
理查德·莱文斯(英语:Richard "Dick" Levins,1930年6月1日—2016年1月19日),从事多种人口学研究,为生态学家、群体遗传学家、数学生态学家以及科学哲学家。在逝世前,莱文斯任教于美国哈佛大学陈曾熙公共卫生学院英语Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health,并长期推动政治运动。莱文斯最知名的研究包括环境转变之进化论和复杂性,以及集合种群理论。

Richard "Dick" Levins
美国国家科学院(辞职)、古巴科学院英语Cuban Academy of Sciences罗伯特·伍德·约翰逊基金会英语Robert Wood Johnson Foundation美国公共卫生协会英语American Public Health Association
配偶罗莎里奥·莫拉雷斯(Rosario Morales,1950),2011年逝世;育有3子[1]
研究领域理论生态学进化生物学科学模型、回路分析、复杂性科学、科学哲学、“looking at the whole”
哈佛大学公共卫生学院英语Harvard School of Public Health
论文Theory of fitness in a heterogeneous environment, published by Essex Institute, New York, 1965(1965)


此外,莱文斯亦著作有关生物学建模的哲学论述。其中一篇具有影响力的作品是《种群生物学的建模策略》(The Strategy of Model Building in Population Biology)。其著作启发了许多当代的生物哲学家们。身为马克思主义的学者,莱文斯以马克思的学术著作《大纲》(Grundisse,即马克思另一著作《政治经济学》(Das Kapital)的手稿)作为基础架构,进而应用于“环境转变之进化论”(Evolution in changing environments)的相关研究。莱文斯并与进化论基因学者理查德·路温顿(Richard Lewontin)合作,于生物学的相关领域,例如方法论,哲学,及社会政策建议等方面,有相当丰富的著作,当中许多作品已被集结于《辩证生物学英语The Dialectical Biologist》一书。公元2007年,两位学者出版了专题论文集《影响生物学之著作:生态、农业与健康之辩证学文集》(Biology Under the Influence: Dialectical Essays on Ecology, Agriculture, and Health)。[2]

莱文斯亦曾偕同理查德·陆文顿以假名伊沙朵·那比(Isadore Nabi)发表了一系列讽刺社会学及生态系统建模论(systems modeling in ecology)的文章,并收到热烈回响。然而这位虚构的美国科学家那比及其虚构的学术成就,也显示了期刊编辑对作者真实身份疏于确认与调查的程度。



1930年6月1日,理查德·莱文斯出生于纽约市布鲁克林区[3]身为乌克兰犹太人后裔,莱文斯是在政治科学震荡的社会氛围当中,以及倾向共产主义的家庭环境下成长。十岁时,莱文斯深深到受马克思生物学者哈尔丹(J. B. S. Haldane)的作品所启发。莱文斯十分推崇哈尔丹,并认为哈尔丹的卓越贡献应该等同于科学界的爱因斯坦

进入康乃尔大学后,莱文斯修习农业以及数学。于1950年,莱文斯与波多黎各的作家罗莎里奥·莫拉雷斯(Rosario Morales)结婚。莱文斯毕业当时,由于被康乃尔大学列入黑名单,莱文斯夫妇两人只好移居波多黎各过着农牧生活,并且从事农村组织运动(rural organizing)。1956年,莱文斯夫妇返回纽约市,他于1965年获得哥伦比亚大学的博士学位。1961年至1967年期间,莱文斯成为波多黎各独立运动的重要活动人士。此外,1964年莱文斯首次造访古巴,由此机缘与古巴的生物学者们进行长期科学及政治的合作运动。然而,由于莱文斯参与波多黎克的独立运动以及反战争运动,波多黎各大学取消其终身教职。因此,于1967年莱文斯夫妇带着三个孩子(奥罗拉、里卡多以及亚历山大)移居芝加哥。于芝加哥大学任教期间,莱文斯结识路温顿。此外,莱文斯全家亦曾居住于新罕布夏州。后来接受学者威尔森(E.O. Wilson,稍后两人曾对社会生物学的观点展开辩论)的邀请与赞助,莱文斯夫妇迁居至哈佛。莱文斯也曾被美国国家科学研究院(US National Academy of Sciences)遴选为院士,但莱文斯辞去了该头衔,因为美国国家科学研究院在战争期间协助指导美国军队。由于莱文斯是若干政治组织的会员,包括美国共产党波多黎各共产党波多黎各独立运动英语Independence movement in Puerto Rico,以及波多黎各社会党英语Puerto Rican Socialist Party美国联邦调查局(FBI)曾因此一度将其列入调查名单。数十年来,莱文斯致力于将生态学应用至诸国的农业领域,尤其关怀经济处于劣势的发展中国家。

