岩棉是人们通过旋转或拉伸熔化矿物或岩石材料(如炉渣陶瓷)所形成之纤维状材料[1]。岩棉的用途有隔热(岩棉可以用于建筑隔热管道隔热英语Pipe insulation,虽然岩棉不像高温隔热棉英语Mineral wool那样耐火)、过滤隔音


参考文献 编辑

  1. ^ "Man-made mineral fibre (MMMF) is a generic name used to describe an inorganic fibrous material manufactured primarily from glass, rock, minerals, slag and processed inorganic. The MMMF produced are non-crystalline (glassy, vitreous, amorphous)." Recommendation from the Scientific Committee on Occupational Exposure Limits for man made-mineral fibres (MMMF) with no indication for carcinogenicity and not specified elsewhere