English: Kyōto Station, built in 1997, as seen from the eastern side of the main hall.
Čeština: Nádraží Kyoto Station je hlavní železniční stanicí a dopravním uzlem v japonském městě Kjóto. Jde o druhou největší japonskou nádražní budovu, která zahrnuje nákupní centrum, hotel, kino a obchodní dům Isetan. Je vysoká 70 metrů, má 470 m na délku a celkovou podlahovou plochou 238 000 m2.
Español: Vista interior de la estación de Kioto, el principal centro de transporte de la ciudad japonesa de Kioto y uno de los más grandes de Japón. El edificio actual fue diseñado por el arquitecto Hiroshi Hara e inaugurado en 1997.
Magyar: A kiotóiJapán egyik legnagyobb vasútállomása és közlekedési csomópontja. Az épületet Hara Hirosi tervezte, és 1997‑ben adták át
한국어: 교토역은 일본 교토시의 주요 철도역이자 교통 중심지이다. 일본에서 두번째로 큰 철도역 건물로, 15층 건물 안에 쇼핑몰, 호텔, 영화관, 백화점, 지방 공공단체 등이 입주해 있다. 현재의 역은 교토 1200주년을 기념하여 1997년 개통되었다. 높이 70m, 동서 길이 470m이며, 총면적은 238,000m2이다. 강철 프레임 위에 판유리의 불규칙한 파사드와 함께 여러 미래적 특성을 나타낸다. 건축가 하라 히로시가 설계하였다.
Nederlands: Station Kioto is het belangrijkste vervoersknooppunt in de Japanse stad Kioto
Português: Vista interior da estação ferroviária e centro de transportes de Quioto, um dos maiores do Japão. Arquitetonicamente, exibe muitas características do futurismo, com uma fachada cúbica ligeiramente irregular de vidro sobre uma estrutura de aço. O edifício atual foi projetado pelo arquiteto Hiroshi Hara e inaugurado em 1997.
Українська: Кіотський залізничний вокзал — друга за величиною будівля вокзалу в Японії та одна з найбільших будівель країни.
English: Kyoto Station is a major railway station and transportation hub in Kyoto, Japan. It has Japan's second-largest station building and is one of the country's largest buildings, incorporating a shopping mall, hotel, movie theater, Isetan department store, and several local government facilities under one 15-story roof. The current station opened in 1997, commemorating Kyoto's 1,200th anniversary. It is 70 meters high and 470 meters from east to west, with a total floor area of 238,000 square meters. Architecturally, it exhibits many characteristics of futurism, with a slightly irregular cubic façade of plate glass over a steel frame. The architect was Hiroshi Hara.
Other languages:
Čeština: Nádraží Kyoto Station je hlavní železniční stanicí a dopravním uzlem v japonském městě Kjóto. Jde o druhou největší japonskou nádražní budovu, která zahrnuje nákupní centrum, hotel, kino a obchodní dům Isetan. Je vysoká 70 metrů, má 470 m na délku a celkovou podlahovou plochou 238 000 m2.
English: Kyoto Station is a major railway station and transportation hub in Kyoto, Japan. It has Japan's second-largest station building and is one of the country's largest buildings, incorporating a shopping mall, hotel, movie theater, Isetan department store, and several local government facilities under one 15-story roof. The current station opened in 1997, commemorating Kyoto's 1,200th anniversary. It is 70 meters high and 470 meters from east to west, with a total floor area of 238,000 square meters. Architecturally, it exhibits many characteristics of futurism, with a slightly irregular cubic façade of plate glass over a steel frame. The architect was Hiroshi Hara.
Español: Vista interior de la estación de Kioto, el principal centro de transporte de la ciudad japonesa de Kioto y uno de los más grandes de Japón. El edificio actual fue diseñado por el arquitecto Hiroshi Hara e inaugurado en 1997.
Magyar: A kiotóiJapán egyik legnagyobb vasútállomása és közlekedési csomópontja. Az épületet Hara Hirosi tervezte, és 1997‑ben adták át
Nederlands: Station Kioto is het belangrijkste vervoersknooppunt in de Japanse stad Kioto
Português: Vista interior da estação ferroviária e centro de transportes de Quioto, um dos maiores do Japão. Arquitetonicamente, exibe muitas características do futurismo, com uma fachada cúbica ligeiramente irregular de vidro sobre uma estrutura de aço. O edifício atual foi projetado pelo arquiteto Hiroshi Hara e inaugurado em 1997.
Українська: Кіотський залізничний вокзал — друга за величиною будівля вокзалу в Японії та одна з найбільших будівель країни.
한국어: 교토역은 일본 교토시의 주요 철도역이자 교통 중심지이다. 일본에서 두번째로 큰 철도역 건물로, 15층 건물 안에 쇼핑몰, 호텔, 영화관, 백화점, 지방 공공단체 등이 입주해 있다. 현재의 역은 교토 1200주년을 기념하여 1997년 개통되었다. 높이 70m, 동서 길이 470m이며, 총면적은 238,000m2이다. 강철 프레임 위에 판유리의 불규칙한 파사드와 함께 여러 미래적 특성을 나타낸다. 건축가 하라 히로시가 설계하였다.