莱文斯有丰富的学术及实务经历。举例来说,莱文斯被授奖为人口科学的约翰·路克教授(John Rock Professor of Population Sciences[4]。此外,莱文斯于哈佛大学公共卫生学院之全球健康与人口学系(Global Health and Population)担任人口生态学计划(Human Ecology program)的主持人。[5][6]





在莱文斯的研究之前,原本群体遗传学假设环境是恒定的,而数学生态学也假设物种的基因组成是恒定的。然而,莱文斯的情境建模研究却发现在环境改变时,进化也开始出现。在莱文斯的建模研究中,最令人惊讶的发现是物竞天择(seleciton)未必使某个物种产生对环境最大的适应能力。相反地,有些物种会选择让自己灭绝。稍后,莱文斯将其1960年代在古巴授课的内容及研究成果集结成书,名称为《环境转变中的进化》(Evolution in Changing Environments)。此外,莱文斯广泛地将数学运算,包括若干自己提出的公式(当中若干运算在纯粹数学以及经济学界已被发现,但当时莱文斯并不知晓)。例如,莱文斯广泛将凸集理论应用于适合度集合(fitness sets)(类似J. R. Hicks的经济学公式),以及将赛渥·莱特的路径分析(Sewall Wright's path analysis)应用于因果反馈循环(causal feedback loops)的分析。



“集合种群”这个名称源自于莱文斯在1969年著作中的描述:种群的种群(population of populations)。[9]物种成群居住于适合的各个环境而组成斑块的亚种群(sub-population)。然而,这些地方种群系统可能会绝灭,也可能被其他地域迁徙过来的移民所定殖(colonization)。因此,当地种群的命运取决于绝灭以及被定殖两种力量的平衡。莱文斯引进一个建模系统来描述这平均斑块占领(average patch occupancy)的动态过程。受到莱文斯研究的影响,集合种群理论已然成为空间生态学(spatial ecology)、应用保育生物学(applications in conservation biology)、种群管理(population management),以及虫害控制学(pest control)的重要研究范畴。[10][11]




