
野生动物通道是一种容许动物安全通过人造障碍的建筑物。野生动物通道可以是地下道[1]高架桥[2](多为大型或兽群动物)、两栖类隧道、鱼道星悬桥英语canopy bridge(通常用于猴子和松鼠)、隧道涵洞(用于较小型动物例如水獭箭猪)及绿屋顶(蝴蝶和鸟类)[3]

佛罗里达州道46号英语Florida State Road 46在此高架跨过。通道两侧都有围栏

野生动物通道是保护栖息地英语habitat conservation的一种方法,让栖息地接通或再接通,阻止栖息地碎片化英语habitat fragmentation。野生动物通道也可避免动物因道路致死现象,不但减少杀害或伤害野生动物,也可防止伤害人类和导致财物损失


  1. ^ Van Der Ree, Rodney; Heinze, Dean; McCarthy, Michael; Mansergh, Ian. Wildlife Tunnel Enhances Population Viability (PDF). Ecology and Society. December 2009, 14 (2): 7. JSTOR 26268295 . doi:10.5751/ES-02957-140207 . (原始内容存档 (PDF)于July 9, 2020). 
  2. ^ Green bridges: Safer travel for wildlife (新闻稿). Natural England. July 31, 2015. (原始内容存档于August 6, 2020). 
  3. ^ About Green Roofs: Advantages. Scandinavian Green Roof Association. [July 20, 2012]. (原始内容存档于2016-04-06). In the places where there isn’t enough ground space for green space, the green corridors, and the habitats for animals don’t have to be discontinued, if the flat roofs are used.