阮久潭越南语Nguyễn Cửu Đàm阮久潭;?—1777年),越南广南阮主官员。

阮久潭是阮久云的儿子。他在阮福淳在位期间担任嘉定调遣。1769年,柬埔寨乌迭二世安农二世争夺王位,暹罗郑昭昭披耶·扎克里 (穆)率兵携安农二世归国继位。乌迭出奔河仙。阮久潭奉命,同陈福成一起率军攻打柬埔寨,驱逐安农,使乌迭得以夺回王位。

1771年,暹罗出兵攻占河仙。1772年,阮久潭、陈福成奉命,配合宋福洽,出兵柬埔寨。河仙的丢失使嘉定受到威胁,阮久潭在1772年在西贡周围建立了城墙,以防御南方的领地。越南学者阮廷头英语Nguyễn Đình Đầu认为,从此以后西贡才成为一座真正意义上的城市。[1]


  1. ^ Erik Harms Saigon's Edge: On the Margins of Ho Chi Minh City 2011 - Page 37 "Although most sources identify the founding of what is now Ho Chi Minh City with the military occupation of the area, the naming of districts, and the establishment of administrative works by Nguyễn Hữu Cảnh in 1698, Professor Nguyễn Đình Đầu argues that it did not become a true "city" until Nguyễn Cửu Đàm built an 8.5km crescent wall (Bán Bích Lũy) in 1772 to protect it against the Siamese threat."