File:Electron asymmetric motion animation.gif

Electron_asymmetric_motion_animation.gif(300 × 150像素,文件大小:131 KB,MIME类型:image/gif、​循环、​60帧、​1.8秒)


English: An electron (purple) is being pushed side-to-side by a sinusoidally-oscillating force. But because the electron is in an anharmonic potential (black curve), the electron motion is not sinusoidal. The three arrows show the Fourier series of the motion: The blue arrow corresponds to ordinary (linear) susceptibility, the green arrow corresponds to second-harmonic generation, and the red arrow corresponds to optical rectification.
来源 自己的作品
作者 Sbyrnes321


Creative Commons CC-Zero 本作品采用知识共享CC0 1.0 通用公有领域贡献许可协议授权。

Source code

(C) Steven Byrnes, 2014. This code is released under the MIT license

This code should work in Python 2.7 or 3.3. It requires imagemagick to be
installed; that's how it assembles images into animated GIFs.

from __future__ import division, print_function

import pygame as pg
from math import pi
from cmath import exp

import subprocess, os
directory_now = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))

frames_in_anim = 60
animation_loop_seconds = 2 #time in seconds for animation to loop one cycle

bgcolor = (255,255,255) #white
potential_curve_color = (0,0,0) #black
ecolor = (100,0,100) #electron is purple

linear_color = (0, 0, 150)
shg_color = (0, 150, 0)
const_color = (150, 0, 0)

eradius = 20

img_height = 500
img_width = 1000

top_arrow_y = 350
middle_arrow_y = 380
bottom_arrow_y = 410
arrow_width = 8

# Limits of the potential curve
xmin = 100
xmax = 900
ymin = 40
ymax = 300

# pygame draws pixel-art, not smoothed. Therefore I am drawing it
# bigger, then smoothly shrinking it down
final_width = int(round(0.3 * img_width))
final_height = int(round(0.3 * img_height))

def potential_curve(x):
    My potential curve y as a function of x
    xscaled = (x-xmin) / (xmax - xmin)
    if xscaled < 0.2:
        yscaled = (0.2 - xscaled)**2 / (0.2**2)
        yscaled = (xscaled - 0.2)**2 / (0.8**2)
    # flip it, because higher y-coordinate is lower in pygame drawing
    yscaled = 1 - yscaled
    return ymin + (ymax - ymin) * yscaled

curve_bottom_x = 0.79 * xmin + 0.21 * xmax
curve_bottom_y = potential_curve(curve_bottom_x)

def electron_curve(x):
    The path that the electron center travels along
    # xscaled = (x-xmin) / (xmax - xmin)
    y = min(potential_curve(x), potential_curve(x+eradius), potential_curve(x-eradius))
    return y - eradius

# Constants and function for calculating electron motion
linear_coef = 0.3
shg_coef = 0.07
displacement = 0.32

def e_x(phase):
    x-position of electron as a function of phase (from 0 to 2pi)
    xscaled = (linear_coef * exp(1j * phase) + shg_coef * exp(2j * phase)
               + displacement).real
    return xmin + xscaled * (xmax - xmin)

def draw_arrow(surf, tail_xy, head_xy, width=2, color=(0,0,0)):
    draw a horizontal arrow
    # tail_xy and head_xy are 2-tuples. Unpack them first
    tail_x, tail_y = tail_xy
    head_x, head_y = head_xy
    assert head_y == tail_y
    h = 16 # arrowhead height
    b = 18 # arrowhead half-base
    if tail_x < head_x:
        # rightward arrow
        triangle = [(head_x, head_y),
                    (head_x - h, head_y - b),
                    (head_x - h, head_y + b)]
        # leftward arrow
        triangle = [(head_x, head_y),
                    (head_x + h, head_y - b),
                    (head_x + h, head_y + b)]
    pg.draw.line(surf, color, (tail_x, tail_y), (head_x, head_y), width)
    pg.draw.polygon(surf, color, triangle, 0)

def main():
    """ function for creating the animated GIF """
    # Make and save a drawing for each frame
    filename_list = [os.path.join(directory_now, 'temp' + str(n) + '.png')
                         for n in range(frames_in_anim)]

    # Put the potential curve in the form of a list of points, to be drawn below
    xs = range(xmin, xmax + 1,1)
    ys = [potential_curve(x) for x in xs]
    potential_curve_path = zip(xs, ys)
    for frame in range(frames_in_anim):
        phase = 2 * pi * frame / frames_in_anim
        electron_x = e_x(phase)
        electron_y = electron_curve(electron_x)
        # initialize surface
        surf = pg.Surface((img_width,img_height))
        # draw potential curve
        pg.draw.lines(surf, potential_curve_color, False,
                      potential_curve_path, 10)
        # draw vertical line to first arrow
        pg.draw.line(surf, (0,0,0), (curve_bottom_x,curve_bottom_y),
                     (curve_bottom_x, top_arrow_y), 3)
        # draw three arrows
        linear_term = (linear_coef * exp(1j * phase)).real * (xmax - xmin)
        shg_term = (shg_coef * exp(2j * phase)).real * (xmax - xmin)
                   (curve_bottom_x, top_arrow_y),
                   (curve_bottom_x + linear_term, top_arrow_y),
                   width=arrow_width, color=linear_color)
                   (curve_bottom_x + linear_term, middle_arrow_y),
                   (curve_bottom_x + linear_term + shg_term, middle_arrow_y),
                   width=arrow_width, color=shg_color)
                   (curve_bottom_x + linear_term + shg_term, bottom_arrow_y),
                   (electron_x, bottom_arrow_y),
                   width=arrow_width, color=const_color)
        # draw electron, ecolor,
                       ((int(round(electron_x)), int(round(electron_y)))),
                       eradius, 0)

        shrunk_surface = pg.transform.smoothscale(surf, (final_width, final_height)), filename_list[frame])

    seconds_per_frame = animation_loop_seconds / frames_in_anim
    frame_delay = str(int(seconds_per_frame * 100))
    command_list = ['convert', '-delay', frame_delay, '-loop', '0'] + filename_list + ['anim.gif']
    # Use the "convert" command (part of ImageMagick) to build the animation, cwd=directory_now)
    # Earlier, we saved an image file for each frame of the animation. Now
    # that the animation is assembled, we can (optionally) delete those files
    if True:
        for filename in filename_list:






文件来源 简体中文(已转写)

上传者的原创作品 简体中文(已转写)



当前2014年3月5日 (三) 03:492014年3月5日 (三) 03:49版本的缩略图300 × 150(131 KB)Sbyrnes321got rid of a vertical line
2014年3月5日 (三) 03:312014年3月5日 (三) 03:31版本的缩略图300 × 150(132 KB)Sbyrnes321User created page with UploadWizard


