label1/.style = {text width=5em,font=\tiny,align=left}
\node [font=\bfseries,text centered] at (4,-.5) {Light Harmonics};
\node [label1] at (-1,-1) {650nm -- Red};
\node [label1] at (-1,-1.5) {607nm -- Orange};
\node [label1] at (-1,-2) {578nm -- Yellow};
\node [label1] at (-1,-2.5) {520nm -- Green};
\node [label1] at (-1,-3) {487nm -- Blue};
\node [label1] at (-1,-3.5) {475nm -- Indigo};
\node [label1] at (-1,-4) {405nm -- Violet};
\node [label1] at (-1,-4.5) {325nm -- UV};
\draw [red] plot (\x,{-1+ sin(\x*500)r/400});
\draw [orange] plot (\x,{-1.5+ sin(\x*535.42)r/400});
\draw [yellow] plot (\x,{-2+ sin(\x*562.285)r/400});
\draw [green] plot (\x,{-2.5+ sin(\x*625)r/400});
\draw [blue] plot (\x,{-3+ sin(\x*667.35)r/400});
\draw [color={rgb:red,75;green,0;blue,130}] plot (\x,{-3.5+ sin(\x*684.2)r/400});
\draw [violet] plot (\x,{-4+ sin(\x*802.47)r/400});
\draw [violet!60!black] plot (\x,{-4.5+ sin(\x*1000)r/400});
\draw [black] (-1,-4.75) -- ++(10,0);
\node [text centered,font=\small] at (4,-5.1) {Harmonics of red light in relation to other colors};
\node [label1] at (-.5,-5.5) {$\lambda$/14 --};
\node [label1] at (-.5,-6) {$\lambda$/8 --};
\node [label1] at (-.5,-6.5) {$\lambda$/4 --};
\node [label1] at (-.5,-7) {$\lambda$/3 --};
\node [label1] at (-.5,-7.5) {$\lambda$/2.67 --};
\node [label1] at (-.5,-8) {$\lambda$/2.5 --};
\node [label1] at (-.5,-8.5) {$\lambda$/2 --};
\draw[red] plot (\x, {-5.5+ sin(\x*500)r/400});
\draw[orange] plot (\x, {-5.5+ sin(\x*535.42)r/400});
\draw[red] plot (\x, {-6+ sin(\x*500)r/400});
\draw[yellow] plot (\x, {-6+ sin(\x*562.285)r/400});
\draw[red] plot (\x, {-6.5+ sin(\x*500)r/400});
\draw[green] plot (\x, {-6.5+ sin(\x*625)r/400});
\draw[red] plot (\x, {-7+ sin(\x*500)r/400});
\draw[blue] plot (\x, {-7+ sin(\x*667.35)r/400});
\draw[red] plot (\x, {-7.5+ sin(\x*500)r/400});
\draw [color={rgb:red,75;green,0;blue,130}] plot (\x,{-7.5+ sin(\x*684.2)r/400});
\draw[red] plot (\x, {-8+ sin(\x*500)r/400});
\draw [violet] plot (\x, {-8+ sin(\x*802.47)r/400});
\draw[red] plot (\x, {-8.5+ sin(\x*500)r/400});
\draw [violet!60!black] plot (\x,{-8.5+ sin(\x*1000)r/400});
\draw [black] (-1,-8.75) -- ++(10,0);
\node [text centered,font=\small] at (4,-9.1) {White light (all colors interfering with each other)};
\draw [red] plot (\x,{-9.5+ sin(\x*500)r/400});
\draw [orange] plot (\x,{-9.5+ sin(\x*535.42)r/400});
\draw [yellow] plot (\x,{-9.5+ sin(\x*562.285)r/400});
\draw [green] plot (\x,{-9.5+ sin(\x*625)r/400});
\draw [blue] plot (\x,{-9.5+ sin(\x*667.35)r/400});
\draw [color={rgb:red,75;green,0;blue,130}] plot (\x,{-9.5+ sin(\x*684.2)r/400});
\draw [violet] plot (\x,{-9.5+ sin(\x*802.47)r/400});
\draw [violet!60!black] plot (\x,{-9.5+ sin(\x*1000)r/400});