  • Levins, R. "Genetic Consequences of Natural Selection," in Talbot Waterman and Harold Morowitz, eds., Theoretical and Mathematical Biology, Yale, 1965, pp. 372–387.
  • Levins, R. The Strategy of Model Building in Population Biology. American Scientist. 1966, 54: 421–431. 
  • Levins, R. Evolution in Changing Environments, Princeton University Press, 1968.
  • Levins, R. "Some demographic and genetic consequences of environmental heterogeneity for biological control", Bulletin of the Entomological Society of America, 15:237–240, 1969.[9]
  • Levins, R. "Extinction", in M. Gerstenhaver, Editor. Some Mathematical Problems in Biology. American Mathematical Society, Providence, RI, Pages 77–104. In this historic paper, Levins coined the term 'metapopulation' (now widely used).
  • Levins, R. "Evolution in communities near equilibrium", in M. L. Cody and J.M. Diamond (eds) Ecology and Evolution of Communities, Harvard University Press, 1975.
  • Nabi, I., (pseud.) "An Evolutionary Interpretation of the English Sonnet: First Annual Piltdown Man Lecture on Man and Society," Science and Nature, no. 3, 1980, 71-73.
  • Levinsin, R., Haila, Y. Marxilaisena biologinen Yhdysvalloissa. Richard Levinsin haastattelu [Yrjö Haila]. Tiede & edistys 8(1):29-37 (1983).
  • Levins, R. and R.C. Lewontin, The Dialectical Biologist, Harvard University Press, 1985.
  • Puccia, C.J. and Levins, R. Qualitative Modeling of Complex Systems: An Introduction to Loop Analysis and Time Averaging, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA. 1986.
  • Levins, R. and Vandermeer, J. "The agroecosystem embedded in a complex ecological community" in: Carroll R.C., Vandermeer J. and Rosset P., eds., Agroecology, New York: Wiley and Sons, 1990.
  • Haila, Y., and Levins, R. Humanity and Nature, London: Pluto Press, 1992.
  • Grove, E.A.; Kocic, V.L.; Ladas, G.; Levins, R. Periodicity in a simple genotype selection model. Diff Eq and Dynamical Systems. 1993, 1 (1): 35–50. 
  • Awerbuch T.E. Evolution of mathematical models of epidemics. In: Wilson, Levins, and Spielman (eds).Disease in Evolution. New York Academy of Sciences, New York 1994, 225-231.
  • Wilson, M.页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆), Levins, R., and Spielman, A. (eds). Disease in Evolution页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆). New York Academy of Sciences, New York 1994
  • Levins, R.; Awerbuch, T.E.; Brinkman, U.Eckardt; Epstein, P.; Makhaoul, N.; Possas, C.A.; Puccia, C.; Spielman, A.; Wilson, M. Preparing for new diseases. American Scientist. 1994, 82: 52–60. 
  • Levins, R. Ten propositions on science and antiscience. Social Text. 1996, 46 (46/47): 101–111. JSTOR 466847. S2CID 13696213. doi:10.2307/466847. 
  • Awerbuch T.E., Brinkman, U., Eckardt, I., Epstein, P., Ford, T., Levins, R., Makhaoul, N., Possas, C.A., Puccia, C., Spielman, A., and Wilson, M., Globalization, development, and the spread of disease. In: Goldsmith and Mander (eds.) The Case Against the Global Economy, Sierra Club Books, 1996, 160–170.
  • Levins, R. "Touch Red," in Judy Kaplan and Linn Shapiro, eds., Red Diapers: Growing up in the Communist Left, U. of Illinois, 1998, pp. 257–266.
  • Levins, R. Dialectics and systems theory. Science and Society. 1998, 62 (3): 373–399. 
  • Levins, R. The internal and external in explanatory theories. Science as Culture. 1998, 7 (4): 557–582. doi:10.1080/09505439809526525. 
  • Levins, R.; Lopez, C. Toward an ecosocial view of health. International Journal of Health Services. 1999, 29 (2): 261–293. PMID 10379454. S2CID 37698734. doi:10.2190/wlvk-d0rr-kvbv-a1dh. 
  • Awerbuch T., Kiszewski A., and Levins, R., Surprise, Nonlinearity and Complex Behavior. In– Health Impacts of Global Environmental Change: Concepts and Methods; Martens and Mcmichael (eds), 96-102, 2002
  • Levins, R. Whose Scientific Method? Scientific Methods for a Complex World, New Solutions. New Solutions. 2003, 13 (3): 261–274. PMID 17208729. S2CID 9858874. doi:10.2190/q4tn-q9u2-er56-3t1r. 
  • Karpati, A.; Galea, S.; Awerbuch, T.; Levins, R. Variability and vulnerability at the ecological level: Implications for understanding the social determinants of health. American Journal of Public Health. 2002, 92 (11): 1768–1772. PMC 1447326 . PMID 12406806. doi:10.2105/ajph.92.11.1768. 
  • Awerbuch, T.E., Gonzalez, C., Hernandez, D., Sibat, R., Tapia, J.L., Levins, R., and Sandberg S., The natural control of the scale insect Lepidosaphes gloverii on Cuban citrus. Inter American Citrus Network newsletter No21/22, July 2004.
  • Awerbuch, T.; Levins, R.; Predescu, M. The Role of Seasonality in the Dynamics of Deer Tick Populations. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology. 2005, 67 (3): 467–486. PMID 15820738. S2CID 28410132. doi:10.1016/j.bulm.2004.08.003. 
  • Lewontin, R.C. and Levins, R., "Biology Under The Influence, Dialectical Essays on Ecology, Agriculture, and Health," New York: Monthly Review Press, 2007.
  • Predescu, M.; Levins, R.; Awerbuch, T.E. Analysis of a nonlinear system for community intervention in mosquito control. Discrete & Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series B. 2006, 6 (3): 605–622. doi:10.3934/dcdsb.2006.6.605 . 
  • Awerbuch T., and Levins, R. Mathematical Models for Health Policy. in Mathematical Models, [Eds. Jerzy A. Filar, and Jacek B. Krawczyk], in Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS), Developed under the Auspices of the UNESCO, Eolss Publishers, Oxford, UK, [1]页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆), 2006
  • Predescu, M., Sirbu, R., Levins, R., and Awerbuch T., On the Dynamics of a Deterministic and Stochastic Model for Mosquito Control. Applied Mathematics Letters, 20, 919-925, 2007.
  • Awerbuch, T.E., Levins, R., The Aging Heart and the Loss of Complexity—a Difference Equation Model. Preliminary report. American Mathematical Society, (1056-39-2059), presented at AMS Convention, San Francisco, California, January 13, 2010
  • Levins, R., Una pierna adentro, una pierna afuera页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆). CopIt ArXives & EditoraC3, Mexico. SC0005ES. ISBN 978-1-938128-073, 2015
  • Levins, R., Scientific Method for Today’s Market页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆), The Mathematical Intelligencer, 37 (1), 47-47, 2015 (March 1).


