

核糖体分流(Ribosome shunting)为真核生物细胞的核糖体翻译一些病毒mRNA时,在扫描mRNA的过程中跳过5′非翻译区部分二级结构复杂的序列,直接与该序列下游的序列结合的机制[1],最早于1990年代在花椰菜嵌纹病毒(CaMV)的mRNA中发现[2]。许多病毒mRNA的核糖体分流需仰赖其5′非翻译区的上游开放阅读框(uORF),核糖体完成uORF的翻译后(通常仅有2-15个密码子),60S核糖体亚基自核糖体脱离,40S核糖体亚基则跳过(take-off)mRNA下游5-10nt处一段二级结构复杂的序列,与下游的降落位点(landing site)结合,再重新开始扫描,找到下一个开放阅读框起始密码子后再次与60S亚基结合而开始翻译[2][3]

已知腺病毒[4]仙台病毒[5][6]人类乳突病毒(HPV)、人泡沫病毒英语Human foamy virus[2]鸭乙型肝炎病毒[2]水稻东格鲁杆状病毒英语Tungrovirus(RTBV)[7]与花椰菜嵌纹病毒[8]等多种病毒的mRNA翻译都有核糖体分流的机制。


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  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 Pooggin MM, Ryabova LA. Ribosome Shunting, Polycistronic Translation, and Evasion of Antiviral Defenses in Plant Pararetroviruses and Beyond.. Front Microbiol. 2018, 9: 644. PMC 5902531 . PMID 29692761. doi:10.3389/fmicb.2018.00644. 
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  6. ^ Latorre, P; Kolakofsky, D; Curran, J. Sendai virus Y proteins are initiated by a ribosomal shunt. Molecular and Cellular Biology. 1998, 18 (9): 5021–31. PMC 109087 . PMID 9710586. doi:10.1128/mcb.18.9.5021. 
  7. ^ Pooggin, M. M.; Ryabova, LA; He, X; Fütterer, J; Hohn, T. Mechanism of ribosome shunting in Rice tungro bacilliform pararetrovirus. RNA. 2006, 12 (5): 841–50. PMC 1440904 . PMID 16556934. doi:10.1261/rna.2285806. 
  8. ^ Pooggin, MM; Hohn, T; Fütterer, J. Role of a short open reading frame in ribosome shunt on the cauliflower mosaic virus RNA leader. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 2000, 275 (23): 17288–96. PMID 10747993. doi:10.1074/jbc.M001143200 .