

出生c. 1958[1]
  • Businessman
  • author
雇主Frito-Lay (retired 2019)





他辍学后曾担任劳工,1976年18岁时,受雇于Frito-Lay公司位于Rancho Cucamonga的工厂,担任清洁工[6][1]。根据Frito-Lay的记录,Montañez在1977年10月晋升为机器操作员[2],1993年秋季时已是高级机器操作员[7]

辣味奇多(Flamin' Hot Cheetos)


根据蒙塔涅兹的说法,当一台奇多(Cheetos)机器故障时,他带回了一批无味的小吃并用类似于墨西哥街头玉米的香料调味。[6][1]他将这一想法通过电话告诉了当时的CEO罗杰·恩里科(Roger Enrico),并被邀请进行当面演示,为此他在公立图书馆研究了市场营销。[6][1]蒙塔涅兹将该产品展示为针对不断增长的拉丁裔市场的商品,并提供了他手工装饰和密封的塑料袋中的样品。六个月后,该产品在洛杉矶进行了试销,并于1992年获得了全国发布的批准。[8]根据《新闻周刊》的报导,这款口味后来发展成一整条产品线,重新振兴了品牌并为公司带来了数十亿美元的收入。[1]

2021年5月,《洛杉矶时报》发表了一篇文章,质疑蒙塔涅兹的说法,报导称根据Frito-Lay的内部调查,他并没有创造辣味奇多。Frito-Lay的发言人表示:“我们重视理查德对公司的许多贡献,尤其是他对西班牙裔消费者的见解,但我们不将辣味奇多或任何辣味产品的创造归功于他。”[2]此外,《洛杉矶时报》的进一步报导显示,蒙塔涅兹的说法与该产品发布时间线上的其他事件不符,包括McCormick公司在1989年12月15日开发调味料并向Frito-Lay提供初始样品、1990年报导芝加哥、底特律、克利夫兰和休斯顿试销市场发布、以及罗杰·恩里科直到1991年才加入Frito-Lay,等等其他不准确之处。[9][10]内部调查是由于2018年Lynne Greenfeld的投诉而展开,她曾是管理开发单份包装辣味小吃团队的前员工。Frito-Lay的前销售代表Fred Lindsay在接受前员工访问时也被提到,他对早期开发辣味小吃具有影响力。然而,该文章指出,蒙塔涅兹确实从一个基层职位升至Frito-Lay的市场营销高管,他曾在1993年仍是机械操作员时参与推销新产品如辣味爆米花,随后是两种Fritos产品——辣味和酸橙辣椒玉米片[2][7]。曾与Frito-Lay合作的拉丁裔顾问Roberto Siewczynski澄清说,蒙塔涅兹描述的事件实际上发生在1994年的Sabrositas试销市场期间。[2]

在《洛杉矶时报》文章发布后,NPR记者Sarah Gonzalez为Planet Money的蒙塔涅兹采访节目进行了自己的调查,该节目在文章发布前已经播出。[3][4][11]根据Frito-Lay前高管Al Carey和罗杰·恩里科的前助手Patti Reuff的说法,[2]蒙塔涅兹推销了一个类似的产品,但这不可能早于1992年。Carey表示该产品获批并在加州销售,使用的是来自中西部的调味料。[3]Frito-Lay指出,蒙塔涅兹曾与Al Carey和Jim Rich在Rancho Cucamonga工厂见面,并展示了他和其他两人为拉丁裔消费者开发的几款产品,包括肉桂和辣味爆米花,以及辣味奇多。罗杰·恩里科并未出席,日期也无法确认,[12]因此无法确定这是否是蒙塔涅兹、Carey和Reuff描述的那次会议。[13]

蒙塔涅兹在《洛杉矶时报》文章后接受《综艺》采访时坚持自己的说法,表示他在测试市场前被排除在开发过程之外,且由于他在公司的低职位,他的贡献未被记录。[14]电影《火辣奇多的诞生》的编剧Lewis Colick则表示,即便故事并非完全真实,但也有“足够”的真实部分。[15]百事公司发布声明支持蒙塔涅兹对公司的贡献,表示该事件已对他们与蒙塔涅兹及拉丁裔社区的珍贵友谊造成“压力”。尽管该声明称“我们与媒体分享的信息被一些人误解”,但并未反驳或否认《洛杉矶时报》的报导。[16]




