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描述 Shipping articles for the Sloop (Calley?) on a voyage to Boston in 1786.
来源 Library of Congress, Rare Book and Special Collections Division
作者 William Bartlett and Master, Seamen, and Mariners of the ...

Full text

ALEXANDRIA: Printed by G. RICHARDS, and COMPANY. IT is agreed between the Master, Seamen, and Mariners of the {Begin handwritten}sloop Dolly{End handwritten}..........{Begin handwritten}William Bartlett{End handwritten} Master, now bound for the port of {Begin handwritten}Boston in New England{End handwritten} THAT in consideration of the monthly or other wages against each respective Seaman and Mariner's name hereunder set, They severally shall and will perform the abovementioned voyage; and said Master doth hereby agree with, and hire, the said Seamen and Mariners for the said voyage, at such monthly Wages, to be paid pursuant to the laws of the United States: And they the said Seamen and Mariners do hereby promise and oblige themselves to do their duty, and obey the lawful commands of their officers on board of the said {Begin handwritten}sloop{End handwritten}..........or the boats thereto belonging, as becomes good and faithful Seamen and Mariners; and that at all places where the said {Begin handwritten}sloop{End handwritten}..........shall put in, or anchor at, during the said voyage, to do their best endeavours for the preservation of the said {Begin handwritten}sloop{End handwritten}..........and cargo, and do not neglect nor refuse doing their duty by day or night, nor go out of the said {Begin handwritten}sloop{End handwritten}..........on board any other vessel, or on shore, under any pretence whatsoever, without leave first obtained of the Captain or Commanding Officer on board; that in default thereof, they will not only be liable to the penalties enacted for the better Regulation and Government of Seamen in the Merchants' Service; but will further, in case they should, on any account whatsoever, leave or desert the said {Begin handwritten}sloop{End handwritten}..........without the Master's consent, till the abovesaid voyage is ended, and the {Begin handwritten}said sloop{End handwritten}..........discharged of her loading, be liable to forfeit and lose what wages may at such time of their desertion be due to them, together with every their goods, chattels, &c. on board; renouncing, by these presents, all title, right, demand and pretensions thereunto for ever, for them, their heirs, executors and administrators. And it is further agreed by both parties, that eight and forty hours absence without leave, shall be deemed a total desertion, and render such Seamen and Mariners liable to the penalties abovementioned. That each and every lawful command, which the said Master shall think necessary hereafter to issue, for the effectual government of the said vessel, suppressing immorality and vice of all kinds, be strictly complied with, under penalty of the person or persons disobeying, forfeiting his or their whole wages, or hire, together with every thing belonging to him or them, on board the said vessel. And it is further agreed on, That no Officer or Seaman belonging to said {Begin handwritten}sloop{End handwritten}..........shall demand or be entitled to his wages, or any part thereof, until the arrival of the said {Begin handwritten}sloop{End handwritten} the abovementioned port of discharge, in {Begin handwritten}Boston{End handwritten}..........That each Seaman and Mariner, who shall well and truly perform the abovementioned voyage (provide always that there be no plunderage, embezzlement, or other unlawful acts, committed on said vessel's cargo or stores) be entitled to the wages or hire that may become due to him, pursuant to his agreement. That for the due performance of each and every of the abovementioned articles, agreement, and acknowledgment of their being voluntary, and without compulsion, or any clandestine means being used, we have each and every of us under affixed our hands, the month and day against our names affixed, and in the year of our Lord {Begin handwritten}17?6{End handwritten}


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当前2007年3月31日 (六) 14:552007年3月31日 (六) 14:55版本的缩略图3,268 × 4,065(655 KB)HausShipping articles for the Sloop (Calley?) on a voyage to Boston in 1786. From



