
在英语语法中,独立主格结构(英语:nominative absolute)是一种独立结构。它是一个句子的一部分,用作句子的修饰语(通常位于句子的开头或结尾)。独立主格结构提供有关主句主语动词的附加信息。在其他印欧语系语言中,与之类似的还有拉丁语独立离格结构英语Latin syntax#Ablative absolute古希腊语独立属格结构梵语中的独立方位格结构。




包含独立主格结构的句子 转化后的主从复句 句意
The dragon slain, the knight took his rest. Because the dragon was slain, the knight took his rest. 因为龙被杀死了,骑士就休息了。
The battle over, the soldiers trudged back to the camp. When the battle was over, the soldiers trudged back to the camp. 战斗结束后,士兵们跋涉回到营地。
The truck finally loaded, they said goodbye and drove off. After the truck was finally loaded, they said goodbye and drove off. 卡车终于装好后,他们告别并开车离开了。
We sit side by side, our legs touching, comfortable in the warm silence our two bodies create. With our legs touching, we sit side by side, comfortable in the warm silence our two bodies create. 我们并排坐着,双腿相触,在两个身体创造的温暖寂静中感到舒适。
Spring advancing, the swallows arrived. When spring was advancing, the swallows arrived. 当春天来临时,燕子来了。

