前任者: {{{preceded}}} |
{{{office}}} | 继任者: {{{succeeded}}} |
编辑- preceded= {{{whatever is before}}}
- office= {{{whatever is title or name, frequently 'this page name' with or without pipetricks}}}
- years= {{{years|}}} (As an en dash separated 'range', appears centered under 'office'. Or other such information. Optional.
- succeeded= {{{Whatever comes after, usually next office-holder, or link in chain}}}
Pipe separate the "keywords= something you want" strings in any order. But the 'keyword=' must be given.
其他维基媒体旗下计划中的相似模板 | |
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Fancy example
编辑Embedding <br> into each field enables multiple line data to be displayed. This is an actual use in the Honorverse book series:
前任者: On Basilisk Station Preceding Short-stories: in 'Changer of Worlds' (sub-series: 'Worlds of Honor #3') Ms. Midshipwoman Harrington. |
The Honor of the Queen Honor Harrington books Central figure: Honor Harrington In Chronological Order: Secong Novel in book series
继任者: The Short Victorious War (©1994 MMPB, ©2000 HC) |