圣母升天 (波提契尼)

圣母升天》(意大利语Assunzione della Vergine,英语:Assumption of the Virgin;创作于1475年-1476年)是弗朗切斯科·波提契尼绘制在木板上的一幅关于圣母升天蛋彩画,也是他为佛罗伦萨一所修道院绘制的单幅祭坛画,现藏于国家美术馆

圣母升天,228.6 x 377.2 cm



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  • History of Painting in Italy by Crowe, Joseph Archer and Giovanni Battista Cavalcaselle
  • Descriptive and historical catalogue of the pictures in the National Gallery: with biographical notices of the painters - Foreign schools; National Gallery, 1906