon, "双威线", colors["21"], "", "B1"),
["left terminus"] = "?",
["right terminus"] = "?",
-- 未开通
["莎阿南"] = {
["title"] = "[[莎阿南线]]",
["color"] = colors["11"],
["icon"] = string.format(icon, "莎阿南线", colors["11"], " font-style: italic;", "11"),
["left terminus"] = "?",
["right terminus"] = "?",
["环状"] = {
["title"] = "[[环状线 (吉隆坡)|环状线]]",
["color"] = colors["13"],
["icon"] = string.format(icon, "环状线 (吉隆坡)", colors["13"], " font-style: italic;", "13"),
["left terminus"] = "?",
["right terminus"] = "?",
["布城单轨或电车"] = {
["title"] = "[[布城单轨|布城单轨或电车]]",
["color"] = colors["14"],
["icon"] = string.format(icon, "布城单轨", colors["14"], " font-style: italic;", "14"),
["left terminus"] = "?",
["right terminus"] = "?",
["联邦BRT"] = {
["title"] = "[[联邦线|联邦BRT]]",
["color"] = colors["22"],
["icon"] = string.format(icon, "联邦线", colors["22"], " font-style: italic;", "B2"),
["left terminus"] = "?",
["right terminus"] = "?",
-- 站名格式数据
["station format"] = {
-- 消歧义
-- 芙蓉线
["吉隆坡中央"] = "吉隆坡中央车站",
["冼都(KTM)"] = "冼都站 (马来亚铁道)",
["沙叻秀(KTM)"] = "沙叻秀站 (马来亚铁道)",
-- 巴生港线
["巴生(KTM)"] = "巴生站 (马来亚铁道)",
-- 安邦线
["冼都"] = "冼都站 (轻快铁)",
["人民广场"] = x,
["丽阳(安邦)"] = "丽阳站 (安邦)",
-- 大城堡线
["沙叻秀"] = "沙叻秀站 (轻快铁)",
-- 格拉那再也线
["大学"] = x,
-- 机场快线
["布城/赛城"] = "布城中央车站",
-- 莎亚南线
["丽阳(八打灵再也)"] = "丽阳站 (八打灵再也)",
["中路"] = s,
["巴生(轻快铁)"] = "巴生站 (轻快铁)",
-- 布城线
["布城中央"] = "布城中央车站",
["科技园"] = x,
-- 双威线
["双威-斯迪亚再也"] = "斯迪亚再也站",
-- 模板格式需要
["aliases"] = {
["1"] = "芙蓉",
["blue"] = "芙蓉",
["kb"] = "芙蓉",
["kc"] = "芙蓉",
["seremban"] = "芙蓉",
["seremban line"] = "芙蓉",
["2"] = "巴生港",
["red"] = "巴生港",
["ka"] = "巴生港",
["kd"] = "巴生港",
["port klang"] = "巴生港",
["port klang line"] = "巴生港",
["3"] = "安邦",
["orange"] = "安邦",
["lrt1"] = "安邦",
["ag"] = "安邦",
["ampang"] = "安邦",
["ampang line"] = "安邦",
["4"] = "大城堡",
["maroon"] = "大城堡",
["sp"] = "大城堡",
["ph"] = "大城堡",
["sri petaling"] = "大城堡",
["putra heights"] = "大城堡",
["sri petaling line"] = "大城堡",
["5"] = "格拉那再也",
["ruby"] = "格拉那再也",
["lrt2"] = "格拉那再也",
["kj"] = "格拉那再也",
["Kelana Jaya"] = "格拉那再也",
["kelana jaya"] = "格拉那再也",
["kelana jaya line"] = "格拉那再也",
["6"] = "机场快线",
["purple"] = "机场快线",
["ke"] = "机场快线",
["klia express"] = "机场快线",
["express"] = "机场快线",
["klia ekspres"] = "机场快线",
["7"] = "机场支线",
["teal"] = "机场支线",
["kt"] = "机场支线",
["transit"] = "机场支线",
["klia transit"] = "机场支线",
["8"] = "单轨列车",
["lightgreen"] = "单轨列车",
["mr"] = "单轨列车",
["monorail"] = "单轨列车",
["kl monorail"] = "单轨列车",
["9"] = "加影",
["green"] = "加影",
["mrt1"] = "加影",
["kg"] = "加影",
["sbk"] = "加影",
["sungai buloh kajang"] = "加影",
["sungai buloh kajang line"] = "加影",
["sungai buloh-kajang line"] = "加影",
["mrt kajang line"] = "加影",
["kajang"] = "加影",
["10"] = "天空花园",
["brown"] = "天空花园",
["ks"] = "天空花园",
["skypark"] = "天空花园",
["11"] = "莎阿南",
["skyblue"] = "莎阿南",
["lrt3"] = "莎阿南",
["sa"] = "莎阿南",
["bk"] = "莎阿南",
["buk"] = "莎阿南",
["js"] = "莎阿南",
["johan setia line"] = "莎阿南",
["bandar utama-klang line"] = "莎阿南",
["shah alam"] = "莎阿南",
["s"] = "莎阿南",
["12"] = "布城",
["yellow"] = "布城",
["mrt2"] = "布城",
["ssp"] = "布城",
["py"] = "布城",
["mrt putrajaya line"] = "布城",
["putrajaya"] = "布城",
["13"] = "环状",
["grey"] = "环状",
["mrt3"] = "环状",
["cc"] = "环状",
["circle mrt"] = "环状",
["14"] = "布城单轨或电车",
["olive"] = "布城单轨或电车",
["pm"] = "布城单轨或电车",
["21"] = "双威BRT",
["darkgreen"] = "双威BRT",
["b1"] = "双威BRT",
["sb"] = "双威BRT",
["brt sunway"] = "双威BRT",
["brt sunway line"] = "双威BRT",
["sunway"] = "双威BRT",
["sunway line"] = "双威BRT",
["22"] = "联邦BRT",
["violet"] = "联邦BRT",
["b2"] = "联邦BRT",
["fb"] = "联邦BRT",
["federal"] = "联邦BRT",
["federal line"] = "联邦BRT",
["brt federal"] = "联邦BRT",
["brt federal line"] = "联邦BRT"
local stationAliases = {
-- 简繁转换
["火車東站"] = "火车东站",
["Kakusei Homura"] = "Pneuma",
["Kakusei Hikari"] = "Pneuma",
for k, v in pairs(stationAliases) do
p["station format"][k] = p["station format"][v]
local lineAliases = {
['B1'] = '21',
['B2'] = '22',
['KA'] = '2',
['KB'] = '1',
['KC'] = '1',
['KD'] = '2',
['AG'] = '3',
['SP'] = '4',
['KJ'] = '5',
['Kelana Jaya Line'] = '5',
['KE'] = '6',
['KT'] = '7',
['MR'] = '8',
['KG'] = '9',
['Sungai Buloh-Kajang Line'] = '9',
['KS'] = '10',
['SA'] = '11',
['PY'] = '12',
['Sungai Buloh-Serdang-Putrajaya Line'] = '12',
['CC'] = '13',
['PM'] = '14',
['SB'] = '21',
['FB'] = '22',
for k, v in pairs(lineAliases) do
p.lines[k] = p.lines[v]
return p