  1. ^ Ricardo Levins Morales Art Store - Political Art Posters, Note Cards, Buttons Minneapolis, MN RLM Arts. [2022-05-03]. (原始内容存档于2022-07-01). 
  2. ^ Lewontin, R., and Levins, R. 2007 (November 1). Biology Under the Influence: Dialectical Essays on Ecology, Agriculture, and Health, Monthly Review Press; First Edition (US), First Printing edition (November 1, 2007)页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆ISBN 978-1583671573
  3. ^ Aurora Levins Morales Blog: http://www.AuroraLevinsMorales.com/blog.html页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆
  4. ^ John Rock Professor of Population Sciences - Harvard Catalyst Profiles - Harvard Catalyst. (原始内容存档于2014-09-03). 
  5. ^ Stephen Jay Gould: What Does it Mean to Be a Radical?. [2022-05-03]. (原始内容存档于2019-04-01). 
  6. ^ Human Ecology, Course #: GHP253-01, basic course in the HSPH Program in Human Ecology 互联网档案馆存档,存档日期2014-09-11.
  7. ^ In memoriam: Richard Levins, ecologist, biomathematician, and philosopher of science, Harvard Chan School faculty memorial announcement, January 22, 2016. [2022-05-03]. (原始内容存档于2020-04-10). 
  8. ^ Richard Levins, 1930-2016. [2022-05-03]. (原始内容存档于2017-11-07). 
  9. ^ 9.0 9.1 Levins, R., Some demographic and genetic consequences of environmental heterogeneity for biological control, Bulletin of the Entomological Society of America, 1969, 15 (3): 237–240, S2CID 85600923, doi:10.1093/besa/15.3.237 
  10. ^ Hanski, Ilkka (ed.); Gaggiotti, Oscar E. (ed.). Ecology, genetics, and evolution of metapopulations. Elsevier Academic Press. 2004. ISBN 978-0-12-323448-3. 
  11. ^ Nouhuys, S. Metapopulation Ecology. Encyclopedia of Life Sciences. 2009. ISBN 978-0470016176. doi:10.1002/9780470015902.a0021905. 
  12. ^ TLAXCALA: LEVINS. [2022-05-03]. (原始内容存档于2016-03-04). 
  13. ^ Is human behavior controlled by our genes? Richard Levins reviews "The Social Conquest of Earth". Climate & Capitalism. August 2012 [2022-05-03]. (原始内容存档于2015-03-15). 
  14. ^ Richard Levins - Robert Wood Johnson Foundation - Investigator Awards in Health Policy Research. [2014-07-02]. (原始内容存档于2015-04-02). 
  15. ^ Education in Latin America: Challenges for Latin Americans, U.S. Latinos. Spring 1999, Richard Levins: Honorary Degree 互联网档案馆存档,存档日期2014-07-15.
  16. ^ Bienvenido a Yahoo Grupos.. [2014-07-02]. (原始内容存档于2014-07-15). 
  17. ^ College of the Atlantic commencement closes Bar Harbor school's 40th year. Bangor Daily News. June 3, 2012 [22 October 2014]. (原始内容存档于2016-11-11). 
  18. ^ Abstract of Milton Terris Global Health Award lecture: "One Foot in, One Foot out" 互联网档案馆存档,存档日期2015-04-02.
  19. ^ "The Truth is the Whole" 85th Birthday Celebration页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) at Harvard School of Public Health英语Harvard School of Public Health, May 21–23, 2015.
  20. ^ Awerbuch, T.英语Tamara Awerbuch-Friedlander, M. S. Clark, P. J. Taylor (eds), The Truth is the Whole: Essays in Honor of Richard Levins, The Pumping Station, 2018.

