原金梭鱼属(学名:Protosphyraena),也叫原魣属,是外型像剑旗鱼的一群已灭绝鱼类,分布范围可能遍布上白垩纪时期的全球海域,其化石在欧洲及亚洲都有发现,但最著名的发现地点是在美国尼奥布拉拉组(Niobrara Formation)的斯莫基山段(Smoky Hill Member)。原金梭鱼的体型很大,全长 2 至 3 米。它们与当时许多的水生爬虫类,如沧龙科及蛇颈龙亚目等动物都一起生活在白垩纪的海洋。其学名的意思是“原始的金梭鱼”,分别由希腊文“早期的”pró̱tos/πρώτος 及金梭鱼的属名 sphyraena 组合而成,当时古生物学家将其误认为是金梭鱼的祖先。近期的研究显示它们与真正的剑旗鱼并非近亲,而是属于今已灭绝的厚茎鱼科。
原金梭鱼属 化石时期:白垩纪晚期
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原金梭鱼的头颅骨 | |
原金梭鱼的一种 P. perniciosa | |
科学分类 | |
界: | 动物界 Animalia |
门: | 脊索动物门 Chordata |
纲: | 辐鳍鱼纲 Actinopteri |
目: | †厚茎鱼目 Pachycormiformes |
科: | †厚茎鱼科 Pachycormidae |
属: | 原金梭鱼属 Protosphyraena Leidy, 1857 |
种 | |
编辑原金梭鱼的分类历史十分混乱。吉迪恩·曼特尔最初于1822年在英格兰发现了它们的胸脊化石。[1]约瑟夫·莱迪于1857年就将之命名为Protosphyraena ferox。[2]不过,莱迪自己就于较早前发表了误会属于恐龙的原金梭鱼牙齿。于1870年代,爱德华·德林克·科普就命名了三个物种:Erisichte nitida、"Portheus" gladius及"Pelecopterus" pernicciosus,但其实都是属于原金梭鱼的。[3][4][5][6]1895年及1903年之间,美国及英格兰的古生物学家不断复检此属,令对之有更多的认识。[7][8][9]
现时已知有四个原金梭鱼的物种:闪耀原金梭鱼(P. nitida)、恶毒原金梭鱼(P. perniciosa)、P. gladius及P. bentonianum。前三者是于肯萨斯州的尼奥布拉拉白垩层发现,最后者则是在Greenhorn组发现。最古老的原金梭鱼遗骸则是在达科他沙岩(Dakota Sandstone)发现。[10]
编辑- ^ Mantell, G. The fossils of the South Downs; or illustrations of the geology of Sussex. London: Lupton Relfe. 1822: xiv + 327 pp.
- ^ Leidy, J. Remarks on Saurocephalus and its allies. Transactions of the American Philosophical Society. 1857, 11: 91–95.
- ^ Cope, E. D. On an extinct genus of saurodont fishes. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. 1873, 24: 280–281.
- ^ Cope, E. D. On two new species of Saurodontidae. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. 1873, 25: 337–9.
- ^ Cope, E. D. Review of the vertebrata of the Cretaceous period found west of the Mississippi River. U. S. Geolological Survey of the Territories, Bulletin. 1874, 1 (2): 3–48.
- ^ Cope, E. D. The Vertebrata of the Cretaceous Formations of the West. Report of the U. S. Geological Survey of the Territories. 1875, 2 (Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office): 302 pp [2010-01-05]. (原始内容存档于2012-02-06).
- ^ Woodward, A. S. Catalogue of the fossil fishes in the British Museum. Part 3. London: British Museum of Natural History. 1895: pp. i–xliii, 1–544.
- ^ Loomis, F. B. Die anatomie und die verwandtschaft der Ganoid-und Knochen-fische aus der Kreide-Formation von Kansas, U.S.A. Palaeontographica. 1900, 46: 213–83.
- ^ Hay, O. P. On certain genera and species of North American Cretaceous Actinopterous Fishes. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History. 1903, 19: 1–95.
- ^ 10.0 10.1 Everhart, M. J. Oceans of Kansas: A Natural History of the Western Interior Sea. Indiana University Press. 2005: 323 pp.
- Stewart, A. 1900. Teleosts of the Upper Cretaceous. The University Geological Survey of Kansas 6:257-403.
编辑- Protosphyraena: A Late Cretaceous "Swordfish" (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) at the Oceans of Kansas website. Includes detailed taxonomic history, life restorations, bibliography, many photos of fossil remains.
- The most complete skeleton of Protosphyraena pernicosa yet found (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆), on display at the Rocky Mountain Dinosaur Resource Center.