旷古龙属学名Ahvaytum国际音标:[ɔveɪtəm] ah-VAY-tum直译:“很久之前的”)是蜥臀目灭绝的一个属,疑似原始蜥脚形亚目恐龙,化石发现于美国怀俄明州晚三叠世波波埃吉组英语Popo Agie Formation。属下包括单一物种龙形旷古龙A. bahndooiveche),所知于破碎的后肢骨骼。旷古龙是已知生存于古代劳亚大陆上的最古老的恐龙。[1]

化石时期:晚三叠世卡尼期),~230 Ma
科学分类 编辑
界: 动物界 Animalia
门: 脊索动物门 Chordata
纲: 蜥形纲 Sauropsida
总目: 恐龙总目 Dinosauria
目: 蜥臀目 Saurischia
演化支 真蜥臀类 Eusaurischia
亚目: 蜥脚形亚目 (?) Sauropodomorpha
属: 旷古龙属 Ahvaytum
Lovelace et al., 2025
Ahvaytum bahndooiveche

Lovelace et al., 2025



旷古龙化石材料于2013年从美国怀俄明州中西部下波波埃吉组英语Popo Agie Formation(Garrett's Surprise地区)的露头中发现。[2][3]正模标本UWGM英语UW–Madison Geology Museum 1975是一块孤立的左距骨。标本UWGM 7549为部分左股骨近端),因其发现于正模标本周围半径5米(16英尺)的区域内,且解剖特征与蜥臀目相吻合,故被归入本属。[1]


2025年,洛夫莱斯等人根据该化石材料描述了早期蜥脚形亚目新属新种龙形旷古龙(Ahvaytum bahndooiveche)。属名Ahvaytum国际音标:[ɔveɪtəm])意为“很久之前的”,形容标本年代古老,种名bahndooiveche字面意思为“水中的英俊年轻人”,用于指代恐龙及当地五颜六色的蝾螈,完整学名意即“非常古老的恐龙”。此名是东部肖肖尼族英语Eastern Shoshone的长者及学生用母语所取。[1]




真蜥臀类 Eusaurischia

兽脚亚目 Theropoda

蜥脚形亚目 Sauropodomorpha

远食龙 Panphagia

平原驰龙 Pampadromaeus

悍龙类 Bagualosauria

悍龙 Bagualosaurus

农神龙科 Saturnaliidae

农神龙 Saturnalia

小鶆䴈龙 Nhandumirim

颜地龙 Chromogisaurus

旷古龙 Ahvaytum

姆比雷龙 Mbiresaurus

布氏盗龙 Buriolestes

始盗龙 Eoraptor

槽齿龙 Thecodontosaurus

板龙类 Plateosauria





  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Lovelace, David M; Kufner, Aaron M; Fitch, Adam J; Curry Rogers, Kristina; Schmitz, Mark; Schwartz, Darin M; LeClair-Diaz, Amanda; St.Clair, Lynette; Mann, Joshua; Teran, Reba. Rethinking dinosaur origins: oldest known equatorial dinosaur-bearing assemblage (mid-late Carnian Popo Agie FM, Wyoming, USA). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society. 2025-01-01, 203 (1): zlae153. ISSN 0024-4082. doi:10.1093/zoolinnean/zlae153. 
  2. ^ Cushman, Will. Dinosaurs roamed the northern hemisphere millions of years earlier than previously thought, according to new analysis of the oldest North American fossils. University of Wisconsin–Madison. [2025-01-08] (美国英语). 
  3. ^ Lovelace, D.M.; Fitch, A.J.; Schwartz, D.; Schmitz, M. Concurrence of Late Triassic lithostratigraphic, radioisotopic, and biostratigraphic data support a Carnian age for the Popo Agie Formation (Chugwater Group), Wyoming, US. GSA Bulletin. 2024, 136 (5-6): 2305–2324. doi:10.1130/B36807.1. 
  4. ^ Fitch, Adam J.; Lovelace, David M.; Stocker, Michelle R. The oldest dinosaur from the northern hemisphere and the origins of Theropoda (PDF). Society of Vertebrate Paleontology 80th Annual Meeting: 140–141. 2020. 
  5. ^ Deckman, M.E.; Lovelace, D.M.; Holland, S.M. A Reinterpretation of the Jelm and Popo Agie Formations (Triassic, Wyoming) as a Distributive Fluvial System (DFS) and the Role of the Accommodation/Sedimentation Ratio in DFS Deposition. The Mountain Geologist. 2024, 61 (3): 219–248. doi:10.31582/rmag.mg.61.3.219.