蒙塔涅兹撰写了两本基于其生活经历的书:《一个男孩、一个卷饼和一块饼干》(A Boy, a Burrito, and a Cookie)和《辣味奇多:从清洁工到高级主管的一个人的不可思议真实故事》(Flamin' Hot: The Incredible True Story of One Man's Rise from Janitor to Top Executive)。[19][20]他也是由伊娃·朗歌莉亚执导的传记片《火辣奇多的诞生》的主角。[21]


  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Writer, Andrew Whalen. The True Story of the Flamin' Hot Cheetos Inventor Richard Montañez. Newsweek. 2019-08-27 [2024-07-20] (英语). 
  2. ^ 2.00 2.01 2.02 2.03 2.04 2.05 2.06 2.07 2.08 2.09 The man who didn't invent Flamin' Hot Cheetos. Los Angeles Times. 2021-05-16 [2024-07-20] (美国英语). 
  3. ^ 3.0 3.1 3.2 Sarah Gonzalez (May 12, 2021). Hot Cheetos. NPR.
  4. ^ 4.0 4.1 Sarah Gonzalez (May 12, 2021). Hot Cheetos (Podcast). Planet Money.
  5. ^ Gwen Aviles (August 28, 2019). The story behind the Flamin' Hot Cheetos creator is great. Eva Longoria is making it into a movie. NBC News.
  6. ^ 6.0 6.1 6.2 Elkins, Kathleen. How Richard Montañez says he went from the factory floor to an exec at PepsiCo. CNBC. 2018-03-27 [2024-07-20] (英语). 
  7. ^ 7.0 7.1 David Hage & Linda Grant (December 6, 1993). How to make America work: Crunching rivals with resourceful workers. U.S. News & World Report, p. 52
  8. ^ Zachary Crockett (November 29, 2017). How a janitor at Frito-Lay invented Flamin' Hot Cheetos. The Hustle.
  9. ^ Frito Lay Is Munching On The Competition. Bloomberg.com. 1992-08-24 [2024-07-20] (英语). 
  10. ^ Physicist, Activist, PepsiCo CEO to Speak at Yale. YaleNews. 1999-03-05 [2024-07-20] (英语). 
  11. ^ Sarah Aida Gonzalez [@GonzalezSarahA] (May 17, 2021). Since @PlanetMoney put out an episode on Hot Cheetos, another story has come out about a competing claim. That piece quotes Frito-Lay as saying Richard Montañez was not involved "in any capacity in the Flamin' Hot test market." Frito-Lay gave us more nuanced statements. 1/14. Twitter.
  12. ^ Sarah Aida Gonzalez [@GonzalezSarahA] (May 17, 2021). Frito-Lay said: "Al Carey and Jim Rich attended a meeting at the Rancho Cucamonga plant during which Richard Montañez and two other individuals presented several products developed for Latino consumers, including cinnamon and spicy popcorn, and spicy Cheetos." 10/14". Twitter.
  13. ^ Sarah Aida Gonzalez [@GonzalezSarahA] (May 17, 2021). Frito-Lay also said "Roger Enrico was not present at this meeting." They were unable to confirm the date of the meeting, or whether it was the same meeting Montañez, and Enrico's former assistant, Patti Reuff, described. 11/14. Twitter.
  14. ^ Shafer, Ellise. Disputed Flamin’ Hot Cheetos Inventor Responds to Frito-Lay’s Claims: ‘I Was Their Greatest Ambassador’. Variety. 2021-05-16 [2024-07-20] (美国英语). 
  15. ^ Maddaus, Gene. ‘Flamin’ Hot’ Screenwriter Defends Cheetos Movie: ‘Enough of the Story Is True’. Variety. 2021-05-18 [2024-07-20] (美国英语). 
  16. ^ Maddaus, Gene. PepsiCo Defends Richard Montañez, Claims Earlier Statements Were ‘Misconstrued’. Variety. 2021-05-22 [2024-07-20] (美国英语). 
  17. ^ Diane Stafford (October 15, 2013). 'Flamin' Hot Cheetos' idea takes janitor away from mopping floors and into the executive jet. The Kansas City Star.
  18. ^ Jensen Toussaint (October 29, 2019). The success story of Richard Montañez: From janitor to vice president. AL DÍA.
  19. ^ Enrique Castillo (April 1, 2014). Richard Montanez's book "A Boy, a Burrito and a Cookie" Universally Inspires. LatinHeat.
  20. ^ Flamin' Hot: The Incredible True Story of One Man's Rise from Janitor to Top Executive. Penguin.
  21. ^ Dave McNary (August 26, 2019). Eva Longoria to Direct Biopic About Flamin' Hot Cheetos Creator. Variety.

