

电磁超表面磁超表面electromagnetic metasurface)、超表面metasurface)是指具有亚波长厚度的人造片材。亚波长尺度图案,可以有结构化,也可以没结构化。[1][2][3]








“An alternative approach that has gained increasing attention in recent years deals with one- and two-dimensional (1D and 2D) plasmonic arrays with subwavelength periodicity, also known as metasurfaces. Due to their negligible thickness compared to the wavelength of operation, metasurfaces can (near resonances of unit cell constituents) be considered as an interface of discontinuity enforcing an abrupt change in both the amplitude and phase of the impinging light”.[7]



“Our results can be understood using the concept of a metasurface, a periodic array of scattering elements whose dimensions and periods are small compared with the operating wavelength”.[8]



“Metasurfaces based on thin films”. A highly absorbing ultrathin film on a substrate can also be considered as a metasurface, with properties not occurring in natural materials.[3] Following this definition, the thin metallic films such as that in superlens英语superlens are also the early type of metasurfaces.[9]




电磁超表面的研究由来已久。早在1902年,罗伯特·威廉斯·伍德英语Robert W. Wood就发现亚波长金属光栅反射光谱具有暗区。这现象命名为伍德异常,并引领在金属表面激发的特定电磁波,表面等离子体极化激元的发现[10]。随后,另一重要现象,列维-奇维塔关系发现了亚波长厚膜可导致电磁边界条件骤变。,[11]

一般来说,超表面可以包括一些传统微波频谱概念,例如频率选择表面(FSS)、阻抗片、甚至欧姆片。微波条件下,这些超表面的厚度可以远小于操作波长(例如,波长的1/1000),因为对于高导电金属来说,集肤深度可能很小。最近,一些新现象证明,如超表面能超宽频相干。结果表明,0.3nm薄膜可吸收射频微波太赫兹频率上的所有电磁波。 [12][13][14]

光学应用中,抗反射涂层英语anti-reflective coating也可以被视为一种简单的超表面,正如瑞利勋爵首先观察到的那样。





除了梯度超表面透镜外,基于超表面的超透镜通过使用倏逝波提供了波前的另一种程度控制。利用超薄金属层中的表面等离子体,可以实现完美的成像和超分辨率光刻,这打破了所有光学透镜系统都受到衍射限制的普遍假设,这种现象称为衍射极限英语diffraction limit[29][30]

另一有前景的应用是在隐形技术领域。目标的雷达截面英语radar cross-section通常透过辐射吸收材料英语radiation-absorbent material或透过目标的特定形状缩小,以将散射能量重新引导远来源。不幸是辐射吸收材料英语radiation-absorbent material频带功能很窄,限制了目标空气动力学性能。但已合成超表面可使用任一阵列理论或广义斯涅耳定律[31][32]将散射能量从源重定向[33][34][35]。这使得目标具有空气动力学上有利的形状并减少降低目标雷达截面英语radar cross